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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

I think Freeland is the only grown-up in this government, hence why we don’t hear from her that often. She seems to be the only one not in the CCP cult.

She's an anti-communist thanks to her Ukrainian roots.....I'd say that Anad is not a fan of the CCP as well. The names trickle to a halt after that.
She's an anti-communist thanks to her Ukrainian roots.....I'd say that Anad is not a fan of the CCP as well. The names trickle to a halt after that.
I’d rank adulthood as follows:

1. Anand. I find her principled and she’s a performer not only on the Defence file, but other related files.
2. Freeland. I’m less generous with her. She’s strong on UKR, but that’s personalized; she bends with the PMO’s wind on other files (financial, environmental, social).
3.-99. n/a 😔
I think Freeland is the only grown-up in this government, hence why we don’t hear from her that often. She seems to be the only one not in the CCP cult.

Our Minister of Everything doesn't have to be. She's tied at the hip with George Soros and is a trustee on the Board at WEF. She's involved with the CCP at a level above Canadian politics.
Sam Cooper’s new Substack is live. The Indians are also involved in their own influence operations here.

Intelligence officials repeatedly warned Justin Trudeau’s government that China views Canada as a “permissive environment to pursue its interference activities” and Beijing’s incursions wouldn’t diminish unless Ottawa pushed back, according to a secret June 2019 report drafted by NSICOP, Parliament’s intelligence review body.

But four years later, an investigation by The Bureau – including exclusive access to the June 2019 document – finds the Trudeau Government has not only failed to counter a stunning scale of interference involving Chinese diplomats in Canada, but also similar alleged election-meddling from Indian officials “interfering and influencing voting in favour of … pro-India candidates.”
Sam Cooper’s new Substack is live. The Indians are also involved in their own influence operations here.

an absolutely stunning condemnation of our current government. Yet Singh will do nothing. Is it possible for an individual citizen or a group to have the PM charged with treason?
She's an anti-communist thanks to her Ukrainian roots.....I'd say that Anad is not a fan of the CCP as well. The names trickle to a halt after that.
Both Freeland and Anand have more balls than the rest of the cabinet combined.

Melanie Jolie? I give her more thumbs down than thumbs up. She’ll have to improve a lot to gain my confidence in her.
Both Freeland and Anand have more balls than the rest of the cabinet combined.

Melanie Jolie? I give her more thumbs down than thumbs up. She’ll have to improve a lot to gain my confidence in her.
She is the weakest person in caucus but continues to fail up.
I don't believe for one second this boils down to incompetence. People in these positions are calculating. They knew, and they did nothing because it was benefiting them electorally. They are using all kinds of BS to claim plausible deniability.
There is a level of incompetence that is indistinguishable from malice.
I’d say it’s more a combination of naïvety, greed, and incompetence. I don’t think anyone is purposefully acting treasonous, just self-interested.
Podcast with Terry Glavin and Sam Cooper.
