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Chinese Military,Political and Social Superthread

Chinese interference - compare and contrast

Conservatives warned by MI5 that two potential MPs could be Chinese spies​

An unnamed source said it was 'made very clear' the two hopefuls posed a risk

ByTelegraph Reporters12 September 2023 • 11:22pm

The Conservative Party dropped two potential candidates to become MPs after MI5 warned they could be Chinese spies, it has been reported.
It comes as ministers continue to face questions about allegations of espionage in Westminster after the arrest of a parliamentary researcher on suspicion of spying for Beijing.
The Times said the security service advised the Tory Party in 2021 and 2022 that the two MP hopefuls should not be included on the central list of candidates.
The newspaper cited an unnamed source as saying: “It was made very clear that they posed a risk.
“They were subsequently blocked from the candidates list. They weren’t told why.”
A Conservative Party spokesman told the paper: “When we receive credible information regarding security concerns over potential candidates we act upon them.”
The claims will fuel debates about the UK’s relationship with China following the arrest of the staffer under the Official Secrets Act.
The Briton was arrested along with another man by officers on March 13 on suspicion of spying for Beijing, it was revealed by the Sunday Times.
Officers from the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command, which oversees espionage-related offences, are investigating.
One of the men, in his 30s, was detained in Oxfordshire on March 13, while the other, in his 20s, was arrested in Edinburgh, Scotland Yard said.
Both were held on suspicion of offences under Section 1 of the Official Secrets Act 1911, which punishes offences that are said to be “prejudicial to the safety or interests of the state”.
They have been bailed until early October.
The arrests were only revealed at the weekend and the researcher at the centre of the row had links with senior Tories including security minister Tom Tugendhat and Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns.
The allegations have led to increased pressure from China “hawks” on the Tory benches for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to toughen his stance towards Beijing.
From the National Post's First Reading.


This is Conservative MP Michael Chong testifying before the United States Congress on Tuesday. As a particularly vocal critic of Beijing who has family living in Hong Kong, Chong has long been at the sharp end of Chinese attempts to harass Canadian politicians. One interesting tip that Chong proffered to the Americans: They should fund the easy distribution of VPNs into authoritarian states in order to make it easier for citizens to bypass government censorship of the internet. Chong compared it to how the U.S. used shortwave radios to get forbidden news into the Soviet Bloc during the Cold War. PHOTO BY UNITED STATES CONGRESS

All things considered that picture of Biden berating Trudeau while Sunak looks on could just as easily have been Trudeau getting lectured about playing nice with Modi. Canada should be in great position to exploit its links with India. But that would upset China with whom the Liberal Party has vested interests. And India is one of those British things anyway.

It is noteworthy that the Indian press is more likely to be touting Russian weapons and economic successes and prowess on the battlefield in Ukraine.

If you wanted to pull BRICS apart India would be the target.
Yes. It could mean a final roll of the dice on Taiwan. Or, it could mean a fade to black.

Or anything in between.
I have to think that Xi knows that all TSMC semiconductor foundries/fabrication plants are prepped to BIP if he tries anything kinky across the Straits. The 1-2nm production capability of TSMC has been being replicated in the US (and some other interesting locations…hello Israel) for almost half a decade. Quanzhou to Tainan/Taipei will take far longer than the BIP order…and then Xi and China have nothing but a huge problem on their hands becoming a global pariah that would make VVP and Russia look like amateur hour.
China in collapse?

Peter Zeihan seems to think so…

China's one child policy introduced in 1979.

21+23=44 years ago.

44 years ago the locals started eliminating girls. Their one child was going to be a boy.
Those girls that survived are now 44 years old.
The ones that predated the policy are now menopausal.

Most women experience menopause between ages 40 and 58. The average age is 51. Physical changes begin years before the final menstrual period. This transition phase is called perimenopause and may last for 4 to 8 years.

The one child policy ended in 2015.

The 1979 cohort was 36 years old.

Definition of geriatric pregnancyWe define advanced maternal age (formerly geriatric pregnancy) as those who are 35 years or older at their estimated delivery date. Historically, pregnancies at this age or older are considered at higher risk – for patient and fetus – for various reasons.Nov 22, 2022

Another fine example of social engineering. Biology wins.

Edit to correct my arithmetic.
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China's one child policy introduced in 1979.

21+23=46 years ago.

46 years ago the locals started eliminating girls. Their one child was going to be a boy.
Those girls that survived are now 46 years old.
The ones that predated the policy are now menopausal.

The one child policy ended in 2015.

The 1979 cohort was 36 years old.

Another fine example of social engineering. Biology wins.
Well the Russians now have a lot of single women…
Well the Russians now have a lot of single women…
babushka love GIF

Fill your boots!
I have to think that Xi knows that all TSMC semiconductor foundries/fabrication plants are prepped to BIP if he tries anything kinky across the Straits. The 1-2nm production capability of TSMC has been being replicated in the US (and some other interesting locations…hello Israel) for almost half a decade. Quanzhou to Tainan/Taipei will take far longer than the BIP order…and then Xi and China have nothing but a huge problem on their hands becoming a global pariah that would make VVP and Russia look like amateur hour.
Does he know, though?

Who tells him anything negative?
I guess it’s possible he doesn’t, but that would most likely be through willfully discounting advice/insight…yeah, never mind…you’re probably right…if Putler is any basis for extrapolation… 😉
If they want to stay breathing, which of his Generals/Admirals is going to tell him anything other than that they can do the job in three days and the Taiwanese will greet them with flowers and parades?

Otherwise, you get sent to the Gobi Desert for “Defeatism”….
Which makes it dangerous. Similar to how Russia's collapse/decline led it to the Ukraine invasion.
IMHO it’s just wishful thinking. The CCP would not allow that to happen. They would replace Xi with some other puppett o placate the dissenters within the party as well as those within the general population. China‘s government would collapse if and only if the absolute worst case economic scenario occurred and people were starving to death…just look at North Korea where much of its population is often on the verge of starving. Too much government control is invested in the media which would control any negative fallout.