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Civilian Police Officers Joining Reserves

Bob Fisher said:
perhaps I should do those courses, get my chevron, then try for TPS?

It might not hurt to drop your application off, Bob. I don't know how fast they process them. You will like love their new College:
By the way, it says they are re-locating the Toronto Scottish there from Fort York Armoury. How's that for convenience!
"The Department of National Defence (DND) opens its new armoury for the Toronto Scottish Regiment on the property Sept. 12. DND funded $15-million of the facility's $75-million pricetag."
noneck said:
So far one of the best policies is that of the City of Calgary. They top up all of their city employees wages while they are on work up and deployed....pretty kick ***!

We have been working on our short term leave policy with limited success.  You won't find a better arrangement in Canada than what CPS offers for its members. 

Bob Fisher said:
Thanks for the advice, and that thread is indeed very helpful!
The only difference with me is that I already have my BMQ from a short stint in the reg force. Thus, I was told that I could get both my SQ and QL3 next summer once re-enrolled.
So in my case, perhaps I should do those courses, get my chevron, then try for TPS?

If you haven't started the process with Toronto and are on course for sure, you might want to wait.  But if you can get on TPS or anywhere for that matter, definitely do that.  The Army isn't going anywhere and you can pick up those courses at any point. 
Without naming anyone, I do know at least one Res MP who is a fill-time member of a civilian police force, and they were very supportive of his military activities. For example, topping up his salary while he's on army courses.
Bob Fisher said:
I have applied to a reserve infantry unit, and I am also considering applying to Toronto Police Services for my full-time career. Does anyone know if one may pursue both careers simultaneously? That is, does TPS allow time off for courses etc.?

Bob, it's too late to add this in my reply to you.
In Toronto, "Military Leave Policy" makes no distinction as to what work you do for the City. That is, whether you are a Police Officer, or a Marine Steam Engineer, or an Arena-Pool Operator, it makes no difference. All City employees are covered by the same Policy, which comes down from the Corporate level.
The only limitation is if a manager - of any Job Classification - cannot spare you for Military Leave. For example, if too many members request Leave at the same time, either by plan or coincidence. You can't put an unreasonable burden on your manager to accommodate. With the City, seniority is most often the deciding factor in such cases. It also helps if your City job is comparable to your Reserve job. eg: A Heavy Equipment Operator HEO compares to an MSE Op. A Police Officer to an MP. The skill sets and experience you acquire will be a win-win for both employers, and will likely enhance your promotional opportunities.
On the other hand, employees who constantly request scheduling considerations, for whatever good reasons, are sooner or later considered to be "high maintenance" aka "administrative burden" by even the most tolerant manager.
Not to be pessimistic, but the way Toronto is headed, I would think that TPS members with MP and Intelligence connections would be considered "valuable assets" by the Mayor's Office.

Incidentally, I stumbled across a site. I don't know it, and don't vouch for it.
FYI, if interested:
"This site is not an official DND site."
It's been a while since the last post here, but the information was good so I chose not to start a new thread.
I'm looking for information on current policies for Ontario Police Services especially that deal with military leave.

I wouldn't mind seeing CPS policy as well since it seems to be the gold standard. I am currently a police officer myself, recently joined the reserves... So far it's a great combination and a feel blessed for the opportunity. My police force policies though are more 1970 than 2011 and I'm taking the initiative to draft
some prospective changes. Pm's would be appreciated too.

bolt said:
I'm looking for information on current policies for Ontario Police Services especially that deal with military leave.

This is Corporate policy for The City of Toronto. It does not matter which Agency, Board, Commission, Department or Service you belong to, or what your job title is:

bolt said:
I wouldn't mind seeing CPS policy as well since it seems to be the gold standard.

Calgary? If so, it is the first link on the page.
City of Calgary: "Military Leave for Reservists":

bolt said:
My police force policies though are more 1970 than 2011 and I'm taking the initiative to draft
some prospective changes.

In the 1970's, the city I worked for had no military leave policy. Military leave is relatively recent ( 1999 ).