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Close Area Suppression Weapon (was Company Area Suppression Weapon)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marc22
  • Start date Start date

I have the in-depth weight comparison at work and I'll send it to you tomorrow.

They go very in depth with each system, how much X amount of fire missions would weigh, and what effect that would have on the enemy, etc.  It's a good write-up, but as stated what I don't like about it is that it treats the FCS like it already exists.
Petamocto said:

I have the in-depth weight comparison at work and I'll send it to you tomorrow.

They go very in depth with each system, how much X amount of fire missions would weigh, and what effect that would have on the enemy, etc.  It's a good write-up, but as stated what I don't like about it is that it treats the FCS like it already exists.
I have it as well, as well as the pam from the UK army on their GMG (Same system, the HK). But I don't trust what they say the ammo can do to the enemy: they also said that 25mm  HEI-T was junk and was ineffective vs infantry in the open.  I'm pretty sure we both know that they were wrong.

Edit to add:  I went with 3 minutes of fire, assuming of course the rate of fire for the AGLS.  I assume about 3 minutes of fire from the time either system would shoot (from initial contact) to until Artillery can start landing.  So, 2-3 minutes from contact, plus 3 minutes of fire = ~6 minutes of quick integral fire before the artillery kicks in.  Of course, the AGLS weighs a metric poop load, so it's still in the FOB on FOB defensive duties.
Technoviking said:
I have it as well, as well as the pam from the UK army on their GMG (Same system, the HK)...

Haha, is that the one I gave you?  (That the guy in the office beside you gave me).

PS - The LAV is great, I admit, but stop giving the thing a reach-around already!  ;)  We get it, you think it's the answer to everything...
Petamocto said:
PS - The LAV is great, I admit, but stop giving the thing a reach-around already!  ;)  We get it, you think it's the answer to everything...
hey, what I do in the turret when nobody is looking is my business! ;D
Technoviking said:
Hell, they may as well have. 

I for one am sick and tired of getting terminal ballistics "lessons" and bullshit on this from non-infantry people.  Especially this little gem:

Ok , since when did you get involved in Infantry Weapons procurement?  Why the “we”?  Tell you what, leave the killing to us, the armour and the artillery, and just breach for us, ok?  Don’t worry, if we use you as infantry, we’ll let you lug the AGLS around: you can have it.  But right now, we have in the infantry platoon a “broad spectrum of overlapping capabilities with blah blah blah”.  An AGL that is too heavy to carry adds nothing of value.  I couldn’t care less if it slices, dices and makes julienne fries, if you can’t lug it around, it may as well be a paperweight.

Offside. 10 yard penalty, soldier boy.  Plenty of thumperhead blood on the ground over there too, y'know.  Breach your own fucking obstacles and sort out your own IEDs, hero.
Kat Stevens said:
Offside. 10 yard penalty, soldier boy.  Plenty of thumperhead blood on the ground over there too, y'know.  Breach your own fucking obstacles and sort out your own IEDs, hero.
Boy?  Hero?  I am neither.  I'm just a man who's standing by what he said. 

(and I'm well aware of the thumperhead blood on the ground over there.  There's a reason why the Engineers have "UBIQUE" as their Battle Honour, because they truly are everywhere.  They do thankless work, and for that, I salute them)

Technoviking said:
I for one am sick and tired of getting terminal ballistics "lessons" and bullshit on this from non-infantry people.
If you want to bring a new capability into the forces, that goes no where unless you can sell the idea to a bunch of civilians in treasury board.  Before you can sell it to there, you have to sell the idea to PMB with its representation of Navy, Air Force and Civilian staff.  Yet some how you are going to suggest that a member of another combat arm, with formal ballistics training, is unqualified to discuss with you because only the infantry can understand? 

We afford a certain weight of truth to the conclusions & opinion of a SME.  However, when a SME is challenged with logically formed arguments based in fact, that SME is still expected to back-up their position with their own logically formed counter-arguments.  Ad hominem is not a logical argument, so you can just drop attacking capbadges.

If you really have a problem with what I’ve presented, then why don’t you address that?  You believe I just don't understand - so clearly you must be able to put together the counter arguments to show me wrong.  Instead, most of your argument has focused on theatrics, attacking the messenger, or nit-picking on the periphery. 

Technoviking said:
Ok , since when did you get involved in Infantry Weapons procurement?
As can be seen in project documentation, the CASW project was procuring for more than just infantry.  It is not just an infantry weapon.

Technoviking said:
An AGL that is too heavy to carry adds nothing of value.
Bull – and, in the event you want to write off that statement for being from out side the Infantry, others from the infantry have called you on this too.

As per B-GL-392-001/FP-001, “each weapon is used according to its characteristics”- that is capabilities & limitations.  You claim to acknowledge this, yet you continue to deny the capability and to describe the weapon as simply the sum of its limitations.  The weapon has both and there are fitting uses inside of those capabilities & limitations even at the platoon level.

If you go back through all my posts, you will note that I have not stated that this is the right weapon for an infantry platoon.  My argument with you all along has simply been that your “nothing of value” conclusion is so exaggerated as to be dishonest.  This weapon does offer a significant increase in firepower capability but is so heavy that it may never be used as a platoon weapon in a mobile dismounted operation.  But, where our Army likes to establish FOBs, SPs, COPs & Pl houses, there are plenty of static operations for the infantry to exploit this weapon.

I’m fully ready to accept the notion that the value is not worth the cost.  At least from there, we could consider if there might be (might have been) another way to get that same value (or most of that same value) without the unacceptable limitation.  I am also ready to accept the notion that the value provided is not what is ultimately required.  The exaggerated denial of any value … well, that argument adds no value.

Consider, when you reach CO, if your Plans O presents a series of CoA for your decision and flat-out denies the existence of any weaknesses (or strength) to one or the other of the CoA even when those weaknesses (or strengths) had been presented to him - he may have a proper estimate and the right answer, but you will find his whole effort to be suspect.  Denying reality undermines credibility of the whole argument.

You finally got the argument this morning.  Where you continued to present the critical limitations of the weapon:
  • Technoviking said:
    What is the analogy with the .50?  Well, back in the olden days, we had a very heavy, non-mobile system that could, in theory, be ground mounted.  If we were moving by foot (and we often did even in mechanised battalions), then that .50 didn't move with us.  Now that we have troops moving by foot in combat, even today, it is irresponsible to think that they can carry something as heavy as the C16. 

while giving recognition to the strengths & capabilities:
  • Technoviking said:
    Yes, it could be used in static locations such as a FOB or a COP, and with great effect ...

and providing the counter argument to those strengths & capabilities:
  • Technoviking said:
    ... but I can think of better ways of spending procurement cash.  I mean, we already have a proven weapon system, the .50 calibre, that is perfect for such a role. 
Of course, I still think there is room to debate if a .50 cal, an AGL, or something else is the better weapon for that static defence role - for any arm.
Defence Watch is reporting that the winner is the H&K GMG.

I finally figured out a role for this weapon without question.

Its going to be the "cool to fire" weapon. We don't actually deploy it, we just drag it out for ranges and run like 2 week courses on it and then have end of the fiscal year 40mm blow outs.

I would be first to line up, blast it off and yell yee haw. Like the first time I fired a 50 (except I nearly blew the QCB off!)

I mean, without a doubt, some weapons are simply awesome to fire. Its like firing the 84mm, its loads of fun. (Note I am a sadistic b*stard that was a bay ARSO and put over 60 troops each firing 2 x rounds TP RAP. Ya Hoooo I yelled out loudly that day because my hearing and sinuses felt funny/off.

Any thought been given to getting the british Jackal WMIK and jamming this thing on it? I mean the jackal would be hands down better than the G-wagon which we really don't deploy anymore.

On a similar note to having yee haw shoots with the 40mm, I wish we still had 106mm for "fun shoots" thats a weapon I missed out on!
ArmyRick said:
Any thought been given to getting the british Jackal WMIK and jamming this thing on it? I mean the jackal would be hands down better than the G-wagon which we really don't deploy anymore.

G-Wagon will be replaced in its combat role by the TPAV, on a side note I seem to remember talk on here (can remember if it was this thread or the TPAV thread) that the C16 CASW would be mounted on the TPAV via a RWS.
Oh No a Canadian said:
G-Wagon will be replaced in its combat role by the TPAV, on a side note I seem to remember talk on here (can remember if it was this thread or the TPAV thread) that the C16 CASW would be mounted on the TPAV via a RWS.
The C16 AGLS is not (currently) on the scale of issue for anything other than infantry platoons as part of their weapons' detachment.
Technoviking said:
The C16 AGLS is not (currently) on the scale of issue for anything other than infantry platoons as part of their weapons' detachment.
Must have been someone's idea/suggestion that I read than.
Nothing in subsequent SRBs to indicate that the numbers or allocation have changed.

I suspect IOC will be only at infantry units; FOC wil include roll out to other arms.
If this thing is finally deployed how long do you reckon it will take before EME techs are asked to rig an expedient pintle mount on the weapons carrier du jour?  Policy notwithstanding TV.
Kirkhill said:
If this thing is finally deployed how long do you reckon it will take before EME techs are asked to rig an expedient pintle mount on the weapons carrier du jour?  Policy notwithstanding TV.
I think it would take about 10.2 seconds before EME techs are asked.  This weapon screams "MOUNT ME"

Sorta reminds me of the lasses at the old Camelot, but I digress.....
Technoviking said:
  This weapon screams "MOUNT ME"

Sorta reminds me of the lasses at the old Camelot, but I digress.....

Or the Grant, The Park......or the Palamino.
Tango18A said:
I'm sure DLCSPM has a solution in the work already. With trials to follow.

Oh, wait, you were serious?  Sorry....

(I just find it ironic that there would need to be a 'solution', given that "solutions" imply "problems".  Isn't this thing some fancy-schmancy piece of kit that will save us all from doom?) 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again and I know that I'm  :deadhorse: but, this "project" began with false premises and went way out of control, and in spite of the fact that we have been in some pretty serious combat over the past 4+ years, and this thing was supposed to be "all singing/all dancing", yet wasn't rushed as an UOR, and given that the 60mm was supposed to be rather ineffective, and also given that in that same time we went from MGS to Tank to New Tank to contracts signed and rentals in theatre.....

This thing blows goats.  Especially since they won't mount it on vehicles, but instead stick it in the back of a vehicle with a 25mm chain gun.  Of course, we cannot go everywhere with that vehicle, but since this thing's weight makes it prohibitive to carry at the platoon level, you may as well issue a M777 to platoons...

