Lerch said:The new Bayonet 2000 seems to fit the bill for a fighting knife, anything small jobbies you have your Gerber anyway.
recceguy said:A sharpened entrenching tool or a tomahawk would serve you better.
Journeyman said:
Journeyman said:
dapaterson said:[ war story ]
On phase II, on one rare occasion we ran out of blank as the OPFOR was attacking. So I did what anyone would do in that situation - removed the BFA and fixed bayonet.
DS eyes went wide, and a moment later the attack was called off - probably someone was scared about what the sleep-deprived students might do...
[ / war story ]
probably all of the above, if recall correctly (own experience) 8)BinRat55 said:You actually fixed your bayonet while on exercise? Holy crap!! I can't believe you didn't do the hatless dance for removing your BFA on an exercise where you were using blank - you may as well have just slapped a red mag on too!! Wow. Balls (or was it really just lack of sleep?) The easiest way to tell the difference is the amount of giggling and incoherent rambling that precedes any field action... that and were you seeing smurfs???
BinRat55 said:You actually fixed your bayonet while on exercise? Holy crap!! I can't believe you didn't do the hatless dance for removing your BFA on an exercise where you were using blank - you may as well have just slapped a red mag on too!! Wow. Balls (or was it really just lack of sleep?) The easiest way to tell the difference is the amount of giggling and incoherent rambling that precedes any field action... that and were you seeing smurfs???