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Contract Lengths (Merged)

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The current initial Terms of Service (TOS) for Infmn (NCM) is 3 years.  After that, you will be offered further Terms of Service which you can choose to either accept or decline.  If you choose to accept your second TOS, you can release from the CF at any time after that but must provide a minimum of 6 months notice.
Saw this question asked and answered in Ask a CAF Recruiter. Adding here for reference,

Service Time Question 
"I just want to know how long I have to serve until I could leave the army and get a civilian job."

Welcome to Army.ca, Mike

You are doing the right thing by investigating your options. Please take some of the time available to you to explore older threads on this Site, especially those stickied at the top of each sub-forum. You'll find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

Why wait until 20?

And, if you are going to wait that long, consider the Reserve Force (part-time), if there is a unit near you.

I am going to move this thread shortly, into the Infantry area, wherein open discussion is possible.
DAA said:
The current initial Terms of Service (TOS) for Infmn (NCM) is 3 years.  After that, you will be offered further Terms of Service which you can choose to either accept or decline.  If you choose to accept your second TOS, you can release from the CF at any time after that but must provide a minimum of 6 months notice.
Thank you for the information!
Loachman said:
Welcome to Army.ca, Mike

You are doing the right thing by investigating your options. Please take some of the time available to you to explore older threads on this Site, especially those stickied at the top of each sub-forum. You'll find answers to questions that have not even occurred to you yet.

Why wait until 20?

And, if you are going to wait that long, consider the Reserve Force (part-time), if there is a unit near you.

I am going to move this thread shortly, into the Infantry area, wherein open discussion is possible.
Sure, I'll explore the older threads in this forum, Thanks. Is twenty years old too late? I'm waiting until I'm twenty because I want to be somewhat mature when I go into the military. I don't plan on joining the Reserve Force because I want to be a Full-Time Infantry Soldier.
No, it's not too late, but, if it's something that you really want to do, why delay?

As for your retirement plan, it takes twenty-five years to qualify for a full pension, which would be fifty percent of the average of your best five years of pay, and the pension increases in two-percent increments each year thereafter, to a maximum of seventy percent at the thirty-five year point. If you join at seventeen, you would have that fifty-percent pension at age 42.
Ohhh, that's really good information. So what, I can sign up as a full-time Infantry Soldier at 17? I thought that was only part time. I'm scared of joining the army when I'm 17 because my mom said I'm immature. Anyways, I'll do some more research and think about the idea of joining when I'm 17. Thanks for the information, Loachman.
By the way, how will signing up at 17 work? I still want to go to school and at least, get a bachelor's degree.
You can't sign up full time and complete your normal high school diploma with your peers. You can sign up for the reserves, and finish school and go to university all while serving on night a week and a weekend a month, along with working in the summers.
I have moved this so that others can offer advice as well.

You have many options, Mike.

You can apply for ROTP and have your education fully-funded and be paid while you do it. If you truly wish to be an NCM (Non-Commissioned Member), that would not work for you, however. You'd not be the only NCM with a degree if you decided to get a degree before joining as such as you currently plan. Read the threads in the  RMC, CMR, ROTP forum anyway and see what you think. There are other threads that discuss commissioned versus non-commissioned options.

The Reserve Force is a good option, as it is part-time and many younger members are high school students as well. I started out that way. It is a good way to see if you enjoy military life as there is no commitment. It is possible to switch to the Regular Force later, if you wish, but that is not always a smooth process. There are threads wherein Component Transfers (CT) are discussed, so I suggest that you read those as well.

You've got a couple of years to investigate the possibilities, so take your time, read what's here, think about it, and ask questions if there is anything that requires further clarification.
Mike Wazowski said:
I just want to know how long I have to serve until I could leave the army and get a civilian job.

You may find these discussions of interest,

Contract Lengths (Merged)
4 pages.

Mike Wazowski said:
If I do join the army when I am 20 years old, I plan to retire once I am 30-35 years old, would that be possible?

Regular Force members who enrolled on or after 1 March 2007

You are entitled to an immediate unreduced pension when you:
•have 25 years (9,131 days) of CF service;
•are age 60 with at least two years of pensionable service;
•are age 55 with 30 years of pensionable service;
•have 10 years of pensionable service and are released due to disability; or
•are involuntarily released due to a reduction in the Canadian Armed Forces and either: ◦have 20 years of pensionable service; or
◦are age 55 or older with 10 years of pensionable service.

See also,

Pension (merged)
4 pages.
"Thus, after 25 years you would receive 50%.  The maximum is 70%, paid for 35 years of service."

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

neacha67 said:
Hi, can someone please tell me the TOS for Stewards?


The initial contract length for Stewards is 4 years.
Hello All,

Anyone aware of the TOS for the following:

- AVN Tech
- ACS Tech
- AVS Tech

JKirke said:
Hello All,

Anyone aware of the TOS for the following:

- AVN Tech
- ACS Tech
- AVS Tech


The initial contract length for all 3 of those occupations is 5 years.