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Cooks ( merged )

  • Thread starter RebornXmetalhead
  • Start date
No I chose air forces and after my plar they came back and said cpl. and QLL5 qualified.  They said one week crash course but I'm not holding by breath.  It doesn't matter if I have to do it all as long as I get my cpl and QL5's I'm very happy.  And yes red seal
"Red Seal" means you are a Journeyman. You have completed your  apprenticeship and have written any exams required for qualification and professional status with the Provience or Country.

As Cook is what we call a "purple" trade you can choose whichever uniform you want. "Purple" is a term we use to describe certain trades that no matter what colour uniform you wear you still do the same job. Some trades such as Infantry, Armoured, MARS etc are specific to thier element so they have no choice. But Cook, RMS, Medic, etc have a choice. It doesn't mean any more money and just because you choose an Army uniform doesn'ty mean you'll never serve on a ship. Conversley if you wear a Navy uniform you may end up in a field unit.

The PLAR is the "Prior Learning Assesment Request" It's what we send to the Managing Authority of an occupation and they determine what level you are qualified to and what training you will have to complete. It all depends on education and qualifications.
matwxx said:
Hoping there are leaves everyweek so I could spend some days with my wife and family.

Just curious about where you're from.  I'm assuming Toronto but I could be wrong.  The trades training for Cook is in Borden, so you may be able to go home on weekends.  Just be prepared while on course (or later in your career) that you may will be sent on taskings, to the field or deployed.
PMedMoe said:
Just curious about where you're from.  I'm assuming Toronto but I could be wrong.  The trades training for Cook is in Borden, so you may be able to go home on weekends.  Just be prepared while on course (or later in your career) that you may will be sent on taskings, to the field or deployed.

I am in Vancouver. How often will you be sent or deploy to the field?
matwxx said:
I am in Vancouver. How often will you be sent or deploy to the field?

Depends on where you are posted.  If you are posted to a field or operational unit, you may be sent out often.  You could be tasked, you could be deployed.

If your family is in Vancouver, don't plan on a visit during your trades training unless you get a break over the Christmas leave period or March break.

I can't remember if I said it earlier or not, but if you really don't like the idea of being away from your family for any period of time, you may want to consider the reserves.

Also, you should be contacting your recruiting centre and discussing some of your issues with them.
Depends on what regiment, ship or unit you belong to. If you belong to a base you will probably not deploy very often. A ship does on average 4 - 6 months away a year depending on the readiness level. As for an operational Army unit I'll leave that to experts in that field (pardon the pun)
Hey, male 25, Graphic designer.
Have settled and am resolved. Been working out and jogging for the last two months. I am all set and ready to go. I wish to join as a cook, though not sure which branch to go with. What would be some differences as a cook in each?

Also, another question. Are cook positions difficult to get? Are they often filled / closed?
http://forces.ca/html/cook_reg_en.aspx Under Career Development it shows a breakdown of cooks. My understanding is you can end up anywhere since its one of those 3 wide trades...But others with much more knowledge than I will weigh in.
Good luck.
Like the video...........best cooks found on ship
(no offence to other egg flippers)  ;D
Just keep in mind...you could join as a cook in the Navy uniform and get posted to an army base/unit OR you could join as a cook in the army uniform and be a cook on a frigate.  Cooks are "purple" trades, meaning they can serve at/on any Base/Wing/HMCS where Canada sends its forces, including tours and deployments.

Thanks for the info everyone. Was leaning towards navy myself. Much thanks.
Just as a point:  the cook trade is currently closed.

NCM SEP (subsidized education plan) positions for cook are still available. To be considered for NCM sep you must have unconditional acceptance to an accredited school program. ( See CFRC for the list)
See what happens when I post without thinking... ref my last:
Cook NCM Sep is closed as well

My apologies,
well  are you any good? 

if so then go Army, I like food and recently was accepted into ROTP Inf O.  So I'd say Army!  :salute:
Rogo said:
well  are you any good? 

if so then go Army, I like food and recently was accepted into ROTP Inf O.  So I'd say Army!  :salute:

Actually, the CF doesn't hire people based on the needs of "pennies".  8)
Rogo said:
well  are you any good? 

if so then go Army, I like food and recently was accepted into ROTP Inf O.  So I'd say Army!  :salute:

It is a Purple Trade.
[quote author=Eye In The Sky]
Just keep in mind...you could join as a cook in the Navy uniform and get posted to an army base/unit OR you could join as a cook in the army uniform and be a cook on a frigate.  Cooks are "purple" trades, meaning they can serve at/on any Base/Wing/HMCS where Canada sends its forces, including tours and deployments.

But good for you  ;D
Rogo said:
well  are you any good? 

if so then go Army, I like food and recently was accepted into ROTP Inf O.  So I'd say Army!  :salute:

So did the recruiter ask if you were any good at being an Infantrymen prior to being accepted?

See how retarded your post was? Probably not.

Do us all a favour and go on listening silence before you are placed on it.

The Army.ca Staff