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CP-140 Aurora

Dolphin_Hunter said:
It would be better if they upgraded the EO/IR camera to something better (instead of another turret).

It would also be nice if they could fully integrate EO/IR similar to what the Winnipeg Police have in Air1.

I also think they could have installed a radar antenna aft giving us 360 degree coverage.

Agreed on all...but I'll not hold my breath on any of them happening...
Good2Golf said:
At some point, one would think the OEM would stop supporting small qty ‘legacy’ (aka well past their prime) systems if other operators have moved on to digital systems. ???

This is "sort of" the case on the MX-20.  It received a partial 'upgrade' circa 2015.
Some details on the Rolls-Royce T56 Series 3.5 engine.  I like these numbers.

The Series 3.5 upgrade allows T56 engines to operate at greatly reduced temperatures, extending parts life and improving reliability by 22 per cent. It is available for installation on T56 engines powering either C-130 or P-3 legacy aircraft.
The firm claim that the Series 3.5 upgrade will help the Royal Thai Air Force to reduce operational costs due to reduced maintenance requirements and potential fuel savings exceeding 12 per cent.

Ping Monkey said:
Some details on the Rolls-Royce T56 Series 3.5 engine.  I like these numbers.

You know what would be outstanding?  If we shelved this idea and hopped on the P8 train.  Australia, New Zealand, UK, Norway, South Korea and India have all made the switch. 

Oh, but we will have the best P3 on the planet!
Ping Monkey said:
It already is the best P3 on the planet!  (Granted, functioning wing pylons would be nice.) ;D

It's in the works. Whether it will pan out is a different story but Ottawa has done some investigation and at least 1 trial I'm aware of.
Tcm621 said:
It's in the works. Whether it will pan out is a different story but Ottawa has done some investigation and at least 1 trial I'm aware of.

Latest I heard (from about 2 months ago) is that it's shelved again. 
Last year (or year before...kinda runs together at this point), they were installed on one tail (118?) in ZX for a while.  Then they took 'em off again.

I think there were some issues from the ASLEP work and if 'stuff lined up still'...something like that.  Either way...I ain't holding my breath. 

I agree with DH;  we should be getting P-8s, keeping the things we like on the '140 and moving them.  Figthers will be a priority...FWSAR is coming...Cyclone just happened (sort of).  I think MPAs are wayyyyyy down the line of priorities.  Some genius is like proposing we scrape them for RPAS...and that someone should be immediately kicked in the crotch.
Eye In The Sky said:
Some genius is like proposing we scrape them for RPAS...and that someone should be immediately kicked in the crotch.

Considering that RPAS is already given the list of qualified suppliers, I highly doubt they will take the place of the Flying Winnebago anytime soon. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Some genius is like proposing we scrape them for RPAS...and that someone should be immediately kicked in the crotch.

Mixed fleet?

RPAs for domestic surveillance and overland stuff. 

P8 for the good stuff.

Only a complete retard would suggest that a RPA could replace the P3. How anyone could suggest that and maintain credibility is beyond me. 
Dimsum said:
Considering that RPAS is already given the list of qualified suppliers, I highly doubt they will take the place of the Flying Winnebago anytime soon.

My points to that aren't ones that should be put on here....

The newest name I heard recently was...Frankenstein.  I like it!
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Only a complete retard would suggest that a RPA could replace the P3.

Agreed, but I've had that discussion with people before...

How anyone could suggest that and maintain credibility is beyond me.

That assuming they have any credibility from the MAG perspective to start with...this could include people of various ranks as well who have hours in their logbook... :whistle:.  There are always people who emphasize "someone always places last on course".  :nod:
From the CAF FB page:

A Block IV-modified CP-140 Aurora flew for the first time from Halifax to Greenwood, NS as part of an initial flight test assessment under the Aerospace Engineering Test Establishment (AETE). Block IV modifications include beyond-line-of-sight satellite communication, Link 16 Tactical Data Link, and a self-defence system.

During this significant project milestone, personnel from the AETE and 415 Squadron helped verify the safety of the design for flight. Upcoming instrumented flight testing will measure flight characteristics and re-certify the flight and operational envelopes of the Block IV modified aircraft. The aircraft will remain at 14 Wing Greenwood to conduct on-ground testing and training in preparation for operational use of its new capabilities.

More on Block IV CP-140:

...The Aurora Structural Life Extension Project (ASLEP) involves replacing wings and horizontal stabilizers on the aircraft. It will extend the operational life of the CP-140 Aurora fleet to 2030. This project is currently in the implementation phase...

Odds on a replacement actually entering service by 2030? In 2018 the gov't was saying this for Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft:


    2021/2022 Start Options Analysis
    2023/2024 Start Definition
    2027/2028 Start Implementation
    2032/2033 Initial Delivery
    2037/2038 Final Delivery



It is an Interesting time. 

Both MAISR and RPAS will reduce the amount of MMA required to replace the Aurora.

Hopefully the P8 line is still open when the decision is made.
Given Boeing's inability to perform QC on their aircraft, maybe that's not what we want.

In addition to the 737Max nonsense we all know about, inspectors have just recently found debris in the engines & fuel tanks of 737Max aircraft that have yet to be delivered -- built & kept in storage until deliveries can resume.

The P8 has had foreign debris found inside fuel tanks, engines, and cabins of newly delivered aircraft (In one case, an empty can of coke was found INSIDE the fuel tank!)  and there have been multiple QC issues with KC-46A.

I also - sincerely - don't know the cost advantages/disadvantages of a P8 compared to a turboprop like the 140.  I'm GUESSING the 140 would be cheaper to fly & maintain?  But I honestly don't know*
Maybe we should be looking to Japan

Re: the question 'will the Aurora still be flying into the 2030s?  Yup.  Block 4 is only on 1 of 14 aircraft at this time and "not in an operational config".  We're already approaching spring 2020.  There is also testing ongoing for an engine mod/prop swap.  Unsure whether it will go fleet-wide...NP200 props is the rumour. 
