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Credit Check Superthread- Merged Topics

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Regardless if it costs money for upkeep, the vehicle will most likely depreciate over time. Not only from it's mechanical condition degrading from sitting and have no maintenance performed, but from it's decreased market value over time. Since you seem determined to keep the car and I am not a car collector, nor do I know what model/year of BMW it is, I will stop there.

Vocational Pathways was on the list of employment assistance agencies I sent you earlier. They assist people (mainly younger people) in getting work by assessing their shortcomings (academic upgrading, resume skills, interview skills) and also providing subsidies for job placements. I have not worked in the Canadian office since 2006, so I haven't had any contact with them for a few years. I would definitely make an appointment with them and call some of the other assistance centres listed on that website. Who knows, they might even be able to give you credit advice.
2010newbie said:
Regardless if it costs money for upkeep, the vehicle will most likely depreciate over time. Not only from it's mechanical condition degrading from sitting and have no maintenance performed, but from it's decreased market value over time. Since you seem determined to keep the car and I am not a car collector, nor do I know what model/year of BMW it is, I will stop there.

Vocational Pathways was on the list of employment assistance agencies I sent you earlier. They assist people (mainly younger people) in getting work by assessing their shortcomings (academic upgrading, resume skills, interview skills) and also providing subsidies for job placements. I have not worked in the Canadian office since 2006, so I haven't had any contact with them for a few years. I would definitely make an appointment with them and call some of the other assistance centres listed on that website. Who knows, they might even be able to give you credit advice.

Took me 4 yrs to get my car. I'll fight to keep it lol.

About those Vocational Pathways, I'll have to make some calls tomorrow and see what I can do/find out and get the ball rolling. Thanks again for your help everyone. Never knew the half of this.
HavocSteve said:
Took me 4 yrs to get my car. I'll fight to keep it lol.

Its good to have priorties.

I dont have a job but dammit theres a BMW in the driveway.
CDN Aviator said:
Its good to have priorties.

I dont have a job but dammit theres a BMW in the driveway.

I live at home with my parents =\ I need something to call my own.. especially when it took me 4 years to get it. I could care less if I can drive it once a year. Unless you have that passion like I do about BMW cars, anyone would do what I've done. There's other things then to sell my car for 500$, as it is, I'm trying to sell my old apartment washer and dryer, maybe one day I'll need them also, but having wheels to get places when I need it, seem logical to me. Cost me 400$/yr to insure it under classic car insurance. Anyways, enough about my car, it's about job/credit. I'll been looking into the Pathways tomorrow since Sundays don't exactly have many people working for the Gov.
HavocSteve said:
I live at home with my parents =\ I need something to call my own.. especially when it took me 4 years to get it. I could care less if I can drive it once a year. Unless you have that passion like I do about BMW cars, anyone would do what I've done. There's other things then to sell my car for 500$, as it is, I'm trying to sell my old apartment washer and dryer, maybe one day I'll need them also, but having wheels to get places when I need it, seem logical to me. Cost me 400$/yr to insure it under classic car insurance. Anyways, enough about my car, it's about job/credit. I'll been looking into the Pathways tomorrow since Sundays don't exactly have many people working for the Gov.

No you need nothing to call your own but an exit strategy, Your story keeps changing. Use your car to hand out resumes. I could sympathise with a V12 8 Series Coupe or M3/5 for "BMW Experience" Frankly if its $500 an Aveo would be the same experience. Just trust me.

The icon a ways back of the head beating against the wall sums this up. You have a goal yet you've countered every bit of advice with a new excuse. Get a pedal bike, make a play, and go for it. Its remarkably difficult to not sound condescending or Holyer than Thou, or feel like Im screwing my karma but grow up, handle this and YES LETS GET THIS BACK TO CREDIT CHECKS AND DEBT.

Because there is alot to learn here, and loads from you trust me. I'd like to help if I could here dude but I think you know what to do, solutions and advice and extensions of good will are abundant to your plea. Act on them. Good luck, sincerely!
Ok McD, thank you for outlining my life story. Anyways, update : Got a call for a interview tomorrow and my sister's boyfriend can hook me up with a job downtown T.O. doing drywall for the union. So lucky I didn't sell the car because if the interview ends up with nothing, I can still get to a job in Toronto. Going to get a credit counselor set up for payments once things get going good and hopefully get things sorted out and arranged properly for a job offer with the CF within a couple months. Thank you 2010newbie, the interview was for a Vocation Pathways that I registered with yesterday.
HavocSteve said:
Ok McD, thank you for outlining my life story. Anyways, update : Got a call for a interview tomorrow and my sister's boyfriend can hook me up with a job downtown T.O. doing drywall for the union. So lucky I didn't sell the car because if the interview ends up with nothing, I can still get to a job in Toronto. Going to get a credit counselor set up for payments once things get going good and hopefully get things sorted out and arranged properly for a job offer with the CF within a couple months. Thank you 2010newbie, the interview was for a Vocation Pathways that I registered with yesterday.

  Yup, that's what I was trying to do...Congrats on the interview, glad youre now not thinking downtown Toronto is out of the question.

Good ya, drywalling is tough business, and fun, I really hope it gets you set up proper like.

HavocSteve said:
Ok McD, thank you for outlining my life story. Anyways, update : Got a call for a interview tomorrow and my sister's boyfriend can hook me up with a job downtown T.O. doing drywall for the union. So lucky I didn't sell the car because if the interview ends up with nothing, I can still get to a job in Toronto. Going to get a credit counselor set up for payments once things get going good and hopefully get things sorted out and arranged properly for a job offer with the CF within a couple months. Thank you 2010newbie, the interview was for a Vocation Pathways that I registered with yesterday.

Definitely good news for you!  Just be sure to shop around (as it were) for the credit counselors, there's unfortunately quite a few around that would like tidy sums of money for their services, I ran into a few that I ended up saying "thanks but no thanks" before finding someone who didn't want to charge me an arm, leg and first born.
Neolithium said:
Definitely good news for you!  Just be sure to shop around (as it were) for the credit counselors, there's unfortunately quite a few around that would like tidy sums of money for their services, I ran into a few that I ended up saying "thanks but no thanks" before finding someone who didn't want to charge me an arm, leg and first born.
Yea, like the $500 service fee up front before they look at your paperwork. I'll try to look for a half decent place that won't charge to much. I don't mind giving them some money for their efforts in taking some money off and getting me directed in the right path.

As for the drywalling, my sisters bf told me they just finished the apprenticeship program for right now so the next one isn't till awhile, that's why I'd have to travel to downtown T.O. in order to work for his old boss. I've never done drywalling before really on the construction scale so it should be a good learning experience and also help get me in better shape for when things get better and I do end up with a job offer. For right now, I'm waiting on the call from Bell Sympatico in Oshawa tomorrow afternoon and see if I can become a IT tech guy. More local so save on gas, but if that doesn't work out I do have the drywall to help me out.

Thank you for the support guys/girls. Means a lot when not even my dad says way to go on at least an interview. He could care less =\ so at least some moral support from people I don't know on the internet feels nice.

Neolithium, did you look up United Ways? is there an office in Oshawa? just wondering because I would like to get it started pretty quickly with the processing so after a week or 2 of working, I can start throwing money at them to get these debts paid off quickly.
HavocSteve said:
Neolithium, did you look up United Ways? is there an office in Oshawa? just wondering because I would like to get it started pretty quickly with the processing so after a week or 2 of working, I can start throwing money at them to get these debts paid off quickly.

Had a quick email from my financial counselor from here in Winnipeg, gave me a small lead that may help. PM Sent :)
Hi, I am new here so pls be nice, I read the whole forum before becoming a member on here but my question wasn't answered(sort of).

So obviously you basically need to "accept and take care of your debt" before getting into the army.  BUT, I applyed to the army, completely missing the credit check part and now I am worried if I am wasting time.  I owe a private college about $6k in money that I NEVER plan on paying them and they know it.  Long story short, the recruiters make a commission and I was told I would make no less than 35k/yr to start*turns out they lied to everyone in my class about that who asked*; when graduated about 95% of my class was making $10/hr and I FOUGHT hard to get $14/hr with the person who hired me.  Basically if I knew this I would have NEVER went to school, getting into more debt, when I could have been making more money working at the GAP(so I think they make more $).  I tried to resolve the issue with the school by settling the debt with a smaller amount to pay because of the lie I was told, they didn't deny this because obviuosly I wasn't the first to complain, they just sent me to collections which really bothered me because I had immaculate credit and a mortgage.  I sold my 1st home and tryed to get a mortgage with my partner but couldn't until I made a plan with the school so he owns the home under his name that we share so we are not concerned about that on my credit score.  I don't feel I am running away from my bad choices etc. I feel I was scammed and would have never wasted my time in a 2 yr program KNOWING this.  ((Internet sites said this profession makes 35k+ a year but that is for experienced ppl aka 10yrs+)).

If I tell the army the truth do you think they will let me in bcus they MIGHT unerstand where I am coming from(since others have gotten in with debt that was in collections)??  Like I said I don't feel it is fair to pay that debt and I won't but I REALLY WANT TO GET IN!!  I would pass everything else but this..all my other credit is in good standing and I have credit cards that are always active and a active suv loan to prove I am not a complete f*up.

Any help would be appreciated by those who know about circumstances like this.  Thank you in advance!!
I'll say it nicely before someone else says it not so nicely

1) Go talk to a recruiter. No one on this board can tell you EXACTLY what the CFRC will tell you
2) Most trades are closed until next year at this point anyways, so you've likely got time to get things straightened out before getting to the credit check side of things
3) Be VERY careful to use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc on this forum. It was in the terms you agreed to, and is expected. If I had a hard time getting through your paragraph, others will as well.
acooper said:
I'll say it nicely before someone else says it not so nicely

1) Go talk to a recruiter. No one on this board can tell you EXACTLY what the CFRC will tell you
2) Most trades are closed until next year at this point anyways, so you've likely got time to get things straightened out before getting to the credit check side of things
3) Be VERY careful to use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc on this forum. It was in the terms you agreed to, and is expected. If I had a hard time getting through your paragraph, others will as well.


The Army.ca Staff
The point of this site is to  ask questions specific to the forum.  Reading other posts on here that got attacked which were on topic basically means there is no point to this website unless you are on here 24/7 and have a lot of cyber friends; than you can talk off topic as you wish. 
Recruiters deal with your file as the stages progress and my point was I don't want to waste my time or theirs if I will be rejected anyways as my circumstance is a little different. 
Isn't this website here to help others who want to know information from people who know or know somebody who would know?  I just wanted some advice from someone who had a clue before I went further in the process.
I don't get why you're getting upset, acooper gave you some very good advice.

Nobody here knows what your recruiter might say.  One person's experience will likely very greatly with another.  It would surely be disappointing if you took someone's experience on the forum, handed in your application and was rejected because of this problem.  You can't exactly say "but Mr. Recruiter, XXXXX from army.ca said this shouldn't be a problem".

Go to your CFRC, be straight up about your situation and see what they have to say.  If you lie or try to hide it, they will find out and I'm certain that will be the end of your chances of joining the CF.
username_001 said:
The point of this site is to  ask questions specific to the forum.  Reading other posts on here that got attacked which were on topic basically means there is no point to this website unless you are on here 24/7 and have a lot of cyber friends; than you can talk off topic as you wish. 
Recruiters deal with your file as the stages progress and my point was I don't want to waste my time or theirs if I will be rejected anyways as my circumstance is a little different. 
Isn't this website here to help others who want to know information from people who know or know somebody who would know?  I just wanted some advice from someone who had a clue before I went further in the process.

Nobody knows if you will make it through or not. Assuming things are all equal, I'd hire a guy with better credit than another guy, so take that for what it's worth.
username_001 said:
Hi, I am new here so pls be nice, I read the whole forum before becoming a member on here but my question wasn't answered(sort of).

So obviously you basically need to "accept and take care of your debt" before getting into the army.  BUT, I applyed to the army, completely missing the credit check part and now I am worried if I am wasting time.  I owe a private college about $6k in money that I NEVER plan on paying them and they know it.  Long story short, the recruiters make a commission and I was told I would make no less than 35k/yr to start*turns out they lied to everyone in my class about that who asked*; when graduated about 95% of my class was making $10/hr and I FOUGHT hard to get $14/hr with the person who hired me.  Basically if I knew this I would have NEVER went to school, getting into more debt, when I could have been making more money working at the GAP(so I think they make more $).  I tried to resolve the issue with the school by settling the debt with a smaller amount to pay because of the lie I was told, they didn't deny this because obviuosly I wasn't the first to complain, they just sent me to collections which really bothered me because I had immaculate credit and a mortgage.  I sold my 1st home and tryed to get a mortgage with my partner but couldn't until I made a plan with the school so he owns the home under his name that we share so we are not concerned about that on my credit score.  I don't feel I am running away from my bad choices etc. I feel I was scammed and would have never wasted my time in a 2 yr program KNOWING this.  ((Internet sites said this profession makes 35k+ a year but that is for experienced ppl aka 10yrs+)).

If I tell the army the truth do you think they will let me in bcus they MIGHT unerstand where I am coming from(since others have gotten in with debt that was in collections)??  Like I said I don't feel it is fair to pay that debt and I won't but I REALLY WANT TO GET IN!!  I would pass everything else but this..all my other credit is in good standing and I have credit cards that are always active and a active suv loan to prove I am not a complete f*up.

Any help would be appreciated by those who know about circumstances like this.  Thank you in advance!!

I can see English composition wasn't one of your top subjects.  You can't be enrolled in the CF if you have any debts in collections and you are not dealing with them.  A credit check is part of the initial background check and if a hit comes back they will question you on it and if you haven't given them satisfactory proof that you are dealing with the debts in question you will not get in.  To confirm everything I just told you go to your local CFRC.  Clear enough for you?

PS - If you had read the entire forum then you would have seen the answer to your question many times.
username_001 said:
The point of this site is to  ask questions specific to the forum.  Reading other posts on here that got attacked which were on topic basically means there is no point to this website unless you are on here 24/7 and have a lot of cyber friends; than you can talk off topic as you wish. 
Recruiters deal with your file as the stages progress and my point was I don't want to waste my time or theirs if I will be rejected anyways as my circumstance is a little different. 
Isn't this website here to help others who want to know information from people who know or know somebody who would know?  I just wanted some advice from someone who had a clue before I went further in the process.

Pokiey said:
I don't get why you're getting upset, acooper gave you some very good advice.

Nobody here knows what your recruiter might say.  One person's experience will likely very greatly with another.  It would surely be disappointing if you took someone's experience on the forum, handed in your application and was rejected because of this problem.  You can't exactly say "but Mr. Recruiter, XXXXX from army.ca said this shouldn't be a problem".

Go to your CFRC, be straight up about your situation and see what they have to say.  If you lie or try to hide it, they will find out and I'm certain that will be the end of your chances of joining the CF.


I don't understand what the problem is here. That is the best advice there will be found here on your situation. Take it up with your recruiter.

This is a free service and an "Unofficial site, not associated with DND" but I guess you missed that part. There are many serving members of the CF here and many civilians as well.

Don't like the answers you're getting on this free and privately owned site?


I'd also grow a thicker skin if I were you.

If that small response bothered you that much, you will be eaten alive if you get in.

The Army.ca Staff

username_001 said:
The point of this site is to  ask questions specific to the forum.  Reading other posts on here that got attacked which were on topic basically means there is no point to this website unless you are on here 24/7 and have a lot of cyber friends; than you can talk off topic as you wish. 
Recruiters deal with your file as the stages progress and my point was I don't want to waste my time or theirs if I will be rejected anyways as my circumstance is a little different. 
Isn't this website here to help others who want to know information from people who know or know somebody who would know?  I just wanted some advice from someone who had a clue before I went further in the process.

Numerous people have given you good advice.  They even overlooked you comment:

username_001 said:
.........  I owe a private college about $6k in money that I NEVER plan on paying them and they know it. 

That alone may prevent you from getting any job.  An accredited college offers courses.  They may state that after your course you may find a job and earn $35K a year, but that is the same as the creation of the earth happened in seven days.  If you expect to magically land a high paying job after two years of college, you may want to re-evaluate your thought process.  Why would you want to join the CF?  Did someone tell you that you'd make $50K a year?  Most assuredly, you will not be making that in your first few years.

Oh!  On another point, living with your partner in a house under his name only may not stop a collection agency from collecting the monies.  I assume by living with him, you are now Common Law.  That may transfer your debts over, to be shared between the two of you.  He may thank you later.