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D-Day Anniversary ....

One visual way to sum up the anniversary, via Twitter:
Should be some good pics of Canadians at the 70th anniversary coming out - we had 50 soldiers jump in with the Brits, Americans and French to commemerate the jumps into Normandy 70 years ago.
A vet from the Brit AB forces association here in Canada was invited to come over for the jump. Hopefully it will be fair winds and soft landings as old Bruce has just celebrated his 90th.
E.R. Campbell said:
As the 70th anniversary celebrations ramp up, HRH The Prince of Wales lunches with 6th Airborne Division vets at Ranville, France.


Obviously it's France.  Every place setting comes with a convenient white flag  >:D
Members of the Canadian Scottish Regimental Family will gather this evening at the Regimental Cenotaph in Pioneer Square in Victoria for a short service to commemorate the actions of the Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's) and others who landed in France 70 years ago. Time: 1900 hours, dress: medals and Glens as appropriate. Deas Gu Cath.
Commander-in-Chief/GG's message:
Today marks 70 years since Canadian and Allied forces began the assault on Normandy, and the legacy of that operation lives on in so many ways.

As members of a free and democratic society, we must never forget our debt to those who fought in the D-Day invasions with such courage and determination. At Juno Beach, supported by Canadian and Allied air and sea units, some 3 000 Canadian soldiers landed amid difficult conditions and fierce resistance. The invasion was extraordinarily complex and incurred many casualties, but succeeded in securing a crucial foothold in the fight against fascism in Europe.

For veterans and their families, June 6 is no doubt a difficult day of remembrance. Canadians paid a very high price in Normandy and indeed throughout the Second World War. Let us take this opportunity to remember the service and sacrifice of those who fought so bravely on our behalf.

As commander-in-chief of Canada and as a father and grandfather, I offer my deepest thanks to our veterans and to their families on this important anniversary.

PM's anniversary statement:
“It is an honour and a privilege to be in France today on D-Day with our Veterans on the very beaches of Normandy where, 70 years ago, Canadian and Allied forces smashed through the German defences to help put an end to Nazi tyranny in Europe.

“It is difficult to understand the courage it took to advance through minefields and barbed wire under fire from mortars and machine guns in order to punch through Hitler’s Atlantic Wall; and yet that is exactly what many Canadians did. It must be said that they received valiant support from the Royal Canadian Air Force airmen who helped take control of the skies over the beachhead, from members of the Royal Canadian Navy who rained fire on enemy defences, and from other Canadian soldiers who parachuted behind enemy lines to engage German strongholds.

“It is a source of enormous national pride that Canadians played such a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the D-Day landings, one of the greatest battles of the Second World War and a turning point in the world’s history. We are also deeply humbled by the enormous sacrifices made by our fellow citizens, who with grim determination, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded allies to fight evil.

“The thousands of Canadian soldiers who lay in Bretteville-sur-Laize cemetery in France are a poignant reminder that our country will always stand up for what is good, what is right and what is just. It was as true then as it has been in the years since the Second World War in places like Korea, Afghanistan and Libya.

“On this day, let us pay tribute to the noble Canadian and Allied forces who fought so valiantly 70 years ago on the beaches of Normandy so that we could live in freedom and peace. Let us remember those who fell and resolve to live as bravely as they died. Let us also honour their families who gave so much.

“Lest we forget.”