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Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

big bad john said:
You know, I listen to CBC every once in a while and my wife says that politically I am slightly to the right of Genghis Khan.

Well I gotta admit I do too and I'm definately somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan!
I turn it off when the stupid leftist stuff gets to be too much but there are other good things on there. It does serve to inform on real issues that are happening around the country and internationally. You can't really be informed if all you do is listen to Classic or Soft rock and watch ET television.

I try to read all the newspapers on line to get various viewpoints....Globe and Mail is really pushing the Layton this morning...the Star (usually not our friend) is not playing it up at all. The Sun is vehemently against Layton (no surprise there). CTV is pretty good to us mostly and CBC TV(if we forget about the McKennas) is trying to give us good coverage...Global is OK but tends to be a little superficial (as most TV coverage inevitably is I guess)

I think if we don't monitor these different agencies and register our views we run the risk of letting the wooley heads be the only voices heard and then the mainstream begin to think that is the way we all should think etc. My 2 cents worth on a morning of loss for our Army....condolences and prayers to all.  :cdn:
+1 IN HOC SIGNO, rmacqueen....

I'm kinda surprised that more people don't seem to go straight to the source for some information.  It would be interesting to see how many times the biggest whiners have gone to Canada's gov't site on its work in AFG:

Hell, there's even a "Why We Are There" page:

Is everything there?  I haven't been downrange in AFG, so I can't say, but at least have a look at what the folks in Ottawa SAY they're doing.  If the words don't match the actions, fair game to complain.  If you still disagree, as long as it's based on understanding what the gov't is trying to do, again fair ball.  It sounds like many whiners, though, don't even have a look in the first place.