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Do alot of you have wrecked bodies? (knees, back etc)

30+ years; all in the Infantry; all dismounted or light units.  Two pins in my right shoulder, a staple in my left ankle, broken bones in my right foot, a 1/3 of my left knee missing. Sore back, diminished hearing (although the troops claim otherwise.. "Frigg'n sar-major hears everything!!!") and a VAC pension already for five years  And, after all this, I have a note on my pers and med files that says "no career limitations".
5 years 031, bad right knee and right ankle, nerve damage up and down my right arm, and my right shoulder dislocates if I'm not careful when I put on a jacket. But hey, it's pensionable! 8)
17 yrs 031  4 yrs navy  compressed/ deteorated c4/c5. blown back  support system. possible torn knee meniscus. shoulder troubles.  reduced hearing l/r ears . facial  burns from muzzleflash from 2 to 3 ft away eye took some of that . feet require orthotic footwear.

you win some you lose some .  ive had fun  >:D in the end I feel a lot of pain on some damp days  but  hey someones got to do it
Just starting my 19th year.  I have (from a jump injury) herniated discs L4-L5, L5-S1, degenerative discs (same ones) and spinal stenosis.  I am listed as having 10% disability in the lumbar spine (by VAC), but have never had any MELs, T-CATs, and am fit full duties.  (2s on Geo and Occ in my Med Cats).  That happened in April '92, and I've made it fine since then for the most part.  The better I take care of myself...the better the injury is.

I also have fallen arches (ruck marches on cement roads) and wear orthotics, I have a bad right knee (listen when they say "don't jump off the back of the &*&@)#&@ ML troops!") and hands that were too cold too often, so the Dr thinks there might be some nerve damage.  Aside from that, there is the normal bumps and aches from falling off vehicles (stationary and otherwise), getting mashed around cross country, from humping kit around, falling into half dug trenches in the night (slit trenches and otherwise), and the other fun stuff I've come to miss the last few years.   :)

Your body tells you that you've used it, but I still use mine and its got lots of miles left on it. 
I'm not even in yet, and I have my knees totally screwed up enough that I don't think I'll be able to get in the CF (I'm still not sure what the problem is, haven't seen the doc yet for the results of my MRI).

Stupid ball hockey, how I still love thee :D

heh... cortizone is wearing off....
Forgot - ankles are sore - and the left thumb is causing me grief :P

Guess that says a lot about my memory
Any old sappers out there are subject to "EWBB/ MGB/ Airportable Bridge/ Class 30 ferry knees/ back etc." . My bones just say "Hey! You were really an idiot some 30 years ago weren't cha?".  I can't hold a pencil/pen due to arthritis - and when it's cold, wet and miserable.. them bones let me know what the weather is like (ie. cold, wet and miserable). More so, thanks to some overenthusiastic gentleman and a rifle butt, I have problems with my jaw (which was broken and set wrong) and of course, the hearing is not what it should be - And think.. a teacher: sometimes can't speak, can't hear, can't draw  and can't see... My students just love me during exam times... Ended up with malaria too from Egypt.  As to any other problems.., fortunately, there IS Viagra... or beer
;D Of course I'm at the age where I look at some sweet young thing - well from what i can see - and I think "Hey! She's a honey! I wonder what her mom looks like?"" or " Hey! I wonder if she can cook!"" The real beauty of getting old is that when you take off the glasses - all the girls look good - fuzzy and there's usually two of them - but - hey - they look good. Not only that, but i don't need beer anymore.. Mind you, if any sweet young thing ever said sweet nothings in my ear  - she'd have to shout. I did have a honey last year in my class wrap her arms around me and say "Jack, I love you!"' then she said "'You remind me of my grandpa...just before he died''
JackD said:
I did have a honey last year in my class wrap her arms around me and say "Jack, I love you!"' then she said "'You remind me of my grandpa...just before he died''

You win post of the day! ;D

Actually, I think she said great grandpa.. but you know hearing.. and I think she was serious, but being an old sapper, i'm kind of bent over - I do think she was a honey.. at any rate she had nice ankles
Interesting. I've always thought alcohol and viagra we're needed ANYTIME you meet a girl in an army town!

I just started taking fish oil for my joints and it has been helping. I do think that my knees and shoulders will be my "hurt" points later in life. Thank you all for sharing your aches, pains...and uhh other deficiencies.  :salute:
I think if you look at almost any occupation you will see problems. Factory workers have repetitive strain injuries, secretaries have carpal tunnel syndrome, nurses have back and knee issues, landscapers have back problems and occasionally missing digits, Pulmonologists have Tuberculosis...the list is endless.
By the nature of our occupation we are bound to become injured or disabled at some point. In addition to that, we are (generally) a thrill seeking, "why lower when you can jump" type population. The CF has done a lot to try and reduce issues through the use of protective gear (from ear protection to insoles) but it is impossible to prevent all injuries. I'm thankful that A) I was not a member 50 years ago when occupational safety was never heard of and B) VAC is there to recognize our issues and help once the inevitable occurs.
Kat Stevens said:
Plus, when I was a much younger sapper, all senior NCOs were also cross qualified as doctors, and could instantly tell you that nothing was wrong, you were just being an idle crow.

It only took my first summer as an Officer Cadet to realize that.  I've got chronic achilles tendinits and a really warped foot that was most likely broken.  Fortunately, a keen Med A assessed it as a sprain, taped it up, gave me Motrin, and told me to carry on.  And I did.

I don't let it slow me down too much though - Gucci boots and good anti-inflammatories are enough most days.
JackD said:
Any old sappers out there are subject to "EWBB/ MGB/ Airportable Bridge/ Class 30 ferry knees/ back etc."

Does building this at the school count?  ;D
NFLD Sapper said:
Does building this at the school count?  ;D

We're talking about physical injuries not destroyed morale and insanity...... >:D
Building bridges and viagra... at the same time ??? ... ouch - wee wullie risks getting in the way ;)
Taking mefloquine and cant remember where I put the phones....does that count...it's happening RIGHT NOW lol.
geo said:
Building bridges and viagra... at the same time ??? ... ouch - wee wullie risks getting in the way ;)

Dont put your fingers where you wouldnt stick your..........