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Do Something Manly.....Quick!!

If ripping ones hair out attests to ones manliness does that mean that women who wax are the manliest?
neko said:
If ripping ones hair out attests to ones manliness does that mean that women who wax are the manliest?

:rofl: Hmmm, good point! Or tweezing the eyebrows!
I couldn't resist, it sort of reminded me of the one time I had my legs waxed. Mind you, I managed not to yell. 
neko said:
If ripping ones hair out attests to ones manliness does that mean that women who wax are the manliest?

It's manly in who else would be stupid enough to do it as a pretentious display of heterosexuality?
Shamrock said:
It's manly in who else would be stupid enough to do it as a pretentious display of heterosexuality?
So does that mean the more stupid a heterosexual male is the more manly he is? 
neko said:
So does that mean the more stupid a heterosexual male is the more manly he is? 

uh....the males don't do this nearly as often as women wax their legs.....
GAP said:
uh....the males don't do this nearly as often as women wax their legs.....
But women don't do it as a "pretentious display of heterosexuality".
The women are invading the thread... quick, do something manly before they can prove their superior pain threshold of ripping-hair-from-skin.
niner domestic said:
Do you mean the kissing part or the ripping the chest hair out frequency?

I bet he means the ripping out of chest hairs.  >:D
Why rip out hair when it is much more satisfying to rip out a bothersome male's vocal chords and  uummm other parts...

niner domestic said:
Why rip out hair when it is much more satisfying to rip out a bothersome male's vocal chords and  uummm other parts...

To 9er domestic's husband:

Run 2IC! Run! She's after your manliness, and not in the good way!
If we wimmin didn't wax or shave then the boys would be yelling that we were trying to impersonate them!!

See they are just so unsure of themselves they have to send the accusations of "professing to prove maniless" back at us when de-bunking our shaving and/or waxing habits.

There's one way to settle this, all wimmin of the world unite and cease shaving immediaitely; give the 'men' what they want.

See, it's no girl invasion GAP; it's simply us girls coming into the thread to give you exactly what you asked for.  ;)
One would have thought that going fishing then shooting a small animal would have sufficed. After that downing a pint or two. But nooooo they had to go for the chest hair and now we have to argue with women.
The Librarian said:
There's one way to settle this, all wimmin of the owrld unite and cease shaving immediaitely; give the 'men' what they want.
I can see the news headlines now, Cosmetic Companies Competing for Customers with newly designed leg-hairbrushes.
The Librarian said:
See, it's no girl invasion GAP; it's simply us girls coming into the thread to give you exactly what you asked for.

Now his instructions were to do something manly, so would that mean we do wax/shave or don't?
The Librarian said:
See, it's no girl invasion GAP; it's simply us girls coming into the thread to give you exactly what you asked for.  ;)

There is no way any male is going to win the woman/man argument....I have old lumps from trying, I don't need any more