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Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

Another Mom said:
Mellian: In my admittedly little research, it seems the XXXX (that, which must not be named)  warrior of the future would also benefit from education/ experience  in psychology, sociology, anthropology, languages,  economics, etc.  In the  US Army/Marine XXXX (that, which must not be named)  Center pamphlet, there is a quote "In small wars, tolerance, sympathy and kindness should be the keynote to our relationship with the mass of the population".  Sounds if not left wing, then the left arm of the right wing.

Ah I see, yes, I agree. Hence part of the idea of officers requiring some educational background to join.
CDN Aviator said:
2 virgins talking about the best way to have sex...........

It does not hurt to discuss the theory to provide some idea of what is going to happen and what to do before the practical happens. It why Sex Ed is effective in promoting safe sex and avoiding unwanted pregnancies or STDs.

Metaphorically speaking and sarcasm aside of course.
mellian said:
It why Sex Ed is effective in promoting safe sex and avoiding unwanted pregnancies or STDs.

I would say however, that the person teaching sex ed, usualy has direct experience in the subject.
CDN Aviator said:
I would say however, that the person teaching sex ed, usualy has direct experience in the subject.

True, but does not hurt for the students to discuss it or read up on it before the course/workshop.
mellian said:
Ah I see, yes, I agree. Hence part of the idea of officers requiring some educational background to join.

Yea, because until a few years ago we just took anyone who asked.

EDIT: Kat's right
Whew, I was going to quote and reply to a earlier post but I think that enough has been said on the topic of someones personal thoughts on protesters.

Good reminder ER,  So back to the topic, "does being part of the military make you right wing"

Some here obviously feel strongly about extremes from either side being in the military. Personally and in my experience the addadge of the CF being a microcosim of all Canadians does hold some water.  However due to our job's and life experiences we tend to take on a less tollerant for B.S persona that can straddle both sides of the spectrum of left or right. 

We as a reflection of Canada are still lacking in the full diversity that is prevalent in most major Canadian cities. ( and I am not espousing afrimative action here, This is something that recruitment will have to look at and time will eventually find a happy medium for) 

So my point of view being a "conservativly liberal" who does not like the mind set of any large group of people who want to protest or not.  Care not one wit what a persons leanings are as long as they are willing to listen to other points of views rather then rely on jignostic replies or statements to any idea that does not coincide with thiers. What I do care about is anyone who serves with me to be able to do thier job to the best of their ability.  That may include being a humanitarian, a separator of two factions, a warrior, a life safer.  It all depends on what the mission is.  Above all regardless of political bent I want people working for me able to do what the Govt of Canada requires. 

As a note with in our Dag process for most of our deployments there is a range and scope to say nope I dont want to go.  Will that change for a full out war or the current conflict requiring more troops for longer....... Yup you betcha. but we are not there yet.  Will saying "no" have carreer consequences..... Yes it does. especially after signing a Wng Order, but a firing squad is not one of them. 
helpup said:
Some here obviously feel strongly about extremes from either side being in the military. Personally and in my experience the addadge of the CF being a microcosim of all Canadians does hold some water.  However due to our job's and life experiences we tend to take on a less tollerant for B.S persona that can straddle both sides of the spectrum of left or right

I think that just about sums it up. CF members, of all political stripes, do not tolerate or fall victim to the BS that spews from all sides of the political spectrum (left, right and in between).

LIke I said earlier, most of the military is far too busy to concern itself with politics beyond election season.
Whether you are left, right or centre does not make any difference. This does:

You are duty bound to obey the legal orders of your superiors, and the Parliament of Canada. If you disagree strongly about government policies, or the direction the Parliament of Canada wants the CF to take, you are free to take your release and express your point of view.
OldSoldier said:
Whether you are left, right or centre does not make any difference. This does:

You are duty bound to obey the legal orders of your superiors, and the Parliament of Canada. If you disagree strongly about government policies, or the direction the Parliament of Canada wants the CF to take, you are free to take your release and express your point of view.

Good point OS, and this is something I dont think the original poster was intending and yet some viewed she would by default bring that into the CF with her. 

Along with everything I stated I should also add that you are severly limited in your ability to partake in these protests, or support for a political party ect when you join the CF.  ( at least as long as you live in a PMQ, Govt quarters.  We are a Govt tool and are suppose to outside of voting hold a nuetral face.
In the 80's many of the rank and file voted NDP as it was more of a labour based organization then. The Officers generally voted Conservative. As the NDP became more anti-military, I think they lost most of the serving members. The Liberals screwed the military over badly and hurt morale, so I am guessing they also lost Lot's of military support as well. The current CPC has been very supportive of the military despite making a number of goofs along the way. It's natural to support a political party that doe not piss on you and treat you like a 2nd class citizen or a mindless zombie. It really depend on what your primary issues are. As I am a gun owner, there is only the CPC for me as the others treat me like a deranged criminal.
Colin P said:
In the 80's many of the rank and file voted NDP as it was more of a labour based organization then. The Officers generally voted Conservative. As the NDP became more anti-military, I think they lost most of the serving members. The Liberals screwed the military over badly and hurt morale, so I am guessing they also lost Lot's of military support as well. The current CPC has been very supportive of the military despite making a number of goofs along the way. It's natural to support a political party that doe not piss on you and treat you like a 2nd class citizen or a mindless zombie. It really depend on what your primary issues are. As I am a gun owner, there is only the CPC for me as the others treat me like a deranged criminal.

Really?  Have you got a source for those "facts" regarding the voting patterns of the rank and file, and the officers then serving?

I was serving (rank and file) in the '80s - and I've never voted NDP in my life.
Roy Harding said:
Really?  Have you got a source for those "facts" regarding the voting patterns of the rank and file, and the officers then serving?

I was serving (rank and file) in the '80s - and I've never voted NDP in my life.

Same here. I was a Cpl/MCpl/Sgt in the 80's - and I realized the NDP was basically in the pockets of the Communist party.....unwittingly maybe, but they were.
Roy Harding said:
Really?  Have you got a source for those "facts" regarding the voting patterns of the rank and file, and the officers then serving?

I was serving (rank and file) in the '80s - and I've never voted NDP in my life.

Ah, so that explains why my Reg. force instructor in Wainwright in asked me if I was "some kind of a Bolshevik" when asked where we could cast our ballots in the 1974 Federal election.  BTW I would have most likely voted for the "right" of the spectrum. 
Shec said:
Ah, so that explains why my Reg. force instructor in Wainwright in asked me if I was "some kind of a Bolshevik" when asked where we could cast our ballots in the 1974 Federal election.  BTW I would have most likely voted for the "right" of the spectrum.

I'm not sure what you're driving at here - in my time I voted in Federal elections while deployed to foreign nations - thrice (that I recall).

The ability of the troops to vote in elections - no matter where they are deployed - is taken very seriously in the Forces.

I don't know the background to your story - but I assume that your instructor (BTW - what does the fact that he was Regular Force have to do with anything?) was "being witty".
Colin P said:
It's natural to support a political party that doe not piss on you and treat you like a 2nd class citizen or a mindless zombie. It really depend on what your primary issues are. As I am a gun owner, there is only the CPC for me as the others treat me like a deranged criminal.

Or on those you care about. One's life experiences and present status in life will always influence one's political views. Like someone previous said in this thread, one is a staunch conservative when they are rich and of the upper class, and staunch socialist if one is poor and of the lower class, with extremes of both.

Goes back to the question I asked in the OP, would one's experiences in the military influence their views more towards the right, no matter their views before joining? Not sure if it would, but the experience would have an influence.

I don't know if it shaped my political opinion, but it opened my eyes. Spend a few years going to some disagreeable shit holes seeing people at their absolute worst, with no regard for their fellow human being, and see if your views aren't altered somewhat.
My dad always said to me whenever politics came up in conversation: If you aren't a  liberal when you're young, you have no heart and if you aren't a conservative when you're old then you have no brain.

It doesn't always ring true but its a good saying, I think peoples views change as they age regardless if they are in the military or not..

But seeing as how I am young and a conservative I guess I have no heart and the day I become a liberal feel free to call me senile and put me in a home. lol Just kidding of course :P