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Does being part of military make you 'right wing'?

Ticking an "All of the Above" box would make things entertaining interesting !
Roy Harding said:
Really?  Have you got a source for those "facts" regarding the voting patterns of the rank and file, and the officers then serving?

I was serving (rank and file) in the '80s - and I've never voted NDP in my life.

BC was a fairly heavy union province a lot of the guys grew up in NDP families. They voted NDP for Labour reasons rather than anything else. I read the the statment way back when and it jived pretty much from what I heard in the various messes. At the end of the day no one has those "facts" as there is no real way of collecting them.
Colin P said:
BC was a fairly heavy union province a lot of the guys grew up in NDP families. They voted NDP for Labour reasons rather than anything else. I read the the statment way back when and it jived pretty much from what I heard in the various messes. At the end of the day no one has those "facts" as there is no real way of collecting them.

So?  How does this equate to a majority of CF members?  I think statistics still show that a very large percentage of the CF is made up of Maritimers.  Most of them are Liberals.......well......very few of them are NDP.
I should have been more precise, as at the time most of my contacts were in BC. I will stand by the statment that it is likely that the existing political trends in the recruiting pool played a greater role, then the fact they were in the military. If this is not clear, understand that I have a 1 and 4 year crawling over me
helpup said:
Due to Jack being....... well Jack I dont vote NDP.

I am not a big fan of Jack either. I met the guy when he showed up at a bush protest organizing meeting. We generally ignored him as we followed the policy of not showing any kind of political party preference.

Did get quite annoyed at him for standing in the middle of the elgin & laurier intersection surrounded by media at the start of the morning bush protest march, forcing everyone to get around them. Trying to coordinate ten thousand big march with that kind of obstacle was not easy...

In terms of voting trends by those in the Canadian Forces, is it generally to which ever party that provides better funding and support to the military? I can understand dislike of the liberals during the Trudeau era and on not being the greatest for the CF, but the Conservatives historically were not always the greatest in that area either.
At the station I was at two soldiers got married. They happened to be gay. The ultra right wing conservatives were never told about it or even knew there were gays on the station. The views on this site are the guys who weren't invited to the reception.  ;D

Personally I find the whole right/left thing very 20th century. Both sides produced many crazies who thought a death camp was the best place for those who disagreed with them. I primarily look at the libertarian/totalitarian leanings of the party first. That ends up putting all the kooks in one basket. If you are in the other basket you probably have some good ideas to bring to the table.

My 2c.
mellian said:
In terms of voting trends by those in the Canadian Forces, is it generally to which ever party that provides better funding and support to the military? I can understand dislike of the liberals during the Trudeau era and on not being the greatest for the CF, but the Conservatives historically were not always the greatest in that area either.

The current Conservatives have been the only political party to stand up and support the deployed Battle Group with both words, funding, and equipment. The Liberals sent us there and could care less what happened after. As soon as they were out of government, they flipped and demanded we be brought home. I'd rather support a political party that knows what a military is actually for, instead of trying to create the Team Canada World Police with Vietnam-era  kit that Chretien and Martin tried to do.
Nemo888 said:
At the station I was at two soldiers got married. They happened to be gay. The ultra right wing conservatives were never told about it or even knew there were gays on the station. The views on this site are the guys who weren't invited to the reception.
PuckChaser said:
The current Conservatives have been the only political party to stand up and support the deployed Battle Group with both words, funding, and equipment. The Liberals sent us there and could care less what happened after. As soon as they were out of government, they flipped and demanded we be brought home. I'd rather support a political party that knows what a military is actually for, instead of trying to create the Team Canada World Police with Vietnam-era  kit that Chretien and Martin tried to do.

Would you have enjoyed your deployment in Iraq? The Conservatives wanted that as well.
Nemo888 said:
At the station I was at two soldiers got married. They happened to be gay. The ultra right wing conservatives were never told about it or even knew there were gays on the station. The views on this site are the guys who weren't invited to the reception.  ;D

Personally I find the whole right/left thing very 20th century. Both sides produced many crazies who thought a death camp was the best place for those who disagreed with them. I primarily look at the libertarian/totalitarian leanings of the party first. That ends up putting all the kooks in one basket. If you are in the other basket you probably have some good ideas to bring to the table.

My 2c.

congrats on you and your partner tying the knot...
Nemo888 said:
Would you have enjoyed your deployment in Iraq? The Conservatives wanted that as well.

What's your point? We go where the government tells us to go, we have no say and you know it.

At least with the PCs in office we are getting out of the hole the Liberal government made for us in the early 90's.

Ever have a wage freeze for over 6 years? How about a posting and promotion freeze at the same time? Now throw in reductions in everything from no purchasing of new equipment to parts. Hell I even remember mileage restrictions on vehicles. Literally drive for 10km and then stop for the rest of the day. Then there was the hanger foundations crumbing to the point that whole buildings were shifting off their foundations, troops walking around with sleeves on their jackets falling off (gen 1 Gortex jackets)because of "lowest bidder" clothing competitions.

Meanwhile Liberal coffers get bigger, and troops in the Balkans at the time couldn't even get the tools to do the job.

The list goes on and on.

I'd take the PCs over the Liberals any day...and I used to vote Liberal.

Nemo888 said:
Would you have enjoyed your deployment in Iraq? The Conservatives wanted that as well.
I think that you're confusing our military with that of some banana republic.  In the military, I have met those who supported NDP, Liberal, Conservatives, Reformers and even the BQ.  Those are our political views, which we keep to ourselves.  As an example, when asked how I voted, I answer "Same as last time: by secret ballot."  I have voted Liberal, Conservative and Reform, all depending on the candidate, the political climate, what was happening, etc.

As for your troll, had we "deployed" to Iraq, our mission to Afghanistan (from 2003 onwards) was to keep us (read: Canada) out of Iraq.  If you recall, there was some pretty heavy pressure to go, and polls at the time were pretty nearly split on the decision.  But that matters not.  If the government of the day said to us tomorrow "Leave Afghanistan and deploy to Darfur", then we'd salute and get the job done.  Whether we like it or not has little to do with it.  We have all volunteered, and after all, it's not the military that's in Afghanistan (or wherever), it's Canada. 

'Nuff said.
Nemo888 said:
Would you have enjoyed your deployment in Iraq? The Conservatives wanted that as well.

What does enjoying it have to do with anything.. When something is your job, you do it, period.
And anyone who joins the forces joins knowing that they may be deployed anywhere in the world whenever told to. You can vote for a certain party for many reasons but Im sure not many people in the forces vote based on where exactly, when or if they will be deployed overseas, and if they do then shame on them.
Nemo888 said:
Would you have enjoyed your deployment in Iraq? The Conservatives wanted that as well.

I'd grin and bear it. If you had any clue what being a soldier is all about, you wouldn't have made that comment. I'm fully prepared to die for my country, and die for your right to make ridiculous statements about something your empty profile states that you know nothing about. Whether its in Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Darfur or Bosnia; we have a job to do. However, just like everyone else in the world, the CF members here like to be paid properly, and have the right equipment to do the job.
Nemo888 said:
At the station I was at two soldiers got married. They happened to be gay. The ultra right wing conservatives were never told about it or even knew there were gays on the station. The views on this site are the guys who weren't invited to the reception.  ;D

My 2c.
Station?????? What bus station are you talking about.

Was it Mark Twain who stated,  " better to be silent and be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt" ( or words to that effect)
helpup said:
Station?????? What bus station are you talking about.

Was it Mark Twain who stated,  " better to be silent and be thought a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt" ( or words to that effect)

I think you'll eat those words, helpup:

Minor installations are named Canadian Forces Station or CFS (French Station des forces canadiennes or SFC).

A Canadian Forces Station could host a single minor unit (eg. an early warning radar station). Many of these facilities are now decommissioned for administrative purposes and function as detachments of a larger Canadian Forces Base nearby.
What's that sound, rushing water?  This one is circling the drain, gathering momentum.