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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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One question for you warrant officer, do you really need a pair of dogtags. You would not be permitted to wear it in uniform because it was not issued, therefore your only us for them would be to wear them in civies.
ctjj.stevenson said:
One question for you warrant officer, do you really need a pair of dogtags. You would not be permitted to wear it in uniform because it was not issued, therefore your only us for them would be to wear them in civies.

Not to be rude, but I would recomment to save your money for something more important.

Actually that was very rude. While I don't see the need for the cadet warrant officer to have a set of dog tags if he wants to spend money on them I don't think we should be telling him what he can or cannot buy if he wants to wear them while in civillian dress.
There were actually some Cadet Courses that were issued Dog Tags.

Back in the late 80's a friend of mine completed the Para course and was issued them prior to the "J" Stage.  Additionally, I was issued my first pair as a Cadet back during the same time period when I went on CFE (CF Europe), which was an exchange to 3 RCR.

I guess if they figure the course a Cadet is going to go on is dangerous, then it would then warrent the issue of Dog Tags.
ctjj.stevenson said:
One question for you warrant officer, do you really need a pair of dogtags. You would not be permitted to wear it in uniform because it was not issued, therefore your only us for them would be to wear them in civies.

Not to be rude, but I would recomment to save your money for something more important.

Is that a fact. So in that case no cadet would be able to wear combats on FTX's since they weren't issued? How about crosses? They're not issued but you're permitted to wear them.  Sounds like you need to relax a little.
Agreed. The Warrant has all the rights in the world to purchase dog tags.
just to clarify with everyone. 

inch... crosses are religious and are allowed to be worn by both the CF and cadets under QR&O's and CATO's.  As for cadets in combats, they are not supposed to wear them, unless they are issued, and now with the new uniforms, cadets that buy uniforms from Canadian Peacekeeper (CFGear) they are not permitted to wear a head dress or rank with the uniform, because they look to much like the real thing and it is hard to distinguish between a soldier and a cadet.  As for cadets getting issued tags, they still do that for the para course and a few exchanges.  but like everyone said, we are not to dictate how he spends his money.  i hope this anwswers any questions.

Actually, I came back to change my statement ... I did do the same as a cadet myself - buy a pair of dogtags. I did not want to be rude however, and I am asking pardon if it seemed like it.

As for cross and other jewlery, from my knowledge of the cadet uniform, no, they are not permitted to were it. The only articles that could be worn are any medic-alert insingia, wrist watch, and ear-rings for female cadets. I will review the uniform instruction, however, seeing that I've worked with people that always are looking for proof about anything having to do with the uniform, these are the people that have always told me that other types of jewlery or religious symbol that are not obligatory are not permitted.

I will come back after I review the uniform instructions.
I did not think wrist watches were allowed. Nifty little fact if they are!
hopefully airborne soon said:
just to clarify with everyone.  

inch... crosses are religious and are allowed to be worn by both the CF and cadets under QR&O's and CATO's.   As for cadets in combats, they are not supposed to wear them, unless they are issued, and now with the new uniforms, cadets that buy uniforms from Canadian Peacekeeper (CFGear) they are not permitted to wear a head dress or rank with the uniform, because they look to much like the real thing and it is hard to distinguish between a soldier and a cadet.   As for cadets getting issued tags, they still do that for the para course and a few exchanges.   but like everyone said, we are not to dictate how he spends his money.    i hope this anwswers any questions.


I think you missed the point that Inch was trying to make. Read the post he quoted again, then his response and you may pick up what he was trying to lay down.

Do you have a link to reference your info from?

As for wearing combats, I find your statement to be completely contradictory. On one hand you say that Cadets are not supposed to wear combats unless they are issued, then you say that if they decide to buy combats that they must not wear head dress or rank insignia. See the confusion here? Which one is it?
Army cadet League web site sells them for about $12
go to kitshop
Wow, sorry I did not mean for this to turn into such a heated argument. I just like them and would like a set to wear. I'm sorry if some one does not like that. Thank you for that link by the way, its perfect.
Your allowed to wear them when in uniform because its a piece of identification, regardless of being issue or bought, at least thats why we were allowed to wear them at camp (added side note, was under the Cbt. shirt and had to tuck the ball chain as much as possible under the collar)
WO. McWatt said:
Wow, sorry I did not mean for this to turn into such a heated argument. I just like them and would like a set to wear. I'm sorry if some one does not like that. Thank you for that link by the way, its perfect.

No problem! Considering a set for myself.  ;)
WO. McWatt said:
Wow, sorry I did not mean for this to turn into such a heated argument. I just like them and would like a set to wear. I'm sorry if some one does not like that. Thank you for that link by the way, its perfect.

Don't be sorry, you asked a valid question and got jumped on for asking it which is why the Mods and myself responded the way we did.
hopefully airborne soon said:
As for cadets in combats, they are not supposed to wear them, unless they are issued
No, we are allowed to wear combats even when they are not issued. Cadets are authorized to wear CF Combats at no cost to the public. Can't post a link, but that is pretty much straight out of the CATO's almost word for word
hopefully airborne soon said:
Canadian Peacekeeper (CFGear)
hopefully airborne soon said:
they are not permitted to wear a head dress or rank with the uniform, because they look to much like the real thing and it is hard to distinguish between a soldier and a cadet.  
We are instructed to wear our headdress and rank insignia to help distinguish us from the "real thing"
hopefully airborne soon said:
just to clarify with everyone.  
Please clarify with facts, and stuff you know...........makes everyones life easier...........
FSgt_mandal said:
No, we are allowed to wear combats even when they are not issued. Cadets are authorized to wear CF Combats at no cost to the public. Can't post a link, but that is pretty much straight out of the CATO's almost word for word

Close, now exactly word for word.

CATO 55-04] CF combat clothing. Cadets are authorized to wear CF combat clothing during Sqn survival exercises when authorized by the Sqn CO. A headdress (the wedge or blue beret with the Air Cadet hat insignia said:
We are instructed to wear our headdress and rank insignia to help distinguish us from the "real thing"
Close to being true. As the quote was misinterpreted this response is slightly incorrect. The actual quote is...

hopefully airborne soon said:
cadets that buy uniforms from Canadian Peacekeeper (CFGear) they are not permitted to wear a head dress or rank with the uniform, because they look to much like the real thing and it is hard to distinguish between a soldier and a cadet.
So what he said was true from a certain point of view(he he, go Obi-Wan!). The Frontenac(sp?) crap is not CF combat clothing, therefore the headdress and slip-ons are not to be worn.

All reading please note that 55-04 is an Air cadet document, I can't find anything in the army cadet CATO's but they should be similar.

ctjj.stevenson said:
One question for you warrant officer, do you really need a pair of dogtags. You would not be permitted to wear it in uniform because it was not issued, therefore your only us for them would be to wear them in civies.

Pull your head in pal. Its a free world.

Who are you to dicate how a citizen can spend his money. Even if he wants to wear US dog tags, so be it, and frankly who really cares.

Hey WO McWatt, if ya want a set of Aussie ones, I mail them to ya for nothing. You'll just need to scrounge some chain.



somone beat me to the punch on the CATO's quote  ;)  :salute: .  However i did read the part about Cadets not being allowed to wear CF issued clothing and had a good chuckle.  WRONG.

As for wearing them in dress uniform on a typical parade night.  Not allowed according to the cadet dress regs.  On a FTX weekend, don't think it would be a huge deal, however common sense prevails when it comes to safety (ie. tags getting caught on somthing, yes i know they are made to break off but still...it's cadets)  so for some training you may need to pull em.  Hey, i bought some when i was a cadet, go nuts if you don't have to pay a ton of money for them. good luck.

Wesley H. Allen said:
Pull your head in pal. Its a free world.

Hey WO McWatt, if ya want a set of Aussie ones, I mail them to ya for nothing. You'll just need to scrounge some chain.



Really??? (Obviously you said it.) OK, how do I order though, I'm guessing Ill pay and order to a site but ship them to you instead of me so its not as much S&H. So if you want to PM me with details I'd love to.