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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
  • Start date
PM inbound. I got a spare set, and don't worry about the shipping.


FSgt.  Just to let you know your instructors are leading you on, and going against what their region says.  At the CO's, Supp O's and Admin O's conference we were told that combats are not allowed to be worn by cadets, and if they buy the ones from peacekeeper you are not allowed to wear a head dress or rank, weather it be on a brassard or not.  And as for cadets wearing CadPat that is not allowed, that is a CF uniform not a cadet uniform.  So to let you, i do know my facts...  and i knew what inch was talking about, I didnt mean to come accross like I was bashing him.

I am not saying i agree or disagree with what i am saying, i am just saying that is what we were instructed.
And how is wearing a head dress going to help distinguish you from the real thing?  You wear the capbadge of your affiliated unit.  By wearing a head dress you look more like the real thing.
Apart from saying "Royal Canadian Air Cadets" on the capbrass, it says "cadet" on the slip-ons. And most likely being with a group of younger people, I don't think joe civvy would have a hard time distinguishing us from res or reg personel. If they do, it's their fault not not paying closer attention to the insignia we wear.
hopefully airborne soon said:
FSgt.    Just to let you know your instructors are leading you on, and going against what their region says.   At the CO's, Supp O's and Admin O's conference we were told that combats are not allowed to be worn by cadets
If we are not allowed to wear combats, then why are they issued to us on course? why does it say we are authorised to wear them in the CATO's?


[quote author=CATO 55-04]
CATO 55-04
CF combat clothing. Cadets are authorized to wear CF combat clothing during Sqn survival exercises when authorized by the Sqn CO. A headdress (the wedge or blue beret with the Air Cadet hat insignia, widebrimmed tan summer hat or toque) and also cadet rank slip-ons shall be worn with CF combat clothing. CF combat clothing shall not be taken to CSTC. The Sqn CO shall ensure that all cadets wearing  military camouflage clothing or civilian look-alike camouflage clothing while participating in Sqn survival exercises can be easily identified in the field through the use of coloured vests as required. Air Cadet headdress, hat insignia and rank slipons shall not be worn with civilian combat pattern clothing (CF look-alike) or any civilian clothing;[/quote]

It's all right there.
hopefully airborne soon said:
FSgt.    Just to let you know your instructors are leading you on, and going against what their region says.   At the CO's, Supp O's and Admin O's conference we were told that combats are not allowed to be worn by cadets

You should have stopped with that statement. Instead you go on to say:

hopefully airborne soon said:
and if they buy the ones from peacekeeper you are not allowed to wear a head dress or rank, weather it be on a brassard or not.

Again it's contradictory. If you were told that Cadets are not allowed to wear combats then that should be it, no? If someone says that they aren't allowed to wear combats then says that if they buy some from Peacekeeper that they just can't wear head dress or insignia then that would sort of supercede the first would it not?

Please clarify.

Mandal, thanks for the CATO quote, good on you.

All, please read the Conduct Guidelines and familiarize yourselves with the part titled "Qualifying Information" If you're going to post info here be ready to back it up as Mandal did. If you don't, be prepared to have it shot apart.

the combats you get from peacekeeper are a knock off.  they are not CF.  so if a cadet buys them they are not allowed to wear a headress or rank.  and cadets are not allowed to wear the new CadPat issue dress at all.  that is what i was trying to say
And do you have a link to some qualifying information?

You should also try to be a little more clear.

FSgt.  Just to let you know your instructors are leading you on, and going against what their region says.  At the CO's, Supp O's and Admin O's conference we were told that combats are not allowed to be worn by cadets

You said "not allowed to be worn by Cadets" so what if it's "knock off" combat clothing or the real thing or a pair of Brit DPM, you said it wasn't allowed then contradicted yourself. I think you've missed the point here.
i will ahve to look.  i am just repeating what we learned at our conference this year.
This is a thread that got off topic...

I think there may be some confusion here between old combats sold off to the cadet org,
knock off cadpat (can cav, cp gear),
and real cadpat which is copyrighted and a controlled item.

FSgt_mandal said:
If we are not allowed to wear combats, then why are they issued to us on course? why does it say we are authorised to wear them in the CATO's?

It's all right there.

Take the CATOs word for it.  If CATOs say you can do it, then you can do it.  Word of mouth and rumours are irrelevant.
Just to further clarify "combats" ...

The cadet org has and distributes the older OD combats.
They are making an attempt to find a cadet pattern field uniform.
The cadet org officially frowns upon the use of CADPAT by cadets.

I refer you to Army Cadet bulletin 04-008 from the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific)
which says (link to pdf document at bottom) ;

" ........  Cadets may continue to purchase new or used military-style field dress from surplus stores or use suitable civilian clothing.  Some Corps Sponsor Committees have elected to help cadets acquire military pattern field dress. While the use of the old style olive drab "combat" clothing is acceptable, in such cases, cadets must also wear an armlet (brassard) that has the RCAC badge attached.  Cadet Rank and Affiliated Unit shoulder flashes also may be attached to this armlet.

The Army office of the RCSU (Pacific) continues to strongly discourage the use of Canadian Forces CADPAT (including imitation) by Army Cadets.  This pattern of clothing makes it difficult to distinguish cadets from members of the regular and reserve force and may cause confusion when CF members are present. CADPAT is a restricted clothing pattern intended solely for CF personnel and it is issued only to members of the CF (including CIC). Allowing cadets (or Civilian Instructors) to wear "acquired" CADPAT is a violation of CF policy. Allowing cadets to wear military style clothing that closely resembles CADPAT also would be a violation of the spirit of that policy.  ......... "


So they must wear an armband even in the old OD's eh. Good to know, thanx for that post.
You can buy the "Dog tags" directly from the league...they have a form on the army cadet league site
I can safely say the only things that appeal to me from the ACL kit shop are the drill canes.

and that "Bearly" A cadet...I mean what the hell is up with that...first it was an air cadet...now it looks like they just shrunk the CANCAV and made bear suits...
WO. McWatt said:
Really??? (Obviously you said it.) OK, how do I order though, I'm guessing Ill pay and order to a site but ship them to you instead of me so its not as much S&H. So if you want to PM me with details I'd love to.

Your tags are enroute via AIRMAIL, so give em about 8-11 days or do to get to ya.


Isnt Wes a nice guy? ;D
old medic said:
Just to further clarify "combats" ...

The cadet org has and distributes the older OD combats.
They are making an attempt to find a cadet pattern field uniform.
The cadet org officially frowns upon the use of CADPAT by cadets.

I refer you to Army Cadet bulletin 04-008 from the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Pacific)
which says (link to pdf document at bottom) ;

" ........    Cadets may continue to purchase new or used military-style field dress from surplus stores or use suitable civilian clothing.   Some Corps Sponsor Committees have elected to help cadets acquire military pattern field dress. While the use of the old style olive drab "combat" clothing is acceptable, in such cases, cadets must also wear an armlet (brassard) that has the RCAC badge attached.   Cadet Rank and Affiliated Unit shoulder flashes also may be attached to this armlet.

The Army office of the RCSU (Pacific) continues to strongly discourage the use of Canadian Forces CADPAT (including imitation) by Army Cadets.   This pattern of clothing makes it difficult to distinguish cadets from members of the regular and reserve force and may cause confusion when CF members are present. CADPAT is a restricted clothing pattern intended solely for CF personnel and it is issued only to members of the CF (including CIC). Allowing cadets (or Civilian Instructors) to wear "acquired" CADPAT is a violation of CF policy. Allowing cadets to wear military style clothing that closely resembles CADPAT also would be a violation of the spirit of that policy.    ......... "

At least your region set some rules on cadpat the Ontario branch of The Army Cadet League sells cadpat knock offs for cadets to use at the LHQ.