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Dutch and the Stan

You are right;

I've done a little research, and as of 13 Jan 2006, the Dutch government has decided to make A-stan a go. There is the problem of the Junior political party in their government threatening to veto the application submitted by the leading Democtratic Christian Party to supply an Airmobile unit, Apaches, and F16's. The government needs 2/3 majority vote to finalize the application. They will deploy to Uruzgan province, where the insurgent populace is suspected of being troublesome, and numbering around 650 "Terrorists".

I will keep updated on developments and share them here.

Gnplummer421 :cdn:
Further to my last;

Part of the group going to A-stan are: Elements of the 12th Airmobile Infantry, an element of the 44th Pantserinfantry. a hodgepodge of support element (techs, admin etc) 6 F16's, 6 Apache's, 3 transport helo's, and a company of the Military police. My Dutch is not as good as it once was, so I may have missed some sub-units in the translation. Looked for Special Ops, but they may already be there...

Gnplummer :cdn: