E.R. Campbell said:Here, reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from Maclean’s is Premier Wynne explaining to Paul Wells, in her own words, how she plans to help defeat Prime Minister Harper in Ontario:
I'm not sure how well (or poorly) this can work. I'll repeat my suspicion that Premier Wynne is strong where Justin Trudeau (or Thomas Mulcair) is already strong; she may help M Trudeau's candidate defeat a NDP candidate or she may just split the vote and let a Conservative "come up the middle." I think Premier Wynne is less popular in the "blue belt" of suburbs around Toronto which is where Prime Minister Harper needs to win ...
... her presence on the Liberal campaign team might even help Prime Minister Harper.
I suspect the Liberals would be overjoyed if the federal result in October looked like the map you show. All those 905-belt areas (Mississauga, Brampton, S York Region etc) look Red by my eyes, and not even the "skin-of-the-teeth just-squeaked-in" pink colour.
Of course, that was then. It is possible that support for Wynne may have dropped since the election in those areas.