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Election 2015

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They picked an excellent English language voice for Trudeau, he sounded like a whiny child the entire time.

What I don't get, is why there is allowed to be a French-only debate, but every English one has to have French segments.
I don't remember there being any French in the previous two debates
Now hearing that the interpreter for Harper did not do a good job.  (I was not watching debate, so wouldn't know.)
The voice-over for the translators on CTV was very poorly done....I don't know about the other networks....

They left in all the background babbling, the voice-over was not clear and distinct....very hard to follow....

Harper came out pretty good, as everybody was out to attack Mulclair. Trudeau came across weakly, almost singing Kum Bay Ah about wanting to raise up the middle class that he doesn't give two shits about.

Duceppe, is still the separatist.

There is a reason why May should NOT be included....she adds nothing.....
suffolkowner said:
I don't know, I think familiarity with Auschwitz should come with a high school education, never mind university.

Apparently not in some school districts in the Hamilton region  8)
I have two points on this article.

Firstly, if commenting on the backwardness of treatment of women by some more extremist/traditionalist religious group with a comment as innocuous as the one the candidate made, where he merely compared the said treatment (on that point only) by two different groups to show them to be the same [exact quote: "much like the Taliban and other extremists, the Haredim offer a toxic caricature of faith at odds with the spirit of the religious tradition they profess to represent."], then the totally sterilized and vacuous public discourse we are left with will never permit the resolution of any problem by the politicians. IMHO the statement by the candidate is well within the bounds of free speech, does not even remotely come close to being inappropriate and if that is now the bar to disqualify candidates, we may not find anyone to stand for parliament in a few years.

Secondly: "Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley": ??? Who comes up with these name  :facepalm:
milnews.ca said:

This is why we need to get rid of the requirment for the Party Leader's edorsement as a requirement for running for office. If the people in his riding had a problem with his statement, then they won't elect him. If the registered NDP in his riding don't want him, they will elect a new representative.

I hate how our political process is democratic, but our Political process is a malignant dictatorship.
Yet more meddling with what is usually publicly accessible information, this time around gas prices of all things.


Today, though, the Canadian public service is generally regarded as muzzled, more so than at any time in the modern era.

The current government seems to consider information a political tool, easily weaponized, and has ordered bureaucrats largely to refrain from communication with the general public they are supposed to serve. With particular emphasis, of course, on the media.

Naturally, that can become creeping self-censorship, as a matter of career self-interest.

How else to explain the suppression, at the outset of this election, of Natural Resources Canada's Fuel Focus Report?

The bi-weekly report, published on the NRCan website, is a rich collection of statistics on gasoline prices, a subject of interest to just about every consumer.
■CANADA VOTES: More federal election coverage

It provides comparisons with U.S. prices, and, probably most interesting, a rolling average of margins — the amount of the price of a litre of gas that goes into the pockets of the refiner and the retailer.

That sort of data is particularly valuable at a time when prices at the pump seem disjointed from the price of crude oil, which has cratered majestically over the past year.

But once the election was called that data was pulled offline, shutting down an impartial source of information to anyone who might want a serious discussion of fuel prices during the long weeks of campaigning.

"Jonasson is a minister in the Unitarian Universalist Church"

Known to Christians as heretics.  Oh Oh!  I've just disqualified myself from running for Parliament.  Badmouthing Jews in Winnipeg is not a way to get elected.
Rocky Mountains said:
"Jonasson is a minister in the Unitarian Universalist Church"

Known to Christians as heretics.  Oh Oh!  I've just disqualified myself from running for Parliament.  Badmouthing Jews in Winnipeg is not a way to get elected.

The NDP's move to the center is going to hurt them I think. Ditching candidates who are critical of Israel, and this chap who I think correctly compared a fundamentalist sect of Judaism to the Taliban stands in sharp contrast to standing by another candidate who doesn't believe in abortion or gay marriage. A lot of NDP supporters I know are assessing their options. Not a scientific poll by any means, but if history is any indicator the left party who pretends to be on the right during election season always loses.
Kilo_302 said:
The NDP's move to the center is going to hurt them I think. Ditching candidates who are critical of Israel, and this chap who I think correctly compared a fundamentalist sect of Judaism to the Taliban stands in sharp contrast to standing by another candidate who doesn't believe in abortion or gay marriage. A lot of NDP supporters I know are assessing their options. Not a scientific poll by any means, but if history is any indicator the left party who pretends to be on the right during election season always loses.

NDP loses election for leaning too close to centre (Liberals lose for whatever reason).
Large faction of NDP break way and form new Left-Wing party (the Social Democratic Party of Canada).
Remaining members of NDP dissolve and join Liberal party.
Trudeau steps down as leader.
Mulcair steps in as interim ledear à la Bob Rae.
8 More years of Conservative leadership.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I have two points on this article.

Firstly, if commenting on the backwardness of treatment of women by some more extremist/traditionalist religious group with a comment as innocuous as the one the candidate made, where he merely compared the said treatment (on that point only) by two different groups to show them to be the same [exact quote: "much like the Taliban and other extremists, the Haredim offer a toxic caricature of faith at odds with the spirit of the religious tradition they profess to represent."], then the totally sterilized and vacuous public discourse we are left with will never permit the resolution of any problem by the politicians. IMHO the statement by the candidate is well within the bounds of free speech, does not even remotely come close to being inappropriate and if that is now the bar to disqualify candidates, we may not find anyone to stand for parliament in a few years.

Secondly: "Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley": ??? Who comes up with these name  :facepalm:


Admittedly not every sect feels that public execution is the appropriate penalty for a woman failing to comply with the dress code.

Haven't seen much evidence of that amongst the local Hutterites or Mennonites (nor even the Mormons).
The political left is in a bind of its own making with respect to intolerance for freely-expressed controversial opinions.  Social media made practical the "Two Minutes Hate", and progressives have been early and strong adopters to attack those with whom they disagree.  The tactic is available to all.  Consequently, people with something to lose (politicians during an election) are hypersensitive and seek to deny opponents a target.
Perhaps the Tories can foil their plans the same way Jason Kenny did in 2011 by focusing his efforts in ridings that were predominantly of the recent immigrant demographic.


Canada's Liberals try to boost share of important immigrant vote
Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:40am EDT

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's opposition Liberals, locked in a three-way tie ahead of an Oct. 19 election, promised on Friday to do more for the immigrant community, which used to vote en masse for the party but has since drifted away.

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau said he would boost the number of family members who could join immigrants already in Canada, saying this would help drive a sluggish economy.

"When Canadians have support – like family involvement in child care – it helps to drive our productivity and economic growth," Trudeau said at an event in Brampton, Ontario.

Brad Sallows said:
The political left is in a bind of its own making with respect to intolerance for freely-expressed controversial opinions.  Social media made practical the "Two Minutes Hate", and progressives have been early and strong adopters to attack those with whom they disagree.  The tactic is available to all.  Consequently, people with something to lose (politicians during an election) are hypersensitive and seek to deny opponents a target.

Full disclosure: I have always been (Progressive) conservative.

This said, Brad, if you think this is something of the left's own making, I strongly suggest you go and read anything by Ann Coulter.

She is certainly not making the point that the "right" is any better. I break down in hives every time I  read something from her. I think the right is just as "politically-correct" when it is applied to leftist speech they don't approve of.
Kilo_302 said:
Yet more meddling with what is usually publicly accessible information, this time around gas prices of all things.

Perhaps it's just some of "must not be seen to be influencing or meddling in the election" that the CF and OGD are bound by?
>This said, Brad, if you think this is something of the left's own making, I strongly suggest you go and read anything by Ann Coulter.

The political right has a share.  But the political right is several orders of magnitude behind when it comes to disinviting and harassing speakers, demanding language policing, orchestrating publicity campaigns to get people fired for taking the "wrong" side of a political issue, musing about criminalizing some classes of dissent and skepticism, and generally treating political disagreement as a moral failing.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I break down in hives every time I  read something from her.

I found the cure to that is to change the channel, turn the page, stick my hand over my ears and go LA-LA-LA-LA.

Best cure is to leash up the dogs and go for a walk, enjoy the fresh air.
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