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Election 2015

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E.R. Campbell said:
There are only 32 seats in all of Atlantic Canada (NL: 7, NS: 11, NB 10 and PEI:4), there are 78 in Quebec, 121 in ON, 62 on the prairies (in AB, SK and MB) and 42 in BC (also 3 in the Territories). New Canada, everything West of the Ottawa River, matters more and More and MORE.
New canada. Bullocks.

Ontario is just as "old" as quebec and the Atlantic provinces.

It's one of the founding provinces of the country.

It's a eastern province. Most Canadians still live in the Windsor quebec city corridor.

Yet somehow ottawa and Toronto are part of new "canada"?

More people live in the prairies than east of the ottawa river?  Jolly good. Toss ontario back in the east where it belongs and that means nothing.
Brad Sallows said:
If the government is to be Liberal, let it be a minority.  If they are to have a majority, let them earn it as the Conservatives did.

By "earn it" you mean drive the Canadian population to 4 elections in 7 years?  I hope not.
Altair said:
New canada. Bullocks.

Ontario is just as "old" as quebec and the Atlantic provinces.

It's one of the founding provinces of the country.

It's a eastern province. Most Canadians still live in the Windsor quebec city corridor.

Yet somehow ottawa and Toronto are part of new "canada"?

More people live in the prairies than east of the ottawa river?  Jolly good. Toss ontario back in the east where it belongs and that means nothing.

Outside of the Corridor.

Sarnia, Brampton, Burlington, Markham, the Kawarthas, Beauce, Lotbiniere, Louis St-Laurent, Levis, Jonquiere, Rimouski, Lac St-Jean, Matapedia, Gaspesie. 

Inside the Corridor

Davenport, Danforth,Parkdale, Rosedale, Rosemont, Outremont, Laurier, Hochelaga, Papineau and parts of Ottawa and Kingston when their paychecks are threatened.

By the way it is bollocks, not bullocks.
>By "earn it" you mean drive the Canadian population to 4 elections in 7 years?  I hope not.

If that's what it takes, sure.  The Liberals called an unnecessary election in 2000 for purely selfish political advantage.  I see no reason the Liberals should get an easier ride than anyone else.
Lumber said:
Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals, on the other hand, operate much differently.

I wouldn't trust your gut feeling then.  The Liberals PMs, while in power, were very adept at dictating to their members how to tow the party line in parliamentary matters.
Altair said:
New Canada. Bullocks.

Actually, with the revised electoral boundaries and the addition of several new Ridings and seats in the House, it is a NEW Canada and the shift has been Westward of the Ottawa River.
Altair said:
New canada. Bullocks.

Ontario is just as "old" as quebec and the Atlantic provinces.

It's one of the founding provinces of the country.

It's a eastern province. Most Canadians still live in the Windsor quebec city corridor.

Yet somehow ottawa and Toronto are part of new "canada"?

More people live in the prairies than east of the ottawa river?  Jolly good. Toss ontario back in the east where it belongs and that means nothing.

Actually, as I have explained many, many times on these pages, the "Old Canada:New Canada" paradigm was not developed by me. It came from (I'm pretty sure) Michael Bliss and he tossed it out, as a theory, twenty or so years ago (maybe longer) because it seemed to explain what we were seeing in terms of socio-economic development. Vancouver, Calagary and Toronto were prospering in every way: growing and growing richer and also growing richer in human terms as immigrants, from all over the world, but, especially the well educated, sophisticated immigrants from Asia, moved there and, almost never, to Montreal, Saint John and Halifax. There were, also, shifts in the political culture. The West had, yet again, tossed up a new, exciting and national political movement: Reform (which morphed into the CPC). The technology boom was underway and Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa were all 'playing' and Montreal was stagnating and Atlantic Canada seemed locked into a culture of dependency. The Ottawa River looked, then, like a natural divide between old, 19th/20th century Canada and a new 21st century Canada. It's not a perfect model, but it's a good theory because it still explains some of the things we see and it is anything but bollocks to anyone with even a cursory interest in history, economics and politics.

Edited to add:

I took the time to look up the source ~ isn't Google great? ~ and it was, indeed, Prof Bliss, but it was only 15 years ago: in a column in the Globe and Mail.
In that clip, Mr. Trudeau said "ah" or "um" 14 times in the first answer, until he hit a "party line" (all parties have them) and he said it right on script.  In the second answer, he said it 6 times.  He sounded like he was waffling.  He really needs to tighten up his ability to respond.
In a more lighthearted spirit:
George Wallace said:
Actually, with the revised electoral boundaries and the addition of several new Ridings and seats in the House, it is a NEW Canada and the shift has been Westward of the Ottawa River.
economic,  culturally, historically  and in demographics ontario has a lot more in common with eastern canada than the west. So this arbitrary line drawn at the ottawa river is bollocks*

*fixed it


Minus Bullock


Equals Bollocks

Spot the difference
Altair said:
economic,  culturally, historically  and in demographics ontario has a lot more in common with eastern canada than the west. So this arbitrary line drawn at the ottawa river is bullocks*

*fixed it

What ERC has explained, on his points made originally by Prof Bliss, still seems to fly over your head. 

(Have you heard of a shift key?)
E.R. Campbell said:
If he wins, he will be:

    1. Surrounded by a pretty good, solid "front bench" of, mostly, seasoned politicians, many of whom are fiscal conservatives; and

    2. Advised by a strong, smart, professional and unbiased public service, the Mandarins, who are neither afraid of nor impressed by politicians and who have the good of the country at heart and in mind.
Power may corrupt, as Lord Acton said, but it also (often? usually?) "grows" those who must wield it.

And, in this article, which is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the Globe and Mail, John Ibbitson speculates on who might share the front bench with M Trudeau if he wins on Monday:


If Trudeau wins, these Liberals could be in his cabinet


John Ibbitson
The Globe and Mail

Published Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015

In these final hours, Canadians are asking themselves whether Justin Trudeau is ready to lead Canada. But there is another question: If the Liberals were to win the election, would there be enough quality timber in the caucus to form a solid cabinet?

The short answer is yes. In fact, Mr. Trudeau has more to work with than Stephen Harper had when he formed government back in 2006.

The candidates have to get elected, of course. And the Liberal Leader has made the challenge of building a cabinet more difficult by promising that half its members will be women.

But to the credit of Mr. Trudeau and his campaign team, the party has fielded an impressive roster of candidates fit for cabinet should the opportunity arise.

One vital qualification for governing a complex, federal, G-7 nation is experience in governing that nation. Mr. Harper came to power in 2006 with a caucus essentially devoid of that experience, although he was able to draw on the talents of former Ontario cabinet ministers Jim Flaherty, Tony Clement and John Baird, who formed the backbone of his first cabinet.

Mr. Trudeau, in contrast, would have a clutch of former cabinet ministers from the Chrétien and Martin eras to draw on, including former finance minister Ralph Goodale, former Liberal leader Stéphane Dion and former ministers Scott Brison, John McCallum, Geoff Regan and Judy Sgro. Several others served as ministers of state or parliamentary secretaries, such as Carolyn Bennett, Mauril Bélanger and Hedy Fry.

Regional representation is vital in a Canadian cabinet. Mr. Trudeau will be particularly anxious to ensure strong representation from Quebec, where the Liberals are trying to expand their base, and the West, where the Liberals are weak.

Former Montreal mayoralty candidate Mélanie Joly, who headed the Quebec Advisory Committee for Mr. Trudeau’s leadership campaign, is a shoo-in if she wins the Montreal riding of Ahuntsic-Cartierville, as is former astronaut Marc Garneau in Westmount-Ville-Marie.

Michèle Audette, an Innu women’s-rights activist, is running in Terrebonne. Anju Dhillon is a Sikh lawyer who is doing well in the riding of Dorval.

Both of these candidates would contribute to the ethnic diversity of a Trudeau cabinet, another important criterion, which is one reason why Emmanuel Dubourg, a former member of Quebec’s National Assembly who was born in Haiti and is running for re-election in Bourassa, would likely have “Honourable” before his name in a Trudeau government.

Any Liberal elected in a Prairie province is a strong contender for cabinet. One prominent Liberal candidate in the region is Jim Carr, a former provincial MLA and president of the Business Council of Manitoba, who is running in Winnipeg South Centre.

Another is Kent Hehr, a lawyer and former Liberal MLA who is campaigning strongly in Calgary Centre. Mr. Hehr, who was left paralyzed in 1971 in a drive-by shooting, has been a prominent advocate for the rights of the disabled.

In British Columbia, Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, the former mayor of West Vancouver, would be a strong contender for cabinet if she can win in the exotically named West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country.

Jody Wilson-Raybould, a former Crown attorney and senior figure in the B.C. Assembly of First Nations, is running in Vancouver-Granville. And Joyce Murray, a former environment minister when Gordon Campbell was premier, should do well in Vancouver Quadra.

Other strong Liberal B.C. candidates include Harjit Sajjan, a former police officer who did three tours of duty for the Canadian Forces and is running in Vancouver South, and Sukh Dhaliwal, a businessman and former MP who is running in Surrey-Newton.

The Liberal bench is particularly deep in Ontario. It includes: Bill Blair, the former Toronto chief of police who is running in Scarborough Southwest; Andrew Leslie, the former lieutenant general who is running in the Ottawa riding of Orleans; Chrystia Freeland, a former prominent journalist and adviser to Mr. Trudeau who is seeking re-election, this time in the new riding of University-Rosedale; and Navdeep Bains, another Trudeau adviser and a former MP who is hoping to get back into the House, this time in Mississauga-Malton.

Other serious Ontario contenders include Bob Bratina, the former mayor of Hamilton who is running in Hamilton East-Stoney Creek; Bill Morneau, a business executive who is contesting Toronto Centre, and Adam Vaughan, the former journalist and city councillor who is hoping to return to Parliament, this time in the Toronto riding of Spadina-Fort York.

Dominic LeBlanc, the veteran MP who is seeking re-election in the New Brunswick riding of Beausejour, is a close friend of Mr. Trudeau’s and will certainly be in cabinet, while Hunter Tootoo, the former speaker of the Nunavut legislative assembly, is strongly challenging Conservative cabinet minister Leona Aglukkaq in Nunavut and would likely be at the table if he succeeds.

There are names left off this list who are easily qualified to serve in cabinet. The fortunes of electoral war will decide who is actually available. There are two men for every woman in the list of the names above, so less prominent female MPs may have to be elevated to cabinet if Mr. Trudeau is to keep his word. (One way around that commitment would be to appoint numerous women to the junior roles of secretary of state.) Likewise, the need for regional balance can skew who makes it and who doesn’t.

But all in all, this is a deep bench. Voters will decide whether Mr. Trudeau is ready to lead. But his potential caucus certainly appears ready.
George Wallace said:
What ERC has explained, on his points made originally by Prof Bliss, still seems to fly over your head. 

(Have you heard of a shift key?)
I understand the points he tries to make.

I simply don't agree with them.

My phone autocorrects in weird ways. I don't fight it anymore.
recceguy said:
We gotta lighten up. The thread has been soooooo serious, for soooooo long.


There's some good cartoons and memes about the other parties out there also.

CBC's Rick Mercer:

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