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Mixed blessings in this Christmas Season ... journalist/commentator, and Army.ca member/contributor David Akin suggests that Prime Minister Harper is not thinking about turkey and mistletoe, he's pondering the warnings in this editorial in The Economist which ends by saying that:
"The political scene is also different, and not in a good way. At the end of the 1990s most people in the rich world had enjoyed the
fruits of the boom: median American wages rose by 7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000. Since 2007, by contrast, they have been flat in
America, and have fallen in Britain and much of the euro zone. All over the rich world voters are already grumpy with their governments,
as polling numbers and their willingness to vote for protest parties show. If they are squeezed next year discontent will turn to anger.
The economics of 2015 may look similar to the late 1990s, but the politics will probably be rather worse."
On the brighter side, however, prime Minsiter Harper can look at this story from the Globe and Mail which says that:
"The governing Conservative Party has taken a slim lead over the Liberals, according to a new poll that also found a “sizeable” improvement
in public sentiment toward Prime Minister Stephen Harper."
"The political scene is also different, and not in a good way. At the end of the 1990s most people in the rich world had enjoyed the
fruits of the boom: median American wages rose by 7.7% in real terms in 1995-2000. Since 2007, by contrast, they have been flat in
America, and have fallen in Britain and much of the euro zone. All over the rich world voters are already grumpy with their governments,
as polling numbers and their willingness to vote for protest parties show. If they are squeezed next year discontent will turn to anger.
The economics of 2015 may look similar to the late 1990s, but the politics will probably be rather worse."
On the brighter side, however, prime Minsiter Harper can look at this story from the Globe and Mail which says that:
"The governing Conservative Party has taken a slim lead over the Liberals, according to a new poll that also found a “sizeable” improvement
in public sentiment toward Prime Minister Stephen Harper."