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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Having been in the CF for a while and worked with Americans in Canada, Europe, and Elsewhere, I agree with PJ D-Dog.  If our entertainers and health care professionals go south to broaden their careers and take advantage of greater opportunities, why not our Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen as well?

Go South, Young Man!

So i guess you are getting your answer and well here's mine. Since being raised by a Marine father and living down there till around the early 80"s i say go south my boy! better everthing when it comes to life. But one problem that i say to people who ask me " why didn't you join the Marines" and i say " i would most likely dead by now" but don't let that bother you .  Semper Fi!
"i would most likely dead by now""

- I would say the odds are slightly better in your favour.  Iraq isn't Omaha Beach - or, more to the point, Saipan - and the correlation of forces are in your favour. 

Now, the other side (the insurgents): those bad guys have a serious attrition problem.


I have a few questions. I have almost completed my application process. I have done all tests, and my medical is back from RMO. Now all I am waiting for it my enhanced reliability check. I can tell you this information if it helps, no record, never been arrested, born in Canada, lived in the same house for 12 years. So I assumed it wouldn't take to long How long do you THINK it SHOULD take?
Secondly I have read through previous posts in an attempt to find this information and was unsuccessful, but I did find that there is a fingerprint check of sorts. When is this administered? Thirdly when is swearing in in relation to when you get enrolled into your RESERVE unit?
WO. McWatt said:

I have a few questions. I have almost completed my application process. I have done all tests, and my medical is back from RMO. Now all I am waiting for it my enhanced reliability check. I can tell you this information if it helps, no record, never been arrested, born in Canada, lived in the same house for 12 years. So I assumed it wouldn't take to long How long do you THINK it SHOULD take?
Secondly I have read through previous posts in an attempt to find this information and was unsuccessful, but I did find that there is a fingerprint check of sorts. When is this administered? Thirdly when is swearing in in relation to when you get enrolled into your RESERVE unit?
ERC should only take a few business days to complete.
You only have your fingerprints taken to confirm any criminal hits.
Being sworn in is being enrolled.
So, the swearing in ceremony is done by your unit then? Sorry I have never had this part explained in detail. So from what I gather. Once your unit gets your file they call you up and tell you to come in that night, then you do your ceremony get issued kit etc..?
Yes, you are sworn in at your intended reserve unit.  What they do with you after that will be explained in due time.
They had told me two weeks, but its been three, going on four weeks monday. Whats the hold up? does it always take this damn long? I know for a fact I don't have a criminal record (I work with children as a volunteer in a hospice) and my credit, lets just say we all have our problems but nothing major (I am a university student lol) Anyone else face or is facing this same problem?

Appreciate the info thanks guys.

Oh yeah, one more thing, if everything goes smooth, and I get in to the unit I applied through, I might switch universities to somewhere else in Ontario, and I know for a fact it won't be untill I finish my BMQ and SQ training. It is alright to switch units to somewhere around my chosen University right? :salute:
JohnnySav said:
They had told me two weeks, but its been three, going on four weeks monday. Whats the hold up? does it always take this damn long? I know for a fact I don't have a criminal record (I work with children as a volunteer in a hospice) and my credit, lets just say we all have our problems but nothing major (I am a university student lol) Anyone else face or is facing this same problem?

Appreciate the info thanks guys.


ERS usually come back in a few business days.  Are you sure that is the hold up and have you talked to the CFRC/D or the reserve unit about it?
Hey don't get me wrong it is alot better then the past , but he was asking which military should he join. So i just want to state some options USA=IRAQ= 1 yr service there=Bad Odds compared to CANADA=AFGHANISTAN= 6 mths=Better odds. But like i said , if i knew then what i know now about the Canadian Army , i think i would have joined the Marines.
silentbutdeadly said:
Hey don't get me wrong it is alot better then the past , but he was asking which military should he join. So i just want to state some options USA=IRAQ= 1 yr service there=Bad Odds compared to CANADA=AFGHANISTAN= 6 mths=Better odds. But like i said , if i knew then what i know now about the Canadian Army , i think i would have joined the Marines.

I know this is just nickel and dime stuff, but the US Army deploys to Iraq for 1 year.  The Marines deploy to Iraq for 7 months.  In in rare cases for special operations or functions do Marines spend a full year in Iraq.  Just thought I'd make the point.

PJ D-Dog
JohnnySav said:
They had told me two weeks, but its been three, going on four weeks monday. Whats the hold up? does it always take this damn long? I know for a fact I don't have a criminal record (I work with children as a volunteer in a hospice) and my credit, lets just say we all have our problems but nothing major (I am a university student lol) Anyone else face or is facing this same problem?

Appreciate the info thanks guys.


I am awaiting my background check as well, and it's going on about 7 or 8 weeks since they sent it out. I also have no criminal record or debt issues. Nothing you can do other than wait and check in on it's progress.
JohnnySav said:
They had told me two weeks, but its been three, going on four weeks monday. Whats the hold up? does it always take this damn long? I know for a fact I don't have a criminal record (I work with children as a volunteer in a hospice) and my credit, lets just say we all have our problems but nothing major (I am a university student lol) Anyone else face or is facing this same problem?

Appreciate the info thanks guys.


I am in the same predicament as you. I was told it would be about two weeks. I am done three going on four. I am a highschool student. So no debt, I have no criminal record, and I have lived in the same house for twelve years. Just have to wait it out.
If you go out of the country for a period less than six months it will not affect your pre-sec unless you visit a country of concern then you will have to inform the CFRC/D so that they can let DPM Sec 2 know.  No, the Carribean is not of concern.
This question is geared towards those in the recruiting cadre.  I have done all my tests and I did quite well.  Now my ERC went out in August 2005 and is back but there are no comments on my file.  There is however a contact #.  So I have contacted this person several times with no return calls.  My question is does this lack of info in my personal jacket mean I have not obtained my clearance.  Just thought I would come on here and get an idea of what to expect when they decide to call me back.  Thanks for your time.
Zombie said:
I am awaiting my background check as well, and it's going on about 7 or 8 weeks since they sent it out. I also have no criminal record or debt issues. Nothing you can do other than wait and check in on it's progress.

Just got back from the RC and finally got news that my background check is done. I do need to bring them proof that a debt issue from a few years back is being taken care of. I wasn't even aware this debt existed, or at least I thought I had taken care of it years ago. Anyway, my background check took approximately 10 weeks. Now to pay this debt and move on... :salute:
Hi folks - I thought I resurrect this thread rather than start a new one...

Level I and II security clearances involve checking CSIS databanks. Level III security clearances require a full field investigation, which involves checking CSIS records; interviewing friends, neighbours and employers; consulting with local police; and, possibly interviewing the applicant.

Lord only knows what the 'CSIS databanks' constitute, so here's a question for anyone in the know:  Would an immediate relative's serious drug and violence convictions (presently on parole) show up in such a search, and if so would this be problematic for my security clearance application?

Just ..umm hypothetically ..you know?  :-\
