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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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You joined the Calgary Highlanders if your information is correct. Welcome to the Infantry.

On a side note: You should probably ask that kind of question when they call for enrollment, or know the trades of the specific units you're applying too....
Hi Wuzzard :) yes ... He starts on the 20th too!
Good luck to you as well and Congrats on your selection :)
You can wear whatever you want. But remember that impressions WILL be made. Try to wear more professional clothes. After all; it is the beginning of a lengthy job interview.

When I preformed my CFAT, I wore a dress suit. I was the only one. My Interviewer told me that he remembered me because I wore the suit that day. You need to be remembered because these people will see hundreds of applicants a month.
Merged Several topcs and now there is 5 pages of info....I seriously can't believe, that.  If you can't figure out what to wear during a job recruitment process within 5 pages....you have issues.

My first post here, every thread I've read has been super helpful but I have not yet found this question asked.

My swearing in ceremony is next week, my husband already in reg force and we're wondering what military dress he should wear that day? 
Thanks.  :)
Full DEU's w/ribbons (Medals are not required).  Shoes or Ankle Boots, his choice.
3A (tunic w/ribbons) would be nice.  I've seen some folks wearing sweaters and others in CADPAT and it doesn't look worthy of the significance of the event.

Thank you.  That's what he thought, but he wanted to make sure and not look tacky..  :P
I'll let him know when he gets home. 
Forgot to add...congratulations on your swearing in!  :salute:

Okay, so, I looked in the "what should I wear!?" thread and have tried searching, but no one's really covered swearing in a SECOND time.
I will be doing another affirmation, this has been confirmed, but I was wondering if it would be ridiculous of me to wear my army/dental N1's to swearing in. I will be going as RMS clerk Navy, but I figured because I'm not enrolled yet, that I can get away with wearing army/dental stuff at least for swearing in. However, I just don't want to come off as.. I dunno, seeming ridiculous/keen/overdressed. I'm very proud to wear my uniform, and family members of people enrolling who are military wear their N1's to it, so I figured why can't I?

I've tried asking a few people, including an MCC who couldn't even speculate, typical. Some say yay, some so nay.

What do YOU think?
holieee said:
family members of people enrolling who are military wear their N1's to it, so I figured why can't I?

Key part in yellow.  THEY are in the military, so THEY can wear their DEU.  YOU aren't 'in again' until you are sworn in therefore have no business being in DEU.  Go dressed as if you are a civie, because until you are sworn in you ARE a civie.  Civie's don't wear DEU.

Think about it; someone going to their swearing in ceremony, to become part of the CAF in DEUs.  Your previous service doesn't make you special;  you are a civilian until that ceremony is complete.  Dress like everyone else will be, because you are no better or 'special' than they are. Aside from that, former serving members are not allowed to wear their uniforms.  Right?  You wouldn't have worn it yesterday at Remembrance Day services.  This is no different.

And, using the 'common sense clause'...you have an Army DEU and are being sworn in as a Navy DEU Clerk.  Is that REALLY hard to figure out if it passes the 2+2=4  test????????

If I was the WO or MWO at your CFRC, and you asked me this, I would advise you that you would be improperly dressed the second you are sworn in and would recommend charging you under the CSD following the ceremony;  after all, as you said you have previous service and reasonably ought to have known better.  Right?  ^-^

The book answer?  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/faq/index-eng.asp?cat=dress&FaqID=124#ans-rep

Additionally, your profile says you are a Dental Assistant Cpl.  If you have released and are not sworn in yet, you have neither a RANK or a MOSID.  Many of us have former MOSIDs and ranks, what counts is the one you have now.  In your case...none.

You asked what we thought, this is what the book and regs state and what I support.

FWIW, your comment "I can get away with..." pissed me off.  If you are a former Jnr NCO, you should know better.
I always thought it odd that somebody should have to re-swear/re-affirm an oath of allegiance. Does one's allegiance expire at some point? Once sworn/solemnly affirmed, it should last until death or proven commission of disloyalty.
Eye In The Sky said:
Key part in yellow.  THEY are in the military, so THEY can wear their DEU.  YOU aren't 'in again' until you are sworn in therefore have no business being in DEU.  Go dressed as if you are a civie, because until you are sworn in you ARE a civie.  Civie's don't wear DEU.

Think about it; someone going to their swearing in ceremony, to become part of the CAF in DEUs.  Your previous service doesn't make you special;  you are a civilian until that ceremony is complete.  Dress like everyone else will be, because you are no better or 'special' than they are. Aside from that, former serving members are not allowed to wear their uniforms.  Right?  You wouldn't have worn it yesterday at Remembrance Day services.  This is no different.

And, using the 'common sense clause'...you have an Army DEU and are being sworn in as a Navy DEU Clerk.  Is that REALLY hard to figure out if it passes the 2+2=4  test????????

If I was the WO or MWO at your CFRC, and you asked me this, I would advise you that you would be improperly dressed the second you are sworn in and would recommend charging you under the CSD following the ceremony;  after all, as you said you have previous service and reasonably ought to have known better.  Right?  ^-^

The book answer?  http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/faq/index-eng.asp?cat=dress&FaqID=124#ans-rep

Additionally, your profile says you are a Dental Assistant Cpl.  If you have released and are not sworn in yet, you have neither a RANK or a MOSID.  Many of us have former MOSIDs and ranks, what counts is the one you have now.  In your case...none.

You asked what we thought, this is what the book and regs state and what I support.

FWIW, your comment "I can get away with..." pissed me off.  If you are a former Jnr NCO, you should know better.

I didn't mean to offend nor did I want to offend, hence why I asked.

When I stated "I can get away with it" I didn't mean wearing the uniform in general, I meant wearing army/dental before officially becoming navy/rms clerk.

Also, forgive me for forgetting to update my profile info.
When I released and transferred into the SuppRes, I was told I was entitled to retain my rank, subject to putting (Ret'd) after Cpl, perhaps I will update this. Members of the reserve force are entitled to wear their uniforms while on duty or at a cermony/event where appropriate. I am a member of the Supplementary Reserve, a sub-component to the reserves, as you're well aware.

CMP instructions for SuppRes

6.0 Administration
6.1 Pay
A Supp Res member is entitled to pay only when performing duty on active service.
6.2 Use of Rank
A Supp Res member shall use rank in accordance with QR&O article 3.13, Use of Rank by Members of the Supplementary Reserve.
6.3 Wearing of Uniform
A Supp Res member is authorized to wear a uniform when on service or attending military entertainmentor a ceremony at which the wearing of uniform is appropriate.

THIS is where my question came from.

Thank you.
You should have included the part about being in the Supp Res with your original question.      :nod:

That's a hard question to answer but if we break it down, we can safely say that you are not on service nor are you attending military entertainment, so that only leaves "a ceremony at which the wearing of a uniform is appropriate".

It would seem rather strange and probably make some people uncomfortable with performing an "enrolment ceremony" for someone who is already wearing a uniform. 

Personally, I'd suggest you forego the uniform in favour of appropriate civilian attire.  Much less hassle and confusion.
DAA said:
You should have included the part about being in the Supp Res with your original question.      :nod:

That's a hard question to answer but if we break it down, we can safely say that you are not on service nor are you attending military entertainment, so that only leaves "a ceremony at which the wearing of a uniform is appropriate".

It would seem rather strange and probably make some people uncomfortable with performing an "enrolment ceremony" for someone who is already wearing a uniform. 

Personally, I'd suggest you forego the uniform in favour of appropriate civilian attire.  Much less hassle and confusion.

Thank you, all I wanted was an opinion. I forgot that I knew I was entitled to wear my uniform being in the suppress, just didn't know if I should to a swearing in. I have decided against it.

I always thought it odd that somebody should have to re-swear/re-affirm an oath of allegiance. Does one's allegiance expire at some point? Once sworn/solemnly affirmed, it should last until death or proven commission of disloyalty.

The oath/affirmation indicates 'until lawfully released', well then, time for round two! *nod*
Loachman said:
I always thought it odd that somebody should have to re-swear/re-affirm an oath of allegiance. Does one's allegiance expire at some point? Once sworn/solemnly affirmed, it should last until death or proven commission of disloyalty.

Agreed, I've done it more than once myself.  Reg/Res/Reg...the last time I CTd, I technically 'released' from the Pres and then was 'enrolled' back into the Reg force.  It has not made admin confusing AT ALL to do it that way. ;D
DAA said:
It would seem rather strange and probably make some people uncomfortable with performing an "enrolment ceremony" for someone who is already wearing a uniform.

Perhaps it should make "some people" uncomfortable - with the silliness of the system.

If holieee is currently a member of the Supp Res, why is there any need for for an enrolment or swearing? Is this not a simple CT? I did not have to do this for either of my two CTs.
Loachman said:
Perhaps it should make "some people" uncomfortable - with the silliness of the system.

If holieee is currently a member of the Supp Res, why is there any need for for an enrolment or swearing? Is this not a simple CT? I did not have to do this for either of my two CTs.

just following orders  :salute: