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Fat troops on the street....


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Directing Staff
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Well, I think it speaks alot for the woggish nature of our headquarters when Frank can pull this off. We are in need of a major housecleaning.

Check the story here.
Apparently in some positions in the CF, there appears to be a problem with obeisity. I find that embarrassing.

A few notes however: the key phrase there for exercise during paid hours was ‘when time permits‘. Now I am not excusing poor levels of physical fitness, but we are all aware of staffing problems, and mabey that has an impact on the ‘time permits‘ aspect.

In addition, I don‘t like some of the meal claims particularly for (whatever rank) Pitzul for four days of meals...that seems pretty ridiculous to me unless the cost of food there is way more than it is here.

The mess dinner or formal event or whatever it was, which is what I imagine Gen. Henault had those 70 per person meals could be acceptable depending on the details of which we were not made aware of.

It appears to me as if this article is targeted to show all this ridiculous waste in DND so they can further degrade military funding more than it is targeted against some of the ‘heavier‘ members of the CF. :rolleyes:

Also, to be quite honest, when does a JAG officer(particularly the top brass) ever have to be active once they are done their training? (I really don‘t know much about the job, but I can‘t imagine too many section attacks or ruck marches being undertaken by platoons of military lawyers) I know I know...leadership begins at the top.... :salute:
We‘re all soldiers first. Like I said before, if you are not prepared, physically and mentally, to win the land battle, then your wasting space.
We have had this discussion before. My personal opinion and beliefs. If you wear a uniform, any uniform wether it be military, police, EMS, Fire, heck even a security guard, YOU represent everyone else who wears that uniform. Joe Civillian see‘s a fat@ss in uniform, and makes the asumption that we are all fat, lazy etc. When I see someone in uniform, who is FAT, I feel embarassed for everyone else who wears that uniform, and has the self-respect, pride, and dignity to stay in reasonable shape.

Now before I get villified by people, that you can be fit and appear overweight, for the 90% of our wide-bottomed, artery clogged brothers and sisters in the service, I doubt they could climb a set of stairs without have a cardiac arrest.

We need to stop coddling our FATTIES in the army, get them doing PT, or get them out the door.
It would be more impressive if the pictures weren‘t the same 2 people at different angles.
i always see fat people in uniform taking the bus, or just walking on the streets. but when i look closer, all of them are either medics, clerks, or logistics. i noticed that overweight people in the reserves are usually in trades where they can still do their jobs properly without being in top physical shape. however, because the people cannot usually make the difference between trades, i think that every person in uniform has the responsibility to look professional, and represent the military in the best way possible. that includes clean uniforms, clean boots and good behaviour. i see people in uniform all the time in the bus, chewing gum, listening to their discman and banging their hands, or sitting down in a sloppy way with their buttons undone. it doesnt look too good.
http://www.geocities.com/kessler369/2.jpg http://www.geocities.com/kessler369/1.jpg

The way I see it is 2 fat people and 2 could be worse people and 1 skinny person in there for no reason, I think some people have their standards too high.
Thanks infanteer I was looking for that issue of frank. I agree with most of what was said here, I think anyone of us could name 5-10 ppl in our units that are out of shape in a bad way. Why is‘nt it enforced? I never hear my Sargeant Major trying to fix the problem. Noone is allowed to say anything cuz their too afraid because the fatty could say that it‘s harassment or something. That‘s why noone does anything about it.It‘s pretty disgusting, if you wear the uniform stay in shape!
Originally posted by The_Falcon:
[qb] We have had this discussion before. My personal opinion and beliefs. If you wear a uniform, any uniform wether it be military, police, EMS, Fire, heck even a security guard, YOU represent everyone else who wears that uniform. Joe Civillian see‘s a fat@ss in uniform, and makes the asumption that we are all fat, lazy etc. When I see someone in uniform, who is FAT, I feel embarassed for everyone else who wears that uniform, and has the self-respect, pride, and dignity to stay in reasonable shape.

Now before I get villified by people, that you can be fit and appear overweight, for the 90% of our wide-bottomed, artery clogged brothers and sisters in the service, I doubt they could climb a set of stairs without have a cardiac arrest.

We need to stop coddling our FATTIES in the army, get them doing PT, or get them out the door. [/qb]
I totally agree here and thats how it works those "FATTIES" representing our Armed Forces are doing a good job of getting the wrong point across. This to me is a discrace to the Uniform, its bad enough half the canadian population is Fat we don‘t need ppl like this amoung our ranks. I don‘t know maybey if thier job is it to sit behind a desk and out of view then its a little all right but still they take pride in thier country, uniform, ect. They should definatly take pride and self-respect for themselves and us, I swear we‘re never gonna here the end of **** like this.
right off the bat it‘s frank‘s,they probally just went on a hunt for fat people in uniform.but hey gotta givem credit,they know were to go ndhfatq.next time sendem to pet for a 5miler with 3rcr.then give them a ruck run im up down 5fingers a couple of dozen times.they will take nice pictures after that.but seriously i think there should be mandetory pt test at least once a year for peaple in desk jobs,or bring back piggy parade.give it a nice pc name.but come on,get off the donuts
This new generation of soldiers are a bunch of baby‘s. If they trained like they did in the past and we did‘t have this stupid human rights crap, then our army would be in tip top shape and once again be the best in the world.
No questions asked!
Its all about HONOUR, LOYALTY, RESPECT, and INTEGRITY. It seems like nobody these days have any of those qualities. I used to think that of just civvies, but it seems like alot of people in uniform have lost those qualities. I think we should adjust what is taught in the whole SHARPs, training, and make it a little less designed for wusses without those four qualities. Before someone harasses someone else, they just have to think about it. Do they deserve it? I know that when I screw up, I try to fix it right away, but if I screw up, and someone makes fun of me for it, and I get embarassed, I fix the mistake A LOT quicker, and it won‘t ever happen again. Why not have someone go around in their unit and seek out the fat people, and say "Hey fatty, get in shape." They‘ll get embarassed, and go out of their way not to let it happen again. Unless they‘re a wuss and go home and cry about it, but do we really need someone in the CF that gets that upset when someone calls them fatty?
Originally posted by bubba:
[qb] but seriously i think there should be mandetory pt test at least once a year for peaple in desk jobs,[/qb]
What makes you think PT once a year would make a difference?

So the guy fails the test. So what?

I‘m as embarrassed as the rest of you by those pictures, but I think some of the comments have been on the money. An overweight person can still look military if his uniform is squared away.

Any of you guys remember General Currie? Commanded the Canadian Corps in World War One, and probably our best field general ever. As I recall, he had two chins and was shaped like a pear.

Not that I‘m defending any of this, but you could draw a lot of lines and decide to chuck people out. People who smoke should be thrown out since they are incurring self-inflicted ailments that will eventually kill or incapacitate them - usually at an older age when they are likely to be high in rank and have greater responsibilities than junior ranks/officers and thus harder to replace. Alcoholics should also be thrown out, defined as anyone who drinks more than a couple of glasses of wine per day with meals. Anyone who can‘t capitalize or punctuate simple sentences should also be released - the ability to communicate via the written word may mean the difference between life and death in certain instances.

So who would we have left?

I agree, that‘s a disgrace (the pictures) but PT test once a year isn‘t going to cut it. You have to encourage a healthy lifestyle, and anyone who suggests getting rid of the overweight while leaving heavy drinkers and smokers to their own is a hypocrite. Unless of course, what you look like really does matter more than what you‘re capable of doing.

Personally, I never eat at a restaurant with a skinny cook, but maybe that‘s just me. If my vehicle tech has a few pounds extra, but the trucks run fine, more power to him.
The problem is not the once-a-year testing, the problem is with follow-up after someone fails the test. It is very unpopular to take action, and a lot of work, so a lot of so-called Leaders just ignore the problem.
Test EVERY member of the CF every year with the 20-meter shuttle run (not the ineffective step-test) and issue admin action to those who fail, followed by remedial PT under the supervision of PSP staff, then get them retested 60 to 90 days later. All this during working hours... ;)
I‘d like to point out for a moment, that there are a great many members of the CF who are *fat* but could quite easily pass the fitness test.
Yes those horizontally compromised people are disgusting. :mad:

But SHARP,Civil Rights let them get away with as their Superior‘s are afraid or not sure how to correct the problem as they may be brought up on harassment,prejudice charges etc.

As it state‘s in Q.R.& O.‘s(For get the Article) It‘s every member‘s responsibility for keeping fit.