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Feb. 2025: HCMS Ottawa Skipper Relieved

Halifax Tar

Army.ca Fixture
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On a Friday afternoon... Classic Office Space kind of move.

So if it wasn't for discipline issues, why are they making a public statement?
Not as rare as you think.
It's quite rare for it to happen while a ship is deployed.
So if it wasn't for discipline issues, why are they making a public statement?
The CO is in I high profile job there. His ship recently had a CTV crew aboard doing stories covering the deployment. If he was replaced, and the RCN tried to keep it quiet, it would look like an attempt at a cover-up.

Also, there is a utility in setting a public example every now and then. Our southern neigh ours do it fairly frequently.
Could be that the CTV crew spoke to the ship's crew, then remarkably didn't sensationalize the info and transmitted it to the navy?????
Could be that the CTV crew spoke to the ship's crew, then remarkably didn't sensationalize the info and transmitted it to the navy?????
Possibility meter above zero, but only by the thinnest of hairs. If that was the case, we’d have the REST of the story out there in double-quick time - especially if a TV crew spent time away from the newsroom getting a story.

One person’s “media discretely sharing info to whoever they’re covering without doing a story about shenanigans” is another’s “media’s in the bag of whoever they’re covering and helping a cover up.”
Repeated Violations of CJOC policies is my guess.

Which may explain things. I can see that CJOC would issue an Opord, set the rules of engagement. But policies relate to the “how” a unit acts in theatre and that, in my mind, belongs to the element, be it Nany, Army or Air Force, not to a headquarter they only deals with environmental issues in an incidental way.
What would be an example of a CJOC direction that someone wouldn’t cooperate with?
What would be an example of a CJOC direction that someone wouldn’t cooperate with?
I have no idea what the CJOC rules are currently, and a lot of the things below I've never seen, though some I have, but here are some things that could conceivably exist:

Normally there is no drinking at sea, but on special occasions a CO can authorize a single beer or two while at sea (say they were celebrating Canada day at sea and were having a BBQ on the flight deck). CJOC could have put in a rule for the deployment that under zero circumstances will there be drinking at sea.

CJOC could say max 2 beers per day in foreign port even when off-duty.

CJOC could say that no local contractors are allowed on board without special approval (say you wanted to bring a local band on board or a local food vendor for an event on the flight deck when in foreign port).

CJOC could say no overnight leave in a foreign port; everyone back-aboard by midnight.

CJOC could say that the provided for morale wifi cannot be used to download or stream pirated media... or that other stuff...

CJOC could say no drinking at all in a foreign port, or no going ashore if you drank anything at all aboard.

CJOC could say no going into eating establishments; patios only (think COVID restrictions).
