Sh0rtbUs said:I dont want to blow my own horn - but i will anyways ;D, On my Units last PT examination I managed 71 pushups consecutively, 32 sit-ups in a minute and my run time was amoungst the top 5 in the Sqd. (Work at it every night and anyone can. Eventually, you'll find you cant even sleep until you'ce busted out 50)
Some guys in the regt. had a fellow do 115 push-ups during their entrance PT test at CFRC. He stopped, because he was growing bored, they say he was only beginning to show signs of tiring. I saw the guy last summer at meaford, and 1 look at him removed all doubt or disbelief in the story!
"It ain't braggin if ya done it" -that's a quote but I forget who. 200 pushups is minor in the big picture - http://www.recordholders.org/en/list/ulysses.html
In 1989 the whole platoon would do 50 pushups several times a day because we f(made a mistake), not including PT periods. Is it still like that? 50 pushups on a PT test was the least of our problems, but I don't remember what the scores were.