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forces.gc.ca email address?

Well, when I had my email account it was "me"@forces.gc.ca, I don't seem to recall any mail address such as foces.gc.ca. Can someone who has the magic button, please correct the title of this thread? It's been annoying me for days that the word forces has been misspelled...thanks :)
niner domestic said:
Well, when I had my email account it was "me"@forces.gc.ca, I don't seem to recall any mail address such as foces.gc.ca. Can someone who has the magic button, please correct the title of this thread? It's been annoying me for days that the word forces has been misspelled...thanks :)

Done...crissis averted
Just a small point to all who have found it annoying that someone who can't spell, or doesn't respect the rest of us enough to care about spelling, has posted a topic incorrectly spelling a word or more....................you can take it upon yourself before posting your reply to correct the "Subject Box".....then hit "Post".

Us Mods are going nuts trying to keep those who don't care about such matters in line, we could surely use your help.
Thank you George for pointing that out. I was reluctant to change the title as I was not sure if it would create a sub thread as it sometimes does with other forum software.  But now we know and will try to keep watch in order to help out. 

CDN Aviator...you do have such problems with your moniker.  Darn people not being able to read it. :)
Back to email matters.....

For the first 4 years of my career, i did not have DIN and e-mail access. I did not get one until my second posting where i needed it working in SHQ and later as a section commander.

During those 4 years, i got my ROs from the unit boards, i got info from my CoC when i required it and *gasp* i used a phone when i needed to talk to someone about something. Seems to me, things worked out just fine.
Actually Forces email, can sometimes be looked at as a step backwards.  Many so rely on it, that many occasions arise that cause the system to fail.  I have in the past often found out things quicker by word, than by email.  I have seen many instances where an 'order' or 'request' was sent by email, but due to inability of the recipient to access their email in a timely manner, a deadline has past. 

How many bother to put up an "Out of Office" notice when they are away for prolonged periods?

How many don't have full time access to the DWAN?

How many don't CYA and use the notification settings or "Request Read Receipt"?

Sometimes it can create even greater gaps in communications, if some place too much reliance on it and don't follow up.
George Wallace said:
Just a small point to all who have found it annoying that someone who can't spell, or doesn't respect the rest of us enough to care about spelling, has posted a topic incorrectly spelling a word or more....................you can take it upon yourself before posting your reply to correct the "Subject Box".....then hit "Post".

Us Mods are going nuts trying to keep those who don't care about such matters in line, we could surely use your help.

Well, I learn something everyday.....
So, just testing if all the following posts keep the new title.
Total Time Spent Online: 145 days, 2 hours and 58 minutes.

Quanity, not quality, my Dear.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Quanity, not quality, my Dear.

I will refrain from making the comment that I so desperately want to make!!  ;D
The Librarian said:
I will refrain from making the comment that I so desperately want to make!!  ;D

come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!! 
GAP said:
come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  come on!! 

Are you trying to corrupt me? Not going to happen you bully.  ;)
Me bully?? Not on your life.....I'm just appealing to that "innocent" nature of yours. (come on!!  come on!!  come on!!  )
The Librarian said:
Hard copies can still be downloaded by supervisors who do have access and retained in a central location for use by personnel who require them (usually the Trg Office, CSMs, or Unit Orderly Room). This is done by many Regular Force Units whose personnel do not have access. Therefore they are still in compliance with directives to ensure access to these items. ArtyNewbie, your argument that lack of electronic access means they are not availed of these is incorrect. We are even able to send hard copies of CANFORGENs and Routine Orders etc around with circ slips attached to them for each member to sign as having "read" which are then retained on file should someone choose to have claimed they never saw it just like we did ~gasp~ in the old days.  Believe it or not...the world (and the CF) can possibly rotate without us all having PCs & laptops. A printed hard copy available within the Unit means they are getting the access to these items that they are entitled to, no-one said it has to be electronic access.

There are a vast number of RegF personnel with no electronic access, but who are availed of downloaded hard copies. Just run a system e-mail search by Unit and use a 1st Line Infantry Unit such as 2RCR....note the distinct lack of listings with the rank of Pte or Cpl showing after their names....

It's not entirely incorrect, most SM don't have time to download and print all 4 Vol of QR&O, especially after every change. I do agree the world can work without, but it doesn't, its here and its not going anywhere.
The Librarian said:
Hard copies can still be downloaded by supervisors who do have access and retained in a central location for use by personnel who require them (usually the Trg Office, CSMs, or Unit Orderly Room). This is done by many Regular Force Units whose personnel do not have access. Therefore they are still in compliance with directives to ensure access to these items. ...................

Missed this one.....sorry, but there is a problem with this statement.  PRINTERS.  Not everyone, including supervisors, have easy access to printers.  They are tricky at times to add as a default printer, and may not be in the same room/office as you.  They may be 'locked' and require a code to access.  So Hard Copies, can at times be a problem.  So can the fact that when you are mobile, you have to find a printer near you, and if you forget to change your default printer, you may be printing off a tonne of paper in another province as you stare at a printer that is not printing in your new location..... Opps!  ;D
While I am sure not every Reservest has (or even needs) a DWAN account I am sure that at least 95% of them have a home computer with internet access and the CFAOs, QR&Os, &  & DOADs are all available on Civi internet, so I don't see the need for every reservest to have an account, with my unit there are approx 6 computers available to us and if every person in the unit had an account those of us that actually need access would never be able to get on because everyone would be wanting to check there email and such

CFAOs : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/intro_e.asp 
QR&Os : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qr_o/intro_e.asp
CFAOs  : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/daod/intro_e.asp
241 said:
While I am sure not every Reservest has (or even needs) a DWAN account I am sure that at least 95% of them have a home computer with internet access and the CFAOs, QR&Os, &  & DOADs are all available on Civi internet, so I don't see the need for every reservest to have an account, with my unit there are approx 6 computers available to us and if every person in the unit had an account those of us that actually need access would never be able to get on because everyone would be wanting to check there email and such

CFAOs : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/intro_e.asp 
QR&Os : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qr_o/intro_e.asp
CFAOs  : http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/daod/intro_e.asp

The CFs can't expect you to have a computer and internet at home.
