CDN Aviator said:
The paperless office is one of the great myths of the world. When email came to the CF everyone argued that it would save on paper and mney and that things would become paperless. Well years later, what we have seen is just as much, if not more paper. People print their emails, print this, print that......It hasnt happenned.
This does not solely apply to the CF. I work as an IT Project Manager for an extremely large Pharma/Biotech giant. Believe me, we have the cash for an IT system, and our email servers are remarkably reliable. People still print everything, mostly because people prefer to read something tangible than something that can change before their eyes. Or at least thats what it seems like.
Maybe the CF should strike up a deal with RIM and equip everyone with a Blackberry. No missed timings! No missed communiques. No excuses. Duty (and non-duty!) staff can be reached at all hours because - hell, they have a blackberry. I mean, as I was just reading in another thread, you are paid 24/7, and so the Forces can and will call upon you to be available.. just like Directors do at my work.
Course, O Groups might get a little bit confusing, what with everyone checking their BBs all the time, but I mean, you don't even need to -hold- the O Group... The OC could just send his message out to all the troops directly! No missed details.
Ahh the power of IT

In all seriousness, I would suspect that it isn't a terrible thing to be allowing reservists to have a address, presuming the Forces Anti-Spam software and server space can handle it. Allowing Pte. Joe Blow to have a few inches more pride by using a address to communicate with whomever can't be a bad thing, presuming he can't communicate clearance info.
On that note, I would hope the Forces is making use of recent advances in OS and Office-style software to restrict forwarding of materials... I won't ask because Im sure its opsec if it does exist.