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Foreign Legion

  • Thread starter Thread starter donkon
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Dude, the Legion is the hardest military unit in the world, still is today. People go there to escape the law, to start a new life. It's not like the Canadian Army, the Legion is the last stop on the planet for most Legionnaires.. they have nothing else..

Some people I know have gone so don't knock my buddies!

..and yes, they fight for France.
P-Free said:
Dude, the Legion is the hardest military unit in the world, still is today. People go there to escape the law, to start a new life. It's not like the Canadian Army, the Legion is the last stop on the planet for most Legionnaires.. they have nothing else..

Some people I know have gone so don't knock my buddies!

..and yes, they fight for France.

Ok, so your buddies went there and this makes you an expert on how "hardcore the Legion is"?  Beating the shit out of recruits (whether you are an instructor or another recruit) isn't a sign of excellence.  Better can your expertise for a while.
Infanteer, I never said I was an expert...

Yes they hit recruits. If you cannot learn something by instruction, they hit it into you, with whatever object is available. And you earn your place in your regiment by fighting with the ones who give you trouble. If you can't take it you desert..

They might not be hardcore, but it is a hard unit to enter and a hard life to live...

The Legion allows you to take a different name, and if you complete five years honourable service, you will become a French citizen with a passport under your new name.
the french foreign legion is, like so totally kewl! Not as awesome as ninjas but still totally cool!
And Jean-Claude Van Damme is my idol!  He always plays a Legionnaire or Ex-Legionnaire.    ;D

So much BS, so little time....

It took me exactly 30 seconds to Google the official line from the French Embassy in Washington (and even less to check this very thread and see that Danjanou had posted the French version of the link years ago):


So, some facts.  The FFL is an integral part of the French Army.  It is deployed much like other French Army units (although the French appear to take less care with Legion units than others) and includes armour, para, infantry, engineers and the like.  Officers are French - I know a couple that did Legion rotations.  Soldiers can be from anywhere, but an INTERPOL background check is conducted on all applicants.  Applicants must apply in France and attend (IIRC) a two week selection process before being offered a five year contract with the French Army.  A Legionnaire can apply for French citizenship after three years in the Legion.

The training is difficult but is including an increasing number of technical subjects as the French Army modernizes.  You don't learn to gun an AMX-10RC overnight.  They have an excellent reputation within the French Army for getting the job done and not messing around.

Thus endth the lession.  If this wasn't clear, I can translate to MSN Speak if required.  Paracowboy has already shown me the way.

Like, kewl, k?
Sccchhhwwwiiinnnng!  ;D

;D  Ah, dude, P, don't know who your friends are, in fact don't know who you are; hard to know I was a naughty knocker to them.  But in this case, I was actually knocking myself, that is if in fact I would hazard an attempt at joining such an organization.  If I were messed up and wanted to do as I mentioned, etc.  It might be perfectly normal for others, such as your friends, whom as you say had no where else to go ... and what is normal to a human is quite obviously unique to each individual ... and, oh my the variation.  I do not pretend to know about the Foreign Legion.  I am only posting based on the most seemingly intelligent arguments here (the one's that everyone seems to agree with), and if one fights for another country, such as France, as a last resort, it seems to me like a pretty selfish thing to do.  Unless, in fact, you believe in the cause for which you are fighting.  Which is why I joined the Canadian Armed Forces as an NCM for 4 years, went to university for 8 years, and I am now returning.  I could not go into battle knowing that I will possibly kill someone or be killed by someone for something other than my country on the line.  And it would make sense to me that others might fight other battles for whatever cause they believe in too.  But based on your posts, the rationale for joining amounts to a very selfish, pseudo criminal intent.  I see no difference from joining a Columbian drug cartel and killing off those that oppose you.  You fight not for your freedom or some other just cause, you do it for yourself.  I'm glad not everyone behaves in such a way.  I like to believe that we are thinking beings that weigh the consequences of our actions ... especially those in arms.  It strikes me as odd that people could be accepted if they have no where else to go ... loose cannons in arms seems a very dangerous thing, both politically and to those in their particular combat arena (especially innocents).  In summary, I do not argue that the Foreign Legion exists or what it's purpose is, in fact.  I argue the intent and mentality of those that wish to join - as described by P and CEhopeful!  If you believe what you say about the Legion, than how can you join just for the challenge or defend others for joining because 'they have no where else to go'?  Please, don't take this mentality to our Forces.

Go ninjas go ... my favourite ninja is Bart Simpson ;D ... remember the episode where he deliverd flyers in a ninja costume?  Man could he move!
Basically they are killing machines. It says on their official site a legioneer will never leave an enemy alive. Woot thats sick.

there requirments are awesome too. I think i might be joining them.

- 30 pushups.
- 50 situps.
- Climb a 20 foot rope without using your feet.
- Run 10 kilometres with a 12 kilogram rucksack in less than one hour.
- 20 chinups with your palms away from you as you grip the bar.

Woot! Harcore :threat: