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Foreign Medals Regulations


Quite a good overview of the Honours and awards that can be bestowed upon a member of the Canadian Forces.

For rocky1fac -

Friendlt fire does not count I and several other wound strip holders are non to pleased that they were issued in Afganistan to friendly fire incident wounds.  Furthermore some issues of the stripe are occuring now for wounds recieved by accidental location not direct targeting.

That is the first I have heard of this and this CF website from 2003 (incidently after the Tarnak Farms incident) indicates otherwise (http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/cfpn/engraph/11_03/11_03_wound_e.asp).  So until you provide a source I am going to have call bullshit on your comments.  Moreover, whether or not the wounded at Tarnak Farm were or were not issued a wound stripe is immaterial to me.  They were in an operational theatre, doing their job, and now will live with the results of that mission for the rest of their lives.  If a piece of cloth on their sleeve makes them feel a little bit better about what they went through than I for one, would not stand in their way.  I find your comments distasteful in the extreme in judging the value of other soldiers by the means which they receive an injury.

This kind of activity lowers the value of the award, like issueing 30+ bronze stars for a few days of battle thats so American.

This has been discussed in other threads on the subject.  There is a huge difference between the bronze stars awarded for bravery (3 PPCLI Snipers) and those awarded for meritorious conduct.  I haven't run into an Op APOLLO recipient who hasn't stated as such.
Mark C said:
Hmmm.... not necessarily.   At least not if you use Op Apollo as a baseline example.   All members who deployed with 3 PPCLI BG received the SWASM with Afghan bar.   However, that didn't stop DHH from authorizing the awarding of 30+ U.S. Army Bronze Star medals to the unit snipers ("V" for valour) and senior leadership (meritorious).   All of those were approved by DHH and announced by Government House.  

On the other hand, as far as the basic U.S. medal for service in Iraq is concerned I would tend to agree.   I know of at least one Canadian officer (PPCLI) serving on exchange with the U.S. Army in Iraq, and it is unlikely that he would be authorized to wear the U.S. campaign medal in lieu of the Canadian equivalent (eg. SWASM).   Then again, stranger things have happened....

ive seen quite a few canadians over here in uniform... well about 5, but still, for a nation that is not supporting OIF thats a lot.

ill say one thing, if i by chance recieved a medal for being here (doubt it will happen, but who knows) im wearing it, proudly ! i have seen so many people walking around in CFs wearing medals they didnt earn, after being here for a year (only 4 months so far) i think i will deserve a gong more than someone who went to germany on vacation, or roto 13 to bosnia...
Friendlt fire does not count I and several other wound strip holders are non to pleased that they were issued in Afganistan to friendly fire incident wounds.

I, as a recipient of the wound stripe, am disgusted by your comment.

Where were you wounded?  And i do not mean on your body.


ill say one thing, if i by chance recieved a medal for being here (doubt it will happen, but who knows) im wearing it, proudly ! i have seen so many people walking around in CFs wearing medals they didnt earn, after being here for a year (only 4 months so far) i think i will deserve a gong more than someone who went to germany on vacation, or roto 13 to bosnia...

Yes Ladies and Gentleman, I think we have a contestant for the stupidest thing to say for Saturday, 11 June 2005.  You have my vote!  :salute:
Gunner said:
Yes Ladies and Gentleman, I think we have a contestant for the stupidest thing to say for Saturday, 11 June 2005.   You have my vote!    :salute:

well considering i was on roto 13 i can say this, i dont just randomly post things without the credentials to back them up. i spent 6 months there, basicly working out and eatting free food, so if that deserves the 2 medals i got then i should get about 20 for being in iraq actually working.

This is getting sad, go outside of your basement and enjoy the awesome weather we have been having here in Toronto.   If you have not noticed, we don't buy your little diddy of a story.


the 48th regulator said:

This is getting sad, go outside of your basement and enjoy the awesome weather we have been having here in Toronto.   If you have not noticed, we don't buy your little diddy of a story.



whats not to believe ? the fact that im in iraq ? considering ive posted quite a few times on the situation going on here i figured this was something that was established long ago. if for some reason it is hard for you to believe i will be happy to send you any proof you may want. shake your head and loosen the elephant slipper a little.
yes, and you seem to have to remind us in every post where you are and what you are doing.

I would suggest you gave yourself a shake and realize your story is getting long in the tooth.



btw, it is a melmac warmer, not an elephant slipper, Walt.

To 48th my response is which wound? Furthermore it was not ment to offend it was my opionion based on the awards profile and rules set in WW1 WW2 Korea and now the new one. Friendly fire was never considered an award catagory and in several papers and regs it was specifically catagorized as no award.e That does not diminish the soldiers that are wounded and killed by friendly fire.

To the directing staff, I will search out the papers I have read on the wound strip but just from your web site ad if you read it it details no award from accident and no award from training ex. The demiishing of the award comes from all those WW1 and 2 and Korea guys that did not get one for Friendlt fire. Please dont confuse the American award system with ours and that is what I fear as the US issues Purple hearts for any wound even a scrap. I know my uncle has two.

Sorry if I caused any offense non was meant. It is an emotional issue for all those wounded in action or by friendly fire.

pretty much explains it, in particular this paragraph;

What kind of injury merits a wound stripe?
A wound stripe recognizes an injury directly attributable to hostile action, received in honourable circumstances in an operational area, and requiring medical treatment beyond local first aid.

To 48th my response is which wound?

Take your pick.

Sorry if I caused any offense non was meant

Then review what you type,before pressing the post button, and ask yourself whether you would feel offended if someone else were to write it.  Receiving any form of formal acknowledgment by ones government,does not give you the right to make up the rules by what you "feel".



wack-in-iraq said:
well considering i was on roto 13 i can say this, i dont just randomly post things without the credentials to back them up. i spent 6 months there, basicly working out and eatting free food, so if that deserves the 2 medals i got then i should get about 20 for being in iraq actually working.

Perhaps you can buy a couple of "commemorative" gongs with all the cash you're making... I'm sure they're cranking them out by the hundreds for OIF/Telic by now...  Try the "Franklin Mint", they love that sort of thing.

You get medals for being in the army and serving your country, not for looking out for number one.  To that end, the clerk in the NSE Fin Platoon on PALLADIUM Roto 15, ordered to deploy, trying desperately to shut the mission down and keep everything on the up and up for months on end deserves his/her gongs MUCH more than someone in things for themselves - no matter how "dangerous" you consider your present situation.  After all, you chose to be where you are.

TR, out.

Srebrinica for one

I do reflect on what I write and would not be offended by any of it. It really roles up into the main issue I have which has been going on decades and that is the Americanization of our force and specifically when it comes to honours and awards we are watering down our awards and that is the issue. I will give you a non emotinally example since the one I have touched on is near to my heart but appears too sensative for this forum. The example is the aard of a pair of Crosses of Valour to two SAR techs during the same open sea rescue. The rules state that only one award can be given if more than one peron was envovled then the commander must select the bravest of the brave and issue one. In this case the aieforce issued two for the same incident. no doubt well deserved but the rules were broken and that reflects poorly on the past awards. If you read in detail the end notes for awards it clearlt states that care must be iven when nominating a person for an award so that past recpients actions are not waterered down by lowering the standards or words to that effect.

Did you even read the conditions of what it takes to be awarded a wounded stripe??   Are we going to have to go through this merry-go-around again on this site??

You honestly feel that the awarding of the wounded stripe to them cheapens the actions of those in the past that have received it??   This is a recognition of ones risk that is taken in the service of a country, do they not deserve that honor of recognition?

Well if they need a vote from a recipient, they have mine.



  I have read it and if it is the same one that was written when I got my two then you need to read the fine print which states that Friendlt fire does not qualify! I may be out of date on this if and only if the awards criteria has been changed since the late 90s.
As for the words cheapen, that is not what I said I said waters down, and water down does not mean that the wounds and deaths that occur from friendl fire are not as valued as those in combat just different.
As I said I think the issue is too sensitive and my point in the last post was on the Cross of Valour and the issue of the americanization of the awards not to lay verbage at the feet of the fallen or wounded.

Let us agree to disagree on how the award is worded. And let others chime in. As a wound strip hoder I vote no that makes it 1 to 1 let other wound strip holders vote. We could evolve this to the designation of KIA but we wont go there.

Nothing personal best regards fellow warrior
Firstly I think the use of IMHO would ease some tensions around here, because evryone is entitled to their opinion.

I do see rocky1fac's point of the americanization of our awards system. By no means do I condemn americans but rather their choice of awards policy. I am also disgusted by our recent awarding of medals (ie:Queens Jubilee, 125, CPSM) to troops for things as menial as writing to their members of parliament.IMHO the 125 and the Queens Jubilee should have either been given to all serving members or none at all.

As for the CPSM I still don't understand what this medal signifies when hanging next to the peacekeeping medal that you were awarded for the tour to begin with.

The issue of the SSM I feel could have been solved with seperate bars on the medal ie:Germany, and maybee the hotly contested idea of a domestic ops bar instead of a medal

As for wound stripes, IMHO should only be issued to members serving on a mission, that are wounded requiring "external" first aid and not to include things such as a negligent discharge to the foot. By all means friendly fire(blue on blue) should qualify for a wound stripe.

As I see it, these days members of the CF are secretly proud of their medals even if they are "gimme" medals, and we all feel humbled on Nov 11th when seen next to war veterans however from my experiences, the legion veterans look at it as they will not be around much longer and we, the CF of today serving overseas are veterans as well.
Thiis might be a bit out of place, but I would like to know how one goes about recomending a person for a medal or commendation. Today I witnessed a fellow memeber of the  CF help save the life of hurt civilian during a cadet sail function.  I was quite impressed withhis performance , especially considering that of the five of us that was best able to keep his head and take control of the situationPersonally I thought he deserved a little more recognition then just a pat on the back. Thanks for the help.
How nice of you to think of praising a friend.

First write a letter about what you saw and send it the persons CO civ boss and explain how impressed you were. Do it now! Then think about further praise if deserving. I dont know if it would qualify for a medal since acts of Bravery must come at some great potential harm or death to the rescuer. Check out the local awards such as police or community local hero citations, call the local city hall or any service group that person belongs to they may have a citaion for local heros.

Good Luck, but write that letter now.