Hatchet Man said:
I work in an orderly room (though i am not a clerk) and the file number part is a kinda code (not sure that is the best word to describe it), that identifies who wrote the memo (or at least their posisition). Also higher level memo have a distibution list. When I go back to work Monday I will pull an example off the DIN and copy it here.
I'm afraid you haven't quite got the idea there old chap. All files in the Orderly Room are numbered. The exact numbering differs from unit to unit. You should have a copy of your file registration numbers somewhere in the OR already. Probably where you process incoming mail.
File numbers have
exactly everything to do with the subject matter of the memo, or letter, or message. It has
exactly nothing to do with the originator.
Unless, that is, your unit is holding "shadow files" of everything that is originated by certain sections, etc. and IMHO, that is a useless duplication of time, effort and resources.
If you don't know what file number to use - ASK A RMS CLERK! Better yet, bribe them with beer!

If, for some strange reason there aren't any clerks around, or you have managed to alienate all of them, then use your last three and last name as a last resort.
"Your two best friends in the military will be a Supply Tech, and an Admin Clerk." That's a saying for a reason.
But, definitely, befriend as many clerks as you can, and pick their brains! That's what they're there for!