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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Peaceful. Only 11 though, certainly not representative of the rest of the freedom fighters.

Political satire.

To me this is about precedence.

If we're going to evoke the EA now, for this seemingly annoying yet nonviolent protest what protest do we not evoke it for in the future ?

Good video by Runkle of the Bailey, worth the 30 mins.

…breaking down the barriers to use it more easily the next time…and the next…and the next…

If we're going to evoke the EA now, for this seemingly annoying yet nonviolent protest what protest do we not evoke it for in the future ?

Pessimistic, you are. Look how far things had to go before the federal government ran for the mattresses. We had to get past the small sh!t like fires and mob assaults and autonomous zones down to the really dirty stuff, like street parties and honking and blockades before the trigger was pulled. This should nudge us up in the next freedom and democracy ladder rankings.

But at least a bar has been set: prevents people from going about their lawful business, impedes trade, at least a possible presence of people with arms who might be militant if provoked. Maybe an additional one: hinders free passage of international border. If those apply, Emergency On. Unless there's a rednecks-only clause.
It needs no expert analysis. All that matters is how does it look? And it looks bad.

If there's one event which will make the current government's case on their small arms policy, this is it.


That stuff certainly looks tactically scary.

Someone walked into a high school in Scarborough today and blew away an 18 year old kid with a gun then fled.

I'm sure we can guess which story will be forgotten by tomorrow.

