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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Follow the money.

The WEF infiltration of Ottawa has never been a secret, nor has Butts’ involvement. But it is far from being common knowledge among voters that the ideological model behind the Liberal policy machine, the steering mechanism that guides decisions and policies, is subversive and authoritarian. It also covers a massive policy territory, from climate to COVID-19.

Klaus Schwab was maybe the first global personality to jump on the pandemic as a vehicle for the imposition of his new world order. As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, he saw major opportunity. “The possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound by our imagination.”

At risk of ending up finding myself in Trilateral territory I thought I would dig into Terence's discussion.

Findings offered for information.

Young Global Leaders

World Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab

Wiki's (Incomplete) List of Interesting Young Global Leaders - Notables Highlighted

Members and alumni[edit]​

Notable members and alumni of Young Global Leaders include:[9]

I'm assuming the accuracy given that it was posted on Wikipedia, and includes Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia.

Also from Wikipedia I offer this - a philosophy very popular in Europe from the 1880s to May 8 1945.



An earlier Maru poll covered in our National broadcaster highlighting the differences between us Albertans and Canadians.

Funny thing. I never thought of 5% as being a significant number but apparently it is. The difference between Albertans and Canadians is that less than 5% of the populations have different opinions on questions of public interest.

Somehow those rather limited differences have been translated into 15% of the populations having different feelings about each other.

I am sure that CBC can explain the difference.
I think that's why the debate in Parliament really needs to happen; there may be some very specific things that they needed to happen in the NCR that required a federal mandate to sort out the cross-provincial jurisdiction issues. The NCR is really weird, and hopefully this will get some movement on the provinces to have some kind of official agreements in place to do things like this.

Freezing people's accounts without some kind of court order is pretty worrying though, maybe the EA should be amended to have options to call up only sections of it vice the entire thing so it's a lot more transparent what they are doing when they invoke it. Even if that is done via some kind of OIC that's not publicly available then it's there for shaping the 'ROE' of the application, as well as the eventual inquiry.

Cannot wait for the next municipal election though, there is a whole cadre of Watson cronies that need to go for the LRT debacle alone that similarly crapped the bed here. The head office at the OPS has been a mess for a while, no surprise that the survey results came back like that.
I've heard a lot of chatter about jurisdictional issues in Ottawa, so we will see if much comes of it. I'm not sure I'm a fan of a federal territory a la DC or Canberra, if for no other reason that it would have to include Gatineau and; Good. Luck. With. That. I'd have to be convinced whether carving out larger pieces of the downtown into the Parliamentary Precinct is feasible or offers much of an improvement. Unless they do it by complete city blocks, you would end up with weird jurisdictional issues divided by invisible lines, and make the the Speakers of Parliament responsible for law enforcement on public and private property.

Years ago I was in a meeting with the RCMP liaison at the embassy who mentioned the number of federal and local law enforcement agencies in DC (I forget) and quipped that whoever picks up a drunk that passes out on a sidewalk depends on the sidewalk and which way he falls. I don't think we need to emulate that.

And this is why you shouldn't trust vetted sources at face value
Another big misinformation that is going around is that the woman involved was the one charged by police for using the bicycle to harm the police horse.

Also, it appears from another video I saw that the "walker" is a broom with a white flag attached to it.
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The mayor of Ottawa says the Emergencies Act gives them the power to sell the seized trucks.

Petty, vindictive, inflammatory, and above all, unnecessary.

An incredible number — 70% — wanted the truckers cleared out of Ottawa, if necessary using violence “or worse.”

70% shat themselves and gave the lie to the notion that Canadians are decent people, and if 70% felt that way, none of the other cited fractions is likely to represent something other than a mind slightly unhinged by something quite a bit less than a war or insurrection.

Dwayne Lich questions legality of Emergencies Act​

He also questioned whether the Emergencies Act — which was debated Saturday in the House of Commons — was implemented legally, at times confusing the numbered amendments found in the U.S. Constitution with Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

"Honestly? I thought it was a peaceful protest and based on my first amendment, I thought that was part of our rights," he told the court.

"What do you mean, first amendment? What's that?" Judge Julie Bourgeois asked him.

"I don't know. I don't know politics. I don't know," he said. "I wasn't supportive of the blockade or the whatever, but I didn't realize that it was criminal to do what they were doing. I thought it was part of our freedoms to be able to do stuff like that."

This gets me every single time.
Why should the taxpayer be on the hook for their criminal activities? Normally you're all for fiscal responsibility in Govt.
Forfeiture of assets is common enough....
Through laws specifically written to address such situations, absolutely!

Through use of the most extreme law to delegate such abilities down to unelected bureaucrats or civilian institution employees…no thanks.