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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

Well, the Deputy Director of FINTRAC testified that there was no suspicious link to foreign funding back in February.

Shhhhhhh. That's not the narrative.
Ford is doing what he thinks will "sell" in Ontario.

My guess is that he, and his team, never, ever got along with the CPC - not with Scheer, not with O'Toole and not, at all, with Poilievre. I go back to the arithmetic:
  • Canada > Ontario, but
  • Ontario >> Canada minus Ontario
I suspect that Team Ford thinks it can manoeuvre Canada into doing whatever Ontario wants and needs. (I understand that want ≠ need.)

I don't expect the Ontario PCs to offer any meaningful support to Pierre Poilievre's CPC in the next election. My guess, only a WAG to be sure, is that they, the Ontario PCs, have their own choice for Canada and we'll find out who after the next election which I think the Ontario PCs believe will be a very, very narrow CPC victory but not enough to overturn the Liberals. In other words, I think that the Ontario PCs think that PP cannot win Ontario.
Just remember the creators of the act decided not to use it during the Oka Crisis, which could have very easily been a battle on Canadian soil. This 'crisis' falls far short of what the Oka Crisis was in my mind.
Yes, but they deployed the military instead, in a support to civil power.

That's actually a much higher escalation than the use of the EA here.
Yes, but they deployed the military instead, in a support to civil power.

That's actually a much higher escalation than the use of the EA here.
That should have been used before the EA was. I am a firm believer in the seperation of powers as defined by our constitution. We took a provincial matter and made it a federal one with the EA enactment.
Yes, but they deployed the military instead, in a support to civil power.

That's actually a much higher escalation than the use of the EA here.
Aid to civil power can be for harsh winter storms... the EA and what followed/could follow is on an entirely different level.
Aid to civil power can be for harsh winter storms... the EA and what followed/could follow is on an entirely different level.
It cannot. While CAF can provide assistance to provinces for disasters and such, that’s not what “aid of the civil power” actually is. AoCP (s. 275 NDA) is assisting in the case of a “riot or disturbance of the peace, beyond the powers of the civil authorities to repress, prevent, or deal with”. That can be requested by a province, and mandates a provincial inquiry following invocation. There’s also, separately, the S. 273.6 provision for assistance to law enforcement. The Governor in Council, or the Minister of National Defence, can direct CAF assistance to law enforcement if it’s in the national interest and “the matter cannot be effectively dealt with except with the assistance of the Canadian Forces”. That’s a ‘top down’ federal power and doesn’t require a provincial request.

We throw “aid to the civil power” around too loosely. Cleaning up after a hurricane is a very different thing, legally, from coming out under provincial request or federal direction to assist law enforcement.
I really fail to see how calling in the department that is intended to kill foreign people and break their stuff for Canada isn't an escalation compared to getting in extra police who are trained and equipped for things like large crowd control.

The biggest take away from Oka was when NOT to use the CAF domestically.
I really fail to see how calling in the department that is intended to kill foreign people and break their stuff for Canada isn't an escalation compared to getting in extra police who are trained and equipped for things like large crowd control.

Minor point, but no legislation or federal proclamation is needed to bring in more police. Police render mutual assistance on request of appropriate levels of government regularly. See for instance the Olympics, G8/G20, etc. the Emergency Measures Regulations didn’t impact this.

Minor point, but no legislation or federal proclamation is needed to bring in more police. Police render mutual assistance on request of appropriate levels of government regularly. See for instance the Olympics, G8/G20, etc. the Emergency Measures Regulations didn’t impact this.

For sure, but that seems to require a certain degree of leadership not being useless. At the time I was curious if the EA allowed someone else to take he lead in the response, and was primarily a forcing function. The OPS seemed to have leadership issues for a while before this.
For sure, but that seems to require a certain degree of leadership not being useless. At the time I was curious if the EA allowed someone else to take he lead in the response, and was primarily a forcing function. The OPS seemed to have leadership issues for a while before this.
The EA order didn't change the lead law enforcement/public safety responsibility for any of the sites, including Ottawa.

I'm not familiar with the ongoing machinations of the Ottawa PS, but in the immediate time frame of the protest, leadership issues seemed to vanish and the efficient deployment of other services seemed to sprout after the chief resigned. Serendipitous? Perhaps not.
Yeah, was surprised they weren’t able to get tow trucks right away…. 😉
I was under the impression, from the media only, that heavy recovery operators in the area were reluctant to get on the bad side of their bread and butter. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out in testimony in this regard.
Yeah, was surprised they weren’t able to get tow trucks right away…. 😉

I was under the impression, from the media only, that heavy recovery operators in the area were reluctant to get on the bad side of their bread and butter. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out in testimony in this regard.

He was making a super OOFy Ottawa inside joke. Quite magnificently, I might add.

You’re dancing around the issue. What a handful of nuts believe is irrelevant. There was never a real threat to over throw the government, neither here nor the Jan 6th debacle down south.

This is the new gaslight. When a large group of disaffected voters is pissed off and showing it, they’re a threat to democracy.
Off topic for this thread but do you honestly believe that the January 6th events in Washington, which saw hundred of people storm and breach the Capitol, resulting in an ultimately fatal confrontation with security and caused the suspension, at least temporarily, of the peaceful transition of executive authority, as just a bunch of "disaffected voters"?
I was under the impression, from the media only, that heavy recovery operators in the area were reluctant to get on the bad side of their bread and butter. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes out in testimony in this regard.
That was initially true. The commission was told that those firms who participated in the final clear out of the convoy vehicles de-labeled/de-branded their wreckers and covered their faces.