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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

You’d think with the $1 million released by Go-Fund-Me, they wouldn’t have to raid a soup kitchen to get fed…🤔
Yes and no.
I'm sure we've all met some highly educated 'experts in logistics' in the military who managed to royally f**k everything up with a lot less moving parts.

Organizer appears to be in and out of the oil and gas industry as a secretary with a dip into fitness.
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They lost The Sun.
Stop holding the city hostage.
Yes and no.
I'm sure we've all met some highly educated 'experts in logistics' in the military who managed to royally f**k everything up with a lot less moving parts.

Organizer appears to be in and out of the oil and gas industry as a secretary with dip into fitness.
For truckers, the logistics of driving cross country are pretty simple, especially if someone else is paying your consumables. So, getting them to Ottawa was the easy part. Listening to Pat King (yes, I do, because I have friends and family that work in Ottawa, so I want SA on both side of the story) it's clear that the sustainment piece was missing from his plan and he's putting that together with gun tape and 550 cord.
My $0.02 is a lot of these people are soft AF.

Having to wear a mask is inconvenient at times throughout the day at best; try working a job where an N95 mask is your normal PPE, and you still end up with all kinds of crap clogging up your sinuses (or worse yet, where you should have a mask but don't).

The hyperbole about restrictions to freedom and slippery slope etc is BS, and lockdowns and proper health care were previously only a privilege of the rich. In this pandemic in Canada vaccines were free, extra benefits were available for those that lost their jobs, and if you do get sick health is now covered. Still not great with lots of challenges but really a far cry from what people are making it out to be, and the comparisons to the Holocaust etc are disgusting.

A lot of the behaviour is pretty ignorant and completely undermines any real message they may have had, and arguably they never had anything to start with. Protesting against the border crossing requirement may have made sense, if they didn't also need to be vaccinated to even get into the US to start with, but protesting the provincial mandates, the GoC in general, Trudeau in particular, and god knows what else has turned them into a joke. The idiots parking and dancing on the war memorial, harassing/assaulting folks at the food kitchen and getting the malls shut down just really bring it together that this is a colossal waste of their time that will have no impact and just harden public opinion against them. If the medium is the message their medium so far includes literal shit on the sidewalks and all kinds of ignorant behaviour and will be glad to see them gone.

The whole thing is such a giant self goal they must be Leaf fans.
They lost The Sun.

This the exact sentiment in the city right now.

Residents just want them to GTFO now.
Probably more accurate.
Not really, they have to sleep somewhere and they are spread around the NCR. 30 minutes outside the city and had to step in for some cashier being harassed by some ass clown going on about the GoC being fascists when she asked him to put on a mask (IAW provincial requirements).

Seriously, GTFO of here. If the GoC were actually fascists or communists they would all be disappeared for 're-education' by now. (or maybe just 'education'; re-education implies the initial one was successful).
This the exact sentiment in the city right now.

Residents just want them to GTFO now.
Or the ones that need to go downtown and back or the ones who rely on the jobs downtown etc.

I don’t live near there and I’d like them to move on. Point was made. Move on.

I live in Ottawa, I am not upset with it. I can live with inconvenience....

Has the point been made, when the guy they came to talk to refuses to listen and keeps pretending they are just a fringe minority?
I live in Ottawa, I am not upset with it. I can live with inconvenience....

Has the point been made, when the guy they came to talk to refuses to listen and keeps pretending they are just a fringe minority?
Ironically, although I disagree with a lot of his politics, his Father was a heck of a Statesman and knew how to actually LEAD:

Amazing to see a Prime Minister speak, in public, without canned answers or talking points and.....
Actually address and not hide from the issues.

Maybe our leader needs to look to their Father for guidance? 🤔
Ironically, although I disagree with a lot of his politics, his Father was a heck of a Statesman and knew how to actually LEAD:

Amazing to see a Prime Minister speak, in public, without canned answers or talking points and.....
Actually address and not hide from the issues.

Maybe our leader needs to look to their Father for guidance? 🤔
He did pick up the smug smile.... I guess he learned something.
Do you know for a fact it was convoy participants? Or was it another group maybe? I find it extremely unlikely that anyone would go on such a huge trip without considering the logistics of food, shelter and warmth. Especially people that make a living travelling around North America. I can't see people that are policing up their garbage, bagging it and taking it to collection points as the type that would trash a soup kitchen. However, after reading and participating in discussions here, about the convoy, nothing comes as a surprise anymore.
Fair point. I doubt anybody knows whether they were actually convoy participants, other protesters or simply people downtown wandering around taking in (or advantage of) the show.

Whether they "raided" the soup kitchen or somehow otherwise intimidated the staff to give them food is little more than parsing words. I saw the CEO interviewed this morning and she said her staff of volunteers is pretty good at dealing with 'troubled' people by virtue of the clientele they deal with. It seems they felt that giving them food would defuse the situation and they would be on their way, which they did.
Seriously, GTFO of here.

I live right in the thick of it. Horns have been going pretty much non-stop outside.

I can confirm that the trucks (of which it's a small minority) are not from the major carriers. Some have also covered up company names, but that's an even smaller subset. They seem to be independents.

I can also confirm that I have not seen one single non-Caucasian truck/car/pick-up driver. Lots of folks in "camouflage" though. But I'm a sample size of 1 and I refused to go towards Parliament.

The Mayor put it this way:

Doesn't sound like they won a lot of hearts and minds in Ottawa.

As for the drivers working to keep Canada supplied. :salute:
I live in Ottawa, I am not upset with it. I can live with inconvenience....

Has the point been made, when the guy they came to talk to refuses to listen and keeps pretending they are just a fringe minority?
If the point hasn’t been made by now then it won’t be made at all.

Time to go or change their plan.
If the point hasn’t been made by now then it won’t be made at all.

Time to go or change their plan.
That's not how a successful protest against the government works though. You need to inconvenience citizens to the point where the apply an over abundance of pressure on the government to make a deal, meet demands, arrest them etc..