I have an even more radical idea:
Man our sections, platoons and companies up to 100% strength, so that they can train up to level 4 (sub-unit) irrespective of where they fit within the Managed Readiness Plan.
Yes, I realise that this would mean only 18 rifle companies in the army; however, we don't send that many out the door, and anyone who is foolish enough to even suggest that we have 27 rifle companies now is kidding themselves.
"Train as you fight", so, "equip as you fight" as well.
So, assume we have 6 companies deployed at any given time. There are six "over there", six ramping up into high readiness, and six more in "reconstitution". But what does that mean?
The six "over there" are on operations, doing what they get paid to do.
The six "ramping up" are conducting "road to high readiness" training, which means collective training at level 5 and up.
The six "reconstituting" are preparing to hit that road to high readiness, after they do reorganisation, etc. So this means career courses for progression, postings in and out, and more importantly, towards the end of that cycle, doing levels 1-4 training according to the BTS.
For this to work, you will need to have tours of nine-ish months.
And don't think that you go for nine, return for eighteen, go for nine, ad nauseum. For some, it may be like that for a cycle or so, but let us not forget that there are postings outside of the field force. (Schools, training centres, area HQs, ASG HQs, etc).
If thought and effort went into the planning of the army collective training, then this would work.
As for no WOs, etc, that is a pers management problem that has to be solved,but not by reorganising. Because if Sgts are going to be Pl 2ICs by design, then we have to train them as such.