"existing formation structure, or is just a tasking?"
If they have any brains at all, it is just a tasking.
Our current tank weighs 2/3 of a modern one, and our APCs weigh 1/3 to 1/2 of modern ones, so we are already a medium force. When you take into account the phasing out of the ADATS, GDF-005s, M-109, eventually the leo C2s,and our current VOR rate, we are for all practical purposes a light force, albeit an immobile one due to a lack of tpt.
You guys have hit the nail on the head: without aviation, this is just mental masturbation.
So, one thing to remember: this plan is not intended to increase capability, it is intended to DECREASE capability by ensuring a large part of the defense budget gets mis-directed into areas of spending that have no military effect.
Spend money on publicity, enviro studies for the new 'light" base, aquiring land, constructing buildings, hiring civilian staff, moving and posting soldiers and office workers,etc. But NO money for more soldiers, weapons, aircraft, or equipment related to combat operations. Just another bureaucratic boondogle designed to fritter away our resources.
I think FM Slim once said something about not creating special units, just properly leading, training, and equiping the ones you have for the roles and missions they have. He was right.
In Canada, when all is said and done, much is said and little is done.