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General Election: Oct 21, 2019

Technoviking said:
I think he is; he just doesn't realize it.  He is the epitome of bigotry of soft expectations. He believes in intersectionality and that the less privileged you are, the more help you need because you can't do that on your own.

I tend to agree as well, to the degree that he has a very long history of anti-English diatribes in the past.  He seems to be prejudiced against Whites, English White European stock.....and all other English speaking Canadians to a slightly lesser degree. 
The parents of the students of the school at the time are rallying to Trudeau's defence.

"It was a very multicultural school"
"We were all having fun"

I'm really torn on this. Should I feel outrage that he did a racist thing? No not really.
My issue is that Team Trudeau made a lot of hay outing conservatives. Should they not be under the same scrutiny for actions that if it wasn't them they'd be selling the tar and feathers?
Cloud Cover said:
Good luck with that. Different teams, different rules of identity outrage and fear mongering.


Leader has done and said racist things but isn’t a racist.
Leader accused of groping a woman.
leader caught in ethical scandals
leader fires members of cabinet because they won’t break the rules for him

This could be Trudeau or could be Trump.  Those of you that give either one a pass on this stuff but are willing to crucify the other are hypocrites.

Saw an interview where an LPC strategist was asked if he was so willing to forgive Trudeau and move on would he do the same for someone like Donald Trump.  The waffling and tongue tying was fun to watch.

The state of today’s political discourse and reasoning is abysmal.
Glad to know that I'm not a hypocrite as I wish that the electorates in both countries should kick their respective butts into the gutter.

Gen Leslie (Ret) was interviewed in a local Ottawa media outlet and he said (paraphrase) that he resigned due to questionable ethical issues with some of his colleagues.
Remius said:

Leader has done and said racist things but isn’t a racist.
Leader accused of groping a woman.
leader caught in ethical scandals
leader fires members of cabinet because they won’t break the rules for him

This could be Trudeau or could be Trump.  Those of you that give either one a pass on this stuff but are willing to crucify the other are hypocrites.

Saw an interview where an LPC strategist was asked if he was so willing to forgive Trudeau and move on would he do the same for someone like Donald Trump.  The waffling and tongue tying was fun to watch.

The state of today’s political discourse and reasoning is abysmal.

True; but we only vote on the Canadian, not the American.  It is our 'leader' that we must be concerned with.  The other we only watch out of curiosity, like a 2 Lt, to see what he will do next.
George Wallace said:
… It is our 'leader' that we must be concerned with ...
Very true re:  who we're voting for and who we should focus on.  If someone is concerned about behaviour x on the part of one person but not concerned about the same behaviour on the part of someone else, though, this could reveal something about the level of nuance & consistency of said concern, and the reasons for the different levels of concern.  That goes ALL ways for ALL team jersey colours. 
George Wallace said:
… The other we only watch out of curiosity, like a 2 Lt, to see what he will do next.
Does he happen to have a map & compass, too?  :rofl:
Journeyman said:
Macbeth called it:  "it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

ALL of our parties, plus many public commentators, and site members have sunk into the depths of meaningless name-calling and mud-slinging (while sanctimoniously finger-pointing [or cheerleading] towards the south for identical behaviours).  :not-again:

Where are the policies?  Has anyone uttered anything  on their defence and security platforms, significant or otherwise?


This.  I asked someone what they disliked about the CPC platform.  He admitted he hadn't even looked at it.  Just the normal fear mongering lines.

Journeyman said:
Macbeth called it:  "it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

ALL of our parties, plus many public commentators, and site members have sunk into the depths of meaningless name-calling and mud-slinging (while sanctimoniously finger-pointing [or cheerleading] towards the south for identical behaviours).  :not-again:

Where are the policies?  Has anyone uttered anything  on their defence and security platforms, significant or otherwise?


The CPC wants to increase funding (16.1Billion) and take politics out of procurement. I found an article, but it's from the CBC.....

The Libs are already cutting billions...

The Greens plan to maintain at 1.1% of GDP.

Nothing recent from the NDP.

Here's an article that touches on a couple things to do with National Defence...
Well has anyone even read the PPC platform? 

Max refused to call Trudeau a racist for this blackface stuff, only said he was a gigantic hypocrite, he focuses on his policy differences.  I applaud that. 

But according to the msm, Max is the head of a racist nationalist party.  Funny, he wasn't a racist before he challenged anyone or when he was a cabinet minister.

I agree, politics is more toxic than ever.

Jonezy76 said:
The CPC wants...
It's a good start, but none are particularly timely (ie - since campaigning began)

Correction: I saw the April publication date, but just noticed that it's being updated;  most recent was two days ago.  :salute:
George Wallace said:
Let's hope that they don't start talking about Long Guns instead of Handguns.

Your wish has been heard and denied.

Liberals to unveil details of plan to restrict assault rifles, handguns
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Gun control measures starkly different from Conservative plan to crack down on illegal owners
Kathleen Harris · CBC News · Posted: Sep 20, 2019

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will unveil his party's plan to restrict assault rifles and handguns in Toronto today.

Trudeau will be making the 10:30 a.m. ET announcement in Toronto's Greektown, the site of a deadly gun rampage last summer.

Faisal Hussain walked through the Danforth neighbourhood on July 22, 2018, shooting at people on the street, on patios and in restaurants.

He killed 10-year-old Julianna Kozis and 18-year-old Reese Fallon. Thirteen others were injured. Hussain, 29, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head after a gunfight with police.

Today's Liberal announcement is expected to be a two-pronged policy promise to restrict or prohibit assault rifles and to allow cities to impose bans on handguns. ...

QV said:
Well has anyone even read the PPC platform? 

Max refused to call Trudeau a racist for this blackface stuff, only said he was a gigantic hypocrite, he focuses on his policy differences.  I applaud that. 

But according to the msm, Max is the head of a racist nationalist party.  Funny, he wasn't a racist before he challenged anyone or when he was a cabinet minister.

I agree, politics is more toxic than ever.

Yes, I read the PPC platform in its entirety, to the extent it had been published a few days ago. Max is head of a racist nationalist party, which is why we’ve seen racist nationalists flocking to it. A politician will absolutely be judged by the company they keep and the candidates and views that assemble under their banner. PPC, apparently completely ignorant of demographics and Canada’s low birth rates, want to greatly restrict the number of foreigners immigrating to Canada. They also want to make sure they are tested against the PPC’s idea of the ‘right’ set of values. They quite explicitly want to target their immigration quotas to minority Christians specifically. So yes, they absolutely have heavy ideological and racial biases in who they want to admit as newcomers to Canada in various categories. The very layout of their website places immigration and cultural issues prominently above energy infrastructure, foreign and domestic trade, healthcare, and the environment. They’ve made their priorities and who they’re appealing to crystal clear.

There have been a number of insider accounts from disenfranchised PPC enthusiasts who were quite active in the party, and have since bailed when they saw what sort of people were being welcomed into and embraced by the party. Now that’s not to say they’re a step away from running around wearing white sheets; they aren’t populated solely with reprehensible people. A lot of normal people are disaffected enough to have gone their way for lack of anything they feel is a better option. But they seem perfectly comfortable with building their platform and appeal on an ugly foundation.

With that said, I will credit Bernier with avoiding hypocrisy for not calling Trudeau out on this particular foulup- though any credit I grant is heavily discounted by Bernier likely knowing he hasn’t a leg to stand on in this one anyway; he spoke because in an election season he needs to be seen and heard.
Humphrey Bogart said:
Nothing is going to happen.  There will be some token smoke blown in the air as a deflection for other issues but it will all come to nothing.
Initial reports from the newser via The Canadian Press:
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is promising to ban all military-style assault rifles as part of a broader gun-control plan that will also take steps towards restricting and banning handguns.

Trudeau is making the pledge in Toronto as he tries to get his campaign back on track after apologizing for wearing blackface years ago.

The Liberals also pledge to work with provinces and territories to empower municipalities to further restrict — or ban — handguns.

Trudeau is making the announcement in the city’s Greektown neighbourhood, where a gunman killed two people and wounded 13 others last year in a shooting rampage.

The party says it will protect the rights of law-abiding hunters and vows not to re-establish the controversial long-gun registry that was scrapped by the previous Conservative government.

The proposal also includes pledges to create a buy-back program for all legally purchased assault rifles and a two-year amnesty while the program is being set up.

Also adding this to the Great Gun Control thread so the politics can be discussed here, and the mechanics of the proposals there.
Journeyman said:
Macbeth called it:  "it is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."

ALL of our parties, plus many public commentators, and site members have sunk into the depths of meaningless name-calling and mud-slinging (while sanctimoniously finger-pointing [or cheerleading] towards the south for identical behaviours).  :not-again:

Where are the policies?  Has anyone uttered anything  on their defence and security platforms, significant or otherwise?


Is it possible that now a days policy is made on the fly in the heat of an election, but the only real meat is funding announcements that may or not be costed, and which may or may not come to fruition.

The Liberal Red Book in the 90’s is the last I can remember of a genuine policy handbook, and even some of that fell apart during and after the election(s).

I think people know no more about what/who they will vote against than what/who they might vote for.
Policy. That’s the catchword. Not many people bother listening to a policy announcement.
Due to the dumbing down of our society (thank you reality TV and fluffy talk show hosts) most people would rather watch name calling losers in a house rather than listen to a policy that will affect them 30 years down the road.
Then they’ll claim they weren’t told.
I do fear for our nation.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is promising to ban all military-style assault rifles as part of a broader gun-control plan that will also take steps towards restricting and banning handguns.

Legally acquired guns only. No effort/policy to get illegal acquired guns off the streets.
"I am wary of being definitive" joins "I have no recollection of that" in the wallet card of answers-to-difficult-questions.