What exactly have you done to help the situation, other than slamming Al and his lifestyle? At least he gets on a soap box and shouts it out loud."
Well actually quite a lot. I'm so green I'm uber-Irish

. On the Fed Gov't website where you measure you carbon footprint, my family barely registers
Electrical bill down to <$30/month average - use timers and LED lights - refuse to use mercury polluting CFL's
One car - over the last five years we have averaged <7000km & 650 litres of gas per year.
Walk and cycle more than anything else, car is last resort
Send my own money to fund climate investigators who can't get government funding - go help Steve McIntyre pls. He deserves our financial help and an Order of Canada. http://www.climateaudit.org/
Downsized from a house to a condo that is on district heating - minimalist footprint available to consumers
Have recycled for 30 years . . .
I could go on and on and on . . . .
The problem with Gore et al is they SHOUT - they DON'T DO.
They scream the sky is fallling, play fast and loose with the truth, present known lies as truths ( the polar bears are all drowning) and make immense personal profits off the panic they create. They panic the herd and get rich off the vulnerable. They are hypocrites plain & simple. They are con artists.
I also am fortunate to have an undergraduate degree in Geomorph, so I have studied climatology, glaciology etc. I can still read a science report/study and have read the IPCC reports. I know fraudulent, cheap science when I come across it. Where's the infamous TAR Hockey Stick, where has the great science it trumpeted gone ? Where ? I know when scientists refuse to release their data and methods they are hiding something. I understand statistics and know what the IPCC is doing is just bogus.
I have lived and worked long enough to know the pernicious impact of politics on science and engineering. Money & budgets can make people do and say the craziest things.
I build economic business models for a living so I know how any model can be tweaked to produce "results". I know how to use and integrate PR into a story - been there done/do that.
I am frankly very concerned for the ordinary environmental movement - not the international corporate one that is backing Kyoto/IPCC. They all jumped on the CO2 caused global warming bandwagon thinking it was the killer app they had been seeking for decades. Each and every one before failed - Club of Rome, Nuclear Winter, Population bomb - each previous fear campaign was overcome by short term facts.
AGW isn't their killer app, it is going to be their killer Koolaid.
And when ordinary people realize they have been played for fools, taken to the cleaners, the backlash is going to be dramatic. Once the environmental movement has its credibility lost when the next cooling period kicks in ( right now ) it will take a long time to get it back. And real environmental problems - like the ongoing massive pollution by heavy metals and organic compounds in the unregulated badlands of China and the third world will just get worse.
Real environmental problems, not proxy campaigns that are more to do with global politics and trade, are what we should be focusing on.
and for the record humans do have an impact on climate - we are a part of the system, but Co2 does not "cause" global warming.
out of curiosity, how green are you ?