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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

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I am so glad that our current government is not complying with the UN lemmings.  Let them all rush over the cliff, we can watch from our front porch while drinking beer cooled in our GHG holocaust beer fridges.
  "GHG holocaust beer fridges."

Speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew.  My keyboard needs cleaning  :)

May I use that line ?? It's excellent :)

Haletown said:
it has been reported that Canada's portion of that annual $86 billion is $30 billion.

To put that into perspective for voters . . that would be about 68 cents per litre of gas. 

That will go over well I believe.  Every time people fill up their tank they'll be reminded that they are subsidizing 3rd world corrupt dictatorships.

Can you remember where you saw that?
Haletown said:
    A common theme was that the “solutions” to climate change that are being posed by many governments, such as nuclear power, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and biofuels are false and are not rooted in justice. Another point was that as this current ecomonic system got us here in the first place, a climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources.

No, these solutions are rooted in science. Subjective or selective interpretation of data is more difficult (although not impossible) when open science based solutions are available, hence it is more difficult for the alamists to constantly move the goalposts to support their extortion schemes.
The US portion is supposed to be $40b as I said yesterday and I doubt that Canada would be asked to kick in 30b. The problem I have is that the real polluters are India and China both with growing economies and they get a total pass.
can't recall where I read the $30 billion . .  there has been  a lot of press releases from the Enviro Industry at their little gab fest in Bali so there has been lots to digest.

I'll see if I can track it down

The tax per litre is my calculation based on Stats Can figures for 2005 that Canada consumed 45, 000, 000, 000 litres of fuel
Thucydides said:
No, these solutions are rooted in science. Subjective or selective interpretation of data is more difficult (although not impossible) when open science based solutions are available, hence it is more difficult for the alamists to constantly move the goalposts to support their extortion schemes.

Rooted in science ? The relgion of climate change is not based on science but rather in emotion. Man is insignificant compared to nature. Take the Alaska oil spill for example, the area that was affected is now clean despite the efforts of man to cleanse the area. Undersea Oil seeps up from inside the earth and the power of seawater absolutely destroys the oil. The fact is scientists can barely predict weather a week in advance and so how can they predict 30 years from now ? They have claimed that the poles will melt and yet a recent scientific paper states that the Antarctic has not lost any of its mass.
Gore in Bali today

""I am going to speak an inconvenient truth," Gore told an audience of several hundred, playing on the name of his Oscar-winning documentary.

And in low tones he added: "My own country the United States is principally responsible for obstructing progress in Bali," spurring rapturous applause and cheers."

They do know that Gore was VP and Clinton was the Prez when the US refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocal ?  That the US Senate had a bi-partisan, unanimous vote of rejection ??

Sorry Al, just another Inconvenient Truth.

Does anyone else get the feeling Gore wants to be the first President of Planet Earth ??
Just another example that proves that Anti-Americanism sells, even if from a former Principal American.  Makes me sick...
Haletown said:
Does anyone else get the feeling Gore wants to be the first President of Planet Earth ??

I think Gore wants to be this guy, (for more than one reason)

Rooted in JUSTICE.... No Justice, No Peace.... Social Justice

The Socialist International

And what is their agenda?

This is one organization, leaders of nations, labour unions and NGOs, that I doubt will ever be inviting Stephen Harper to attend their meetings (annual councils and tri/quadrennial plenary sessions).

What, exactly,  qualifies as a Trust (as in a Monopoly or Cartel)?  Can you have a governance Cartel?

Ahhh the SI.

Wants everyone around the  world to have an equal share of energy and for successful nations to share (can you say subsidize) their wealth and pay developing nations for their excesses.

The story plays well with the soft & fuzzy headed ilk, after all "equality" as a label implies a noble cause.

Funny all those liberals and dippers who support this idea don't think we consume far more than our fair share of the world's Healthcare resources and should do with much less so the third world can have more.  When it comes down to things the use and like, equality goes out the morality window.

And can anyone explain why a "developing" nation like China has a Space Program and is planning a moonshot and how India can afford a fleet of Nuclear subs ? 

ohhhh to be a developing nation
Haletown said:
Funny all those liberals and dippers who support this idea don't think we consume far more than our fair share of the world's Healthcare resources and should do with much less so the third world can have more.  When it comes down to things the use and like, equality goes out the morality window.

Aye, when it comes to that, the standard cry whatever the "foreign" cause is for doctors and daycare at home instead of aid overseas.  Or better yet retirement plans.  But not a selfish bone in their bodies them.  They are willing to give to their neighbour's last dollar.
Haletown said:
socialiasm . . what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
Barry Goldwater
"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money."

Well that explains Steffi . . .  :blotto:
"One day, our grandchildren may ask us what we did when Islamic fascism threatened the free world. Some of us will say we were preoccupied with fighting that threat wherever possible; others will be able to say they fought carbon dioxide emissions. One of us will look bad."
--  Dennis Prager
good summary from the NY times comments

1970s Leftist: The earth’s temperature is dropping and we’re all going to freeze to death!
1970s Sucker: Oh my God! Well, what should we do?
1970s Leftist: Don’t worry! More regulation, more taxation, and more government will take care of it!
1970s Sucker: OK! Let’s do it!

(fast forward 10 years)

1980s Sucker: Hey, whatever happened to that global cooling thing?
1980s Leftist: Nevermind that now! Don’t you know that there’s a global famine coming that’s going to kill a billion people?!?
1980s Sucker: What?!? Oh my God! Well, what should we do?
1980s Leftist: Don’t worry! More regulation, more taxation, and more government will take care of it!
1980s Sucker: OK! Let’s do it!

(fast forward 10 years)

1990s Sucker: Hey, whatever happened to that global famine thing?
1990s Leftist: Nevermind that now! Don’t you know that there’s a hole in the ozone layer that’s going to give you cancer and burn your face off?!?
1990s Sucker: What?!? Oh my God! Well, what should we do?
1990s Leftist: Don’t worry! More regulation, more taxation, and more government will take care of it!
1990s Sucker: OK! Let’s do it!

(fast forward 10 years)

Present-Day Sucker: Hey, whatever happened to that ozone hole thing?
Present-Day Leftist: Nevermind that now! Don’t you know that the earth is heating up and we’re all going to drown with the polar bears?!?
Present-Day Sucker: Wait a minute. A little while ago, you said that the earth was gonna freeze. What gives?
Present-Day Sucker: How DARE you question me? I bet you don’t believe the Holocaust happened either, do you, you racist Nazi zealot?!?!?
Present-Day Sucker: No, I just….
Present-Day Sucker: SILENCE! The great and terrible Gore has spoken!

We really are a pathetic, frightened little species.
Meanwhile the Daily Green reports:

.... a record-setting pace of re-freezing in November, according to the NASA Earth Observatory. Some 58,000 square miles of ice formed per day for 10 days in late October and early November, a new record.

They're a bit perturbed about the open water this summer (apparently it was the first time "ever" that the Northwest Passage was open - who knew - I wonder how the St Roch made it across?) but by all accounts the Arctic is making up for lost time.

Courtesy of Kokonut Pundit

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