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Government hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

3 days. And at what rate of consumption? How many fielded companies, squadrons, batteries, ships and aircraft are engaged concurrently?
Estimates on use of ammo tends to understate it. More likely 1.5 days.
This current LPC NDP government will high tail it out of Canada the first day of a war.
And their wailing minions will ask "how can this happen" and then realize the LPC/NDP coalition was a sham.
3 days. And at what rate of consumption? How many fielded companies, squadrons, batteries, ships and aircraft are engaged concurrently?
As a gun owner in IPSC training I would burn through about 1,000rds a month getting ready to compete, down to 500 a month for normal shooting.
3 days. And at what rate of consumption? How many fielded companies, squadrons, batteries, ships and aircraft are engaged concurrently?
Given the NATO standard is 30 days, I am guessing there is a NATO measurement somewhere of size and consumption somewhere
3 days. And at what rate of consumption? How many fielded companies, squadrons, batteries, ships and aircraft are engaged concurrently?

As a gun owner in IPSC training I would burn through about 1,000rds a month getting ready to compete, down to 500 a month for normal shooting.

pistols, carbines, battle rifles, rifles, LMGs, GPMGs, HMGs - how many of those in service times sustained rate of fire for 30 days with replacement barrels and parts. Use Afghanistan consumption rates during contacts for reference.

How fast can the next 30 days worth of ammunition, weapons and parts be procured?
Given the NATO standard is 30 days, I am guessing there is a NATO measurement somewhere of size and consumption somewhere

No doubt you are right. But this is the same NATO that planned for a 3 week war because the end would either be a mushroom cloud or a surrender.
I know one time we had to wait for 105mm ammo for just in time delivery, what we received was a miss match of timed fuzes from 1945ish to 1990, (hard to tell if it was 45 or 46 with all the stamps on them), brand new spiral and non spiral brass, with a mix of old and new charge bags. Every other round was a different lot number.. Made fun trying to sort rounds and fuses.
Another time our ammo did not pass inspection and we instead used American 105mm. Some of those spiral brass cases did not fit the breech properly. Half the bags were less then good shape.But it all went down range, not sure how but it went boom boom.

Some of the .556 and .762 we got was surplus American ammo from who only knows when. pop pop, militia rounds militia rounds, bang, militia rounds.
The 84mm rounds we used once were brand new from the factory, along with M72s and grenades both smoke and m67.

Right now the CA claims to have 4 Divisions (which theoretically would mean a Corps)

These 4 "Divisions" consist of 3 Regular Force CMBG's, 1 Regular Force Combat Support Bde, and 10 PRes Bde Groups.

For whatever reason the CA has given each "Division: 1 Reg force Bde - and 2-3 PRes CGB's.

Yet the CA does NOT have equipment for most of the force (unless one considers the "MLoCopter" to be a viable troop carrier...

The CA:
For the Infantry Corps, it has LAV's for basically 4 Inf BN's (using full Combat establishment strength) so basically 1 Bde worth and some spares.
- No ATGM Carrier
- No Mortar Carrier
- No Tracked IFV to work in harmony with the Leo 2
- No OverSnow Carriers (I mean why would Canada need that right)

The Armoured Corps - well three different models of Leo 2 exist, and enough to make a 3 Squadron Armoured Regiment with spares. It is also saddled with the TAPV, and has the LAV 6.0 and a Surveillance version coming on line to replace the Coyote -

The Engineer Corps - it appears to have (maybe @McG or others can correct me) enough LAV to make a Medium CER - with the understanding the LAV isn't suited for a lot of Engineering tasks, I don't see any AVLB, AEV or other Heavy Armor or even light armor tracked engineering vehicles

The Artillery - it is fairly painful to even look at this, but basically enough M777 to field a 18 gun Reg't and some spares -- no GS or Rocket forces for Division work - and the PRes Arty have the C3 which isn't a viable system anymore - even if they worked.

No dismounted ATGM, for any part of the CA, no AD capability for any of the CA

Communications, Navigation, STANO, IFF, are all missing for much more than a Battle Group, and some of that is old to the point of obsolescence.
Logistics -- not enough heavy trucks, not enough medium trucks to support much more than a Bde for operations (at best)

So from a Corps paper entity the CA can basically field a poorly equipped Bde missing a slew of equipment, or a Btl Gap missing some key equipment.

I dint dig into a lot of stuff in detail simply due to time constraints - and the fact I doubt folks who dont already know this care.
If the CAF was actually serious about having resourcing a combat ready armed force (Navy, Army, AF) with general capabilities then you would need to reconsider the logistical infrastructure, material handing equipment, IT systems, space, security along with the required logistical, maintenance and engineering personnel required. You would also need to adequately man the ops unit so can have the chance to even perform basic maintenance tasks of their ships, aircraft, vehicles, weapons and material.

Most of these basic logistical, maintenance, engineering necessities were cut during the 1990s when PM Chrétien drastically cut the federal government's budget in order to balance the books.

This brings us to the question, what should the Government get for their budget assuming that the Gov't would want at least a Naval TF or BG or Air Sqn:
Three poorly equipped, under-manned and not readily deployable Services?
One fully equipped, manned and readily deployable Service?
Two fully equipped, manned Services, but ready to deploy within 30/60/90 days?

What should the CDS advise thew gov't knowng that the World and Canada's political and secuity constantly changes? Not an easy decision.
Do you really want me to go there?
I do... 😈😈😈

(I got out in 2011 - so other than the main deployable platforms that go pew pee, I don't really know what we have or don't have to flesh out the force into a more competent, mature force. You always have good insights into stuff like this, I'd like to hear your take on it?)


(I be readin' the thread backwards again...just seen your post)

Right now the CA claims to have 4 Divisions (which theoretically would mean a Corps)

These 4 "Divisions" consist of 3 Regular Force CMBG's, 1 Regular Force Combat Support Bde, and 10 PRes Bde Groups.

For whatever reason the CA has given each "Division: 1 Reg force Bde - and 2-3 PRes CGB's.

Yet the CA does NOT have equipment for most of the force (unless one considers the "MLoCopter" to be a viable troop carrier...

The CA:
For the Infantry Corps, it has LAV's for basically 4 Inf BN's (using full Combat establishment strength) so basically 1 Bde worth and some spares.
- No ATGM Carrier
- No Mortar Carrier
- No Tracked IFV to work in harmony with the Leo 2
- No OverSnow Carriers (I mean why would Canada need that right)

The Armoured Corps - well three different models of Leo 2 exist, and enough to make a 3 Squadron Armoured Regiment with spares. It is also saddled with the TAPV, and has the LAV 6.0 and a Surveillance version coming on line to replace the Coyote -

The Engineer Corps - it appears to have (maybe @McG or others can correct me) enough LAV to make a Medium CER - with the understanding the LAV isn't suited for a lot of Engineering tasks, I don't see any AVLB, AEV or other Heavy Armor or even light armor tracked engineering vehicles

The Artillery - it is fairly painful to even look at this, but basically enough M777 to field a 18 gun Reg't and some spares -- no GS or Rocket forces for Division work - and the PRes Arty have the C3 which isn't a viable system anymore - even if they worked.

No dismounted ATGM, for any part of the CA, no AD capability for any of the CA

Communications, Navigation, STANO, IFF, are all missing for much more than a Battle Group, and some of that is old to the point of obsolescence.
Logistics -- not enough heavy trucks, not enough medium trucks to support much more than a Bde for operations (at best)

So from a Corps paper entity the CA can basically field a poorly equipped Bde missing a slew of equipment, or a Btl Gap missing some key equipment.

I dint dig into a lot of stuff in detail simply due to time constraints - and the fact I doubt folks who dont already know this care.

Who bribed you to not talk about boots? ;)