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Harper at the UN

Lost_Warrior said:
And by night, he was known as "The Video Professor!"

Ha...I thought I was the only one that pictured the 'Buy my product!' speech bubble over Jack's head when I see him on Tv.  Must admit, the resemblance is striking...
My earnest hope is that we will say with pride to future generations of leaders: we, the United Nations, took up that responsibility in Afghanistan, rose to the challenge, and met it firmly, collectively, successfully.

In this endeavour, as with the others I have outlined, Canada will be there with you at every step along the way.

I thought his speech clarified a few issues nay-sayers may misunderstand.

Good to hear, from our PM, that we are not going to turn-tail and abandon the mission.
I just saw the PM at the "Red" Rally in Ottawa.

While he may have been dry at the UN and New York he must have been channeling somebody else at the rally.  He was energized, engaged and engaging. 

Full marks on that one.
Kirkhill said:
Insufficient zip? Fire? Oratorical vigour?  ;D

How do you turn an accountant into Winston Churchill in one easy lesson?  Heck,  FDR's level would be an improvement.

The sentiment was right as was the tone but, as you say, the delivery...... Oh well.  He's still better than the alternatives.

Oh you KNOW it's all 'bout the Oratorical vigour, yo.
A little dry and cool perhaps, but that is the man's style. Beats Martin flapping his hands and making funny faces looking like he is about to have a stroke, or Chretch talking snake -like sincerely about something, but meaning something totally opposite.