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Hate Valentine's Day?


Army.ca Veteran
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Well, that Bloody Hallmark Holiday is upon again. So here's a 12-step program for Non-Daters on Valentine's day.

1. Wear black, and lots of it.

2. If someone else in the office has received flowers, chocolate, singing telegrams, and other forms of dating expressions, glare at them. Snarling and grunting optional.

3. Same goes for anyone wearing excessive amounts of red. Especially if they are wearing heart-shaped items like pins.

4. Later in the day, eat the chocolate, run the flowers through a food processor, and beat the crap out of the singing telegram people. (Most people will thank you for this, anyway).

5. For the rest of the day, labor over the effect all that chocolate is gonna have on your waistline.

6. Return home and destroy at least one item given to you by an ex. Feel guilty. Call the ex. Make up story about having a hot date.

7. Watch TV. Turn off TV after noticing every channel is airing a clone of "While You Were Sleeping," "Titanic," or, worse yet, a "Friends" Valentine's Day.

8. Realize how lame not having a hot date is. Head to bar.

9. Plot massive torture of anyone who shows up at the bar with a date. Slow torture if the couple is in anything above semi-formal dress.

10. Massive quantities of alcohol. Beergoggling. Wake up next to someone - male or female - with way too much facial hair.

11. Remember (and regret) this incident for the next 364 days. Complain about never having a good V-Day.

12. Wait until some bizarre calendar date Hallmark has labeled "Sweetest Day." Rinse, lather, repeat to get in practice for next V-Day.

Note: If "Titanic" is on, it can be therapeutic. But only if you only watch the part where Leonardo DiCaprio sinks like a big, wet, adorable, lead anvil to the bottom of the North Atlantic! Same goes for the end of "Romeo + Juliet."

Hey Des, your forgot to add:

.........but, I'm not bitter.

Bad date lately?? :)
BYT Driver said:
Hey Des, your forgot to add:

.........but, I'm not bitter.

Bad date lately?? :)


Dating, eh ???

Nah. I just don't like a one-day a year hallmark/hersheys sponsored holiday affair. What about the other 364 days of the year?
What about Easter and Christmas???
Hallmark and Hershey's (et.al) make a mint at those times too.

Have happy thoughts, Des, go to a pub and have a few wet Rickards RED....or Pabst BLUE Ribbons....or GREEN Grenades (Heineken).

Notice the ingernius use of colours... ;D    ;D
Why cant it be on Feb 29th? Once every four years is possible to stomach it.
Seeing my buds run around looking for gifts the last minute is funnay.
Nay, wait until they're married and HAVE to look for that perfect "thing" for Heart Day.

Or you can be like me:
wake up, good thing at this point in life.
look at niner, with that "I LOVE YOU", hush puppy look in your eyes.
say something sweet, bonus points for later that day  ;)  ;)
don't think about it again for 364 days.  happiness is blissful ignorance.. ::)
You boys are funny - lol -

This Valentine's day - as with many before it - my hubby will be on course in Ottawa - so it is no big deal in our house. I buy chocolate for the kiddies - they seem to like it more than the rest of us -

I liked last Valentines day... I was on an airbus flying back into Canada from the funny country. Got home around 4 in the morning on the 15th.  ;D
Works good wether you're single or not....

If all goes well, next year's v-day I'll be back in the funny country. Another halmark holiday avoided.

But I'm not bitter.

Oh wait. yes I am. I really am.
I change my mind regularly on Valentine's day. All through highschool I was a fan because it meant the boyfriend would do something sweet, which was not normal for him. Last year was my first year I've been single on V-Day and well, I had a date and got stood up, for the first time in my life. So that year I decided to hate V-day. I'll be spending this V-Day with a few single girlfriends, and I think it will be the best one. No silly preconceived notions of what should happen on this supposed special "Hallmark day". I agree, why do we need one day to show we care. Shouldn't we do it all year long?

That being said, I won't object if lillies show up at work.  ;D
I don't hate it, though I usually treat it as a normal day when my sweetie is away. I get some chocolate or candy for our kiddies. This year a bunch of my friends are getting together for a Valentines dinner out, should be fun.
What!! Valentine's Day still exists??

I haven't heard about it about 10 years now.  :(

I guess this isn't the time to mention that hubs has requested that I be somewhere reachable on the morning of the 14th as I'm to expect a delivery. Turns out that V-day is a big deal to him - who would have known...LOL (I'll just go run and hide now...)
niner domestic said:
I guess this isn't the time to mention that hubs has requested that I be somewhere reachable on the morning of the 14th as I'm to expect a delivery. Turns out that V-day is a big deal to him - who would have known...LOL (I'll just go run and hide now...)

Where did you find him again Niner?...
Pea said:
Where did you find him again Niner?...

Shhh...She can't tell you. Then everyone'd have a husband like him, and we'd all be expected to be like that.
sober_ruski said:
Why cant it be on Feb 29th? Once every four years is possible to stomach it.

I concur.  And maybe anniversaries and some other Hallmark holidays should be 29 Feb too!!
muffin said:
You boys are funny - lol -

This Valentine's day - as with many before it - my hubby will be on course in Ottawa - so it is no big deal in our house. I buy chocolate for the kiddies - they seem to like it more than the rest of us -


and you wonder why he is always on those courses  ;D
It's Valentine's Day already?!! D'OHH!!!

This site was found on military.com for those of you who forgot (again).  ;D


The service might not necessarily work outside the US...oh well...but still, it's a great idea!
So it's V-day... and in case some of you are still combing the aisles of the Petro can or the qwickiemart on the way home from...here's an article that gives the 10 worse gifts to buy...http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,251818,00.html
We had a great Valentines day, we had a choclate fondue as a treat with the kiddies last night, [I'm working tonight].

Hallmark can bite me.....