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How‘d you go about asking someone out?

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This is really cute.Takes me back to when in basic,I used to let the boys use the cleaning supply room for rv‘s with the female troopies.
That key was power in your palm man!
Next on Sally Soldier Raphael...

I‘d say be honest, as honest as is necessary ;) , because there is nothing worse then being caught lying by a girl you like. If you like her and have already started a good relationship then tell her. She probably already knows. Girls are messed up. They like to play lil mind games to toy with our lil minds. So watch out.. but carry the good old sabretooth femur just in case. Cheers!

I hate their little mind games, at least I play well in them. I‘ve known alot of guys who got rejected or dumped cuz they were "too nice" lol can you believe that ****. As for Humor, it kicks *** man girls love you for being funny. There‘s too much to asking girls out and everything, I think they decide within the few minutes they meet you if they think you‘re boyfriend material, or if they want to put you in friend catergory, awful place to get into most of the time. Hard to get out of it and become something to them.

Honesty, self confidence, and humor are the most important tools when it comes to attracting women. If you think that its money, good looks, and coolness, then you are fishing in shallow water, and will probably only end up catching crabs.
i agree with armymedic, it has always worked the best with me, be up front. and if you want to break the ice a little, add a little alcohol, but not so that she is bombed out of her mind. and if remember, chicks love the uniform (if they are not in the armed forces). ive had more women approach me while i was in it, than if i was in civies. if the girl is in your unit, forget it, if it goes bad, it tends to get ugly.
Chicks love uniform? I can‘t say that the girls around my campus like the military.. I could open a whole can of worms here passing on what one of these anti-military types told me today alone.
Ohh do tell...I love hearing these stories...and how you reacted to them.
yeah those types of chicks blow, i have come across a few too, but i didnt really care because they were hippies. you should come to the east coast my friend, most of the women seem to like the uniform. during operation splinter (the hurricane clean up), a lot of guys i know picked up girls when they were working on the operation.
Bah.. screw those types of chicks, if they blow i got something for them to blow on. Don‘t mind those types. :D

There‘s more girls loving us then hating us.
I think the west coast is more apt to be anti-military than the east coast. You wouldnt believe how many people have said "why do we need a military?". The scary thing is, they‘re absolutly serious when they say it. (sigh) :(
Aquilus Lupin, just wait till you start walkin around in uniform

your be called a baby killer, a tool, murderer, etc, etc

it seems to be a trend over here to be anti-military
I‘m glad to be going to University in North Bay as opposed to somewhere down south, or out west. My History Prof (a Danish fellow) told the class the other day that he thinks the Canadian military is too underfunded. A girl in my Poli-Sci class told me, after learning that I was in the Army, that she would support the raising of taxes to give our military more money.

And yes, girls love the uniform. I get approached much more often when I am in uniform then when I‘m not. But I usually screw it up anyway because I am a very quiet person, and alot of people mistake that for being unfriendly. Oh well.

I haven‘t heard a single negative thing about the army since I have been up here in North Bay, the other day when I was coming back from my parade night, a bunch of (drunken) girls stopped talking and one of them started chanting: "Army Guy, Army Guy,..." over and over. Funny stuff. I can‘t wait until they see me in my DU‘s. :D

Bah when someone asks why we even need an army i plan to say " Lets hope you never have to find out " Bam! Im good hehe.. ya. Id think gurls love the uniform! althou.. unless your talkin about taht nasty green jump suite.. whats a DU.. sorry im not in the military as u can tell by my dumb humor.. Which i plan to bring with me to the 3PPCLI.. awww ya!
i think what you mean is a DEU. it is your dress uniform with all the shiny stuff on it and your medals.
since im pro at asking gurls out.. since i am a gurl.. hahah just kidding, why don‘t you just say: my friend wants to know if u think im hot... or use a equally cheesy pick up line. im no good at this haha! :rolleyes: best of luck to u bud!
*lol* Can‘t believe my post is still alive after all these months