Pieman, I think it's definitely worth the wait, you'll be making good money doing a very cool job. I'm a little biased but I'd suggest Sea Kings and only because you'll be the only nav on board, not like the Auroras with half a dozen navs, all looking over each other's shoulder. Once you're sworn in you'll head to St Jean for BOTC, you shouldn't be waiting long for that. Normally they'll wait till about 2 weeks prior to your course to swear you in for obvious reasons, we ain't just givin' money away
So once you get the call it'll all happen relatively quickly, sworn in, 2-3 weeks later start BOTC (they've recently changed it so I don't even know the duration anymore, mine was 14 weeks so I don't imagine it'll be very different from that. Then you've got language school for 33 weeks and once that's done, the wait for CFANS begins. It's not too bad though, you get to go to a sqn and see what life on sqn is like, you'll do sea and land survival while you wait as well as Aeromedical Training (AMT, basically high altitude training for hypoxia and such). Those courses are about a week long each, land survival and AMT are in Winnipeg and sea survival is in Comox. Once you're done CFANS, you'll get posted to a sqn, you'll put your 3 choices down for postings (at some point during your nav course) and they try to get you what you want. After that you wait for the Operational Training Unit (OTU), but don't worry, you'll have your wings and be making pretty decent money so it's not all bad. Anyways, hope this helps.
Jutes, I'm not really too familiar with what goes on at CFSATE, though most courses in the military run on a schedule like 5 per year or whatever the case may be. I'm guessing you're done recruit school in St Jean? If you are you could always ask your boss to check when you'll be course loaded. If you haven't done recruit school, have faith, the recruiting centres are just as undermanned as everyone else in the military.