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Tell me about it! A certain MCPL comes to mind.... What can I say, we know how to live! (no offence to the others out there)
Now this is My first post and i may be out of my league but im an Air Cadet with 868 Northstar Squadron in Alberta and when ever my unit does Ex.‘s with our sister army cadet unit (Engineers) we get royally shafted. We will have box after tampered Box of Egg Lungs and Salisbury Steak coming out of our ears. whereas the Army Cdts. Have the good Munchies, Such as the Sausage and Taters and The Salsa Chese Omlette. Any one here Know how myself and the Other Squadron Sgt.s can get back at these Guys?
Thanks :cdn:
No if i Transferred to the Engineers in my area i would lose my rank that i spen four working for. Its hard to be a Sgt. in the Air Cadets ohh well.
Beans and Weiners all the way. The peaches are amazing for desert....
I think I‘ve actually had time to cook an IMP, even with the new heating bags, maybe twice. Making coffee/hot chocolate is always out of the question.

I‘ve heard that when the CAR was in Somalia all they had was IMP‘s to eat for the whole tour, and this lad to many of them refusing to eat IMP‘s ever again - is this an urban myth, or true? The one Somalia vet I‘ve seen in the field defintley brought his own food.
What pisses me off about IMPs is that sometimes you think you‘re going to get some thing good and you get some other meal in its place. We were on 4 IMPs a day this past summer but theres no way that there was time to eat 4 rations. They just kept piling up in the patrol base then on the defensive position. That new hot chocolate in the breakfasts which are in the brown bags is pretty damn good though. I‘m a beans/ tortellini fan for sure. I think fights would of broken out this summer if someone got caught stealing tortellini.

Yeah the CAR was on IMPs for a long time, the whole tour I think. Although the author of Somalia On $5.00 a day says that they were worst off then the CAR.

My question is......has anyone actually filled out and sent one of those IMP surveys????
I think the kids in my neighbourhood are a little nuts, I give them left over IMPs when I get home from EX‘s and they eat them.
Those cards in the IMP‘s are simply there to bring down our morale in the field. When scanning through the "menu" you will find many good sounding meals, but they are never ever issued to the soldiers! I beleive the big cheeses in Ottawa are holding thoes ones back incase of an unlikely air raid!
After a week in the field, your socks start looking mighty tasty!
On the IMP subject, I have heard that Rats are not to be eaten for longer than four days straight with out a fresh supplament, any thoughts on that one?
Jumping in a little late, I dont know about the CAR in somalia but I do know that in Kosovo some of the strats were eating rats upwards to 60 days before fresh stuff started showing up.

Reference comment cards in IMP packs they do actually pay attention to them or so I have been told by someone who has filed one, but alas just because they take off one meal doesnt mean that the new one that replaces will be any better.
Hey wheres my peanut butter in the tube not this packet they have now!
Ref the IMP comment card, I filled one out once just to make sure they knew what I thought of the baked cherry dessert.
Me too. I collect all the comment cards on each exercise (no-one else uses them) and write that the fruitcake-style desserts are excellent.
Wait till you get the salmon filet! I‘d give my right nut for a box of them. The bread thing works great and is something we‘ve done in Windsor for a while. As for the cherry cake... heat it up, add some rum (when your camping ;) ), just like Xmas!
I have some friends that were with the RCD in Somolia and they will never touch IMP‘s again. Still get bouts of a wierd bug from it. They‘ll only have the coffee and hot chocolate if pressed.
Last winter, while looking into joining the reserves, I attended an information night at the QYR down at Fort York Armoury.

They gave out a selection of IMP‘s to civvies like me who attended.

I can‘t, for the life of me, remember what the entre was, but I do remember it tasted like **** luke warm (I hadn‘t let the water fully boil). The bread was god-awful, even smearing honey on it. The treats were cool. The powdered juice drink was not bad (can you put that in a canteen?). All in all, not a bad catch, but way too much garbage generated if I had to eat it in the field and take the rubbish out with me.

I don‘t want to think about living off them for long though.

Do guys not get together and toss unwanted items into a garbage bag and have a mix-up with the other squaddies? If you play mix-n-match, you can probably get what you want.

Now that I am joining... will the army go ape **** if I bring a supply of store-bought beef jerky and other snacks with me on ex/trg?
I usually bring something of my own into the field every now and again. Im not talking about a friggin grocery bag worth of goodies but maybe a chocolate bar or two. For long, physically enduring ex‘s I may bring a few powerbars or those dried leather fruit things. Dont even try to put anything in your canteen that isnt clean, drinkable water. You contaminate it in any way your screwed. You want to mix juice or coffee or anything use the paper juice bags the issue or a separate cup. Every now and again I may bring my camelback with and a few other guys in my sect have brought things like descent gourmet coffee grinds and tobasco sauce to livin up their meals. Just remember, you want it you carry it.
I don‘t know about the other units, but for the Windsor guys, bringing normal food (especially pepperoni‘s) into the field is SOP! While on excercise, what sounds better, IMP‘s or McDonalds?
I have seen an SHQ set up in the field with a full meet and cheese buffet laid out on a table.... now thats roughing it! ;)
Most units also operate their own canteens. They sell things like chocolate, pop, gatorade, chips, meatsticks and an assortment of unhealthy items. Since the profit usually goes directly back to the unit they will truck it into every ex they can and encourage you to buy things. If they trust you they may give out chits (credit). Some canteens may also operate small kitshops as well. On my course, the profits from our canteen paid for some real nice course photos. Some other courses got camelbacks and the guys off of tours scored some really really cool kit. So go ahead and buy all the junk you can get your hands on, its for a good cause.

"Come on bloggins, I saw you eyeing that mars bar !" :p
The canteens do a mean business. My troop canteen made more money off a 6 week deployment than the regt‘s canteen could make in a year - something about having the closest fridge to the gun park :)
Doing a week long FIBUA ex in Ft Lewis last year we stopped at the PX befor ethe big final weekend. Some of the guys discoevered that they sold 3 pound bags of gumy bears... And pomptly bought about 2 each. One guy had nothing in his buttpack but gummies all weekend, the others had rucksacks with 6lbs of gummies in them! They were awful popular...

Doing enema force with a Service Batt. last year, when it came time to have supper at 0800, pitch dark they had a "tactical feed", at 50%.
So while half of the unit sat in positions (ie, laid on the ground, they didn‘t dig in) the other half went to the buffet style feed of fresh food, with 6 ML‘s parked arund it with their lights shining in, and everyone laughing and joking and talking. Us INfantry guys just about fell over when we saw it.
(shouldn‘t have been a surprise tho, since we had McD‘s for breakfast)

If your a C9 gunner, mag pouches make great candy bar holders...
Lets rank the wonderful CF IMP‘s! Freddy Chef, let the truth be known...
Mmmmm Free IMP‘s
Last Thursday i was doing inventory at my Squadrons Supply Depot :the CO‘s Basment ands Garage and it was tasked upon me to fill out form stating what we had and what we needed. Well the CO‘ was so Impressed with me and my two Corporals that she decided to Review the forms and some how the inventory list of IMP‘s came up two boxes Short, dont know how that happened :rolleyes: ...hehe... so i drove my two assistants home with my new cargo of a box of Dinner and a Box of Breakfast IMP‘s. Divvied em up, gave a half box each of Brwakfast IMP‘s to my corporals and traded a Chop Suey to each for two Cheese Omellettes with Salsa and we parted ways for the evening. Also on the note of bringing Snackies, supplements and otherwise I usually bring about 10 bucks worth of beefjerky and I have a C7 Mag Pouch on my Mixed canadian Load Bearing Vest(Canadian Web Belt, American Suspenders and a US Compass pouch, Various canadian Pouches etc.) that is filled with eating accoutrements such as: 1 large bottle of Louisana Hot Sauce, 3 Tubes Honey, 3 Tubes Peanut Butter and one of those salt shaker dealie that I Picked up at wal mart for Four Bucks and its got like 8 diffrent spices etc. and My KFS somewhere in there, now that is the only way to survive a one week cadet ex on 3 IMPS a Day. :cdn:
Back in 76 when I joined ( Centurion was a Tank not a Rank :) )
the rat‘s we got were all tinned i.e. bacon ,corned beef,smoked sardines,oyster‘s ,chili con carne etc.

The best one was when we made corned beef Hash with the powdered spud‘s ooooh it was great after bustin your arse then open your tin of fruit cocktail ,more taste and flavour than today‘s rat‘s.

The only draw back was the condiment pack which came with fresh meat sometime‘s i.e weavel‘s.(Ate those to) :)

The cracker‘s were better than we get now,also the cheese and penis butter,even got the last of the rat‘s issued with smoke‘s,they stopped that due to the smoke‘s contaminating the candy and other food stuff‘s with nicotine :skull: .

They were a bitch to pack in you‘r webbing and ruck and added a bit more weight but over all were very good . :(

Can still smell and taste that hash :) .

As for today‘s :boring: In my opinion , you can‘t can‘t cook up like before with the bacon,corned beef etc.