Yes I understand what he’s trying to say generally, the delivery is a bit… meandering. Im arguing the points he’s trying to make to support it such as turret manning general and Stryker specific. Now I’m regards to numbers and manning, if you looked at the Force 2025 manning plan they accounted for increased combat support compiles with the two Bns becoming inactive. If you want to pull four guys from the platoon, by all means take the weapons det and keep some C6s and Carl Gs in the car as needed. Nothing sillier than a man bounding with the gpmg beside a stabilized turret.
I'll try to be a bit less meandering.
We have LAV 6.0s for the infantry. That is not going away.
We have a manning problem. That doesn't seem to be going away.
Without a change in technology, meaning a major capital investment and a number of years, technology is not going to change either of those situations.
So I'm going to make a suggestion based on Mark's observations.
If the GPMG is silly how much sillier is a C7? And yet the C7, C9 and C6 are the primary weapons of the dismounted infantry.
If the vehicle is going to be a carrier for weapons that might come in handy (the CG, the C6) then you are effectively turning the section in the back into a Weapons Det.
Suggestion - rather than eliminating the Weapons Dets and keeping the Sections why not convert the Sections into Weapons Dets.
The result would be 6 soldiers in a LAV 6.0 with 4 empty seats and room for the C6, the CG, a Javelin a DMR and perhaps even a 60mm mortar (or perhaps as few Switchblades or NLAWs are more appropriate these days).
The LAV commander would still have 3 Rifles in each LAV, or a dismount group of 12. And would also be able to man an operationally relevant assortment of weapons that could assist the stabilized turrets.
Meanwhile the other 4 soldiers currently in the LAVs could be concentrated into an Assault Company or a straight Rifle Company transported in ACSV-TCVs.
That Rifle Company could be refilled from the Light Battalions or from the Reserves or be the RFL2/3 Companies referenced in Force 2025.
If the Ukrainian effort is demonstrating anything it is that distributing everything equally across the entire force is not a recipe for success. There continues to be a strong need for concentrations of forces in reserve which can be allocated according to need. Perhaps keeping a concentration of rifles in reserve within the battalion is one place to start?