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Interview advice (merged)

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There is a possibility that you may be given a job offer at the end of the interview.  However, that depends on many other considerations, such as your medical and criminal records and name check.  Most people have to wait for a period of time, depending on the desired occupation, what info needs to be gathered and verified after the interview, and how overworked they are in your recruiting centre.

If you go over the Recruiting FAQs in this forum you will get a good idea of the process.  The more parts of the process that are complete when you do the interview, the more likely that you will get a quick job offer.

I just finished my interview on Wednesday and I was told they take up to two weeks to call you back with an offer. They rate your application, it gets reviewed and then they either call you back and offer your first choice, tell you that it is full and maybe you get your second or ask you to come back in to discuss a new trade.
i just did my interview and medical! i was soo stressed out for my interview but it turned out to be the most fun part of the process...it was really relaxed and i had no stress at all! if u have questions about the interview...read the preparation guide they gave you! seriously it helps!  anyways they told me it was a go except for some papers i need to have fill in for medical. so i might be leaving in october! what a great day!

You'd be amazed at how many people don't read the paperwork we give them.  Good for you for at least going over it and making yourself a better applicant for it.

Good luck.
I have found this link in one of the posts but it appears to be dead: . Does anybody know where it went?
Google Search Phrase: Preparing Interview Canadian Forces

Top Two Results:


I checked these documents with the current (which I have only a hardcopy of, sorry) and they are different in some instances, but still deliver the same effect.

It's like any other career/professional interview. Study your trade(s), figure out what they do specifically, formations, locations, and relax :)

Here's a mirror:
Prep for interview

Your recruiter probably already told you all this, but I'll reiterate;
- Complete this form just before the interview, The day before or the morning of, then the information will be current and fresh in your head.
- Make sure you bring the form completed to your interview. Otherwise you will have to complete it again at the recruiting centre and the interviewer may take this as a sign that you are unprepared for the interview.
- If you can't honestly answer a question on the form, don't worry... it's not a test.  It's a guide for the interviewing officer.

Good luck.

heh... lennoj... you beat me to it.  ;D
Great, now i know what to expect at the interview
i didn't see nor speak with a recruiter, just reviewed and decided my best fit would be enter regular force and get training to become an EME officer

how long after a successful interview will it be b4 going to Que for basic

after successful basic, will I have much chance to work Vancouver Island or just be sent to Timbucktoo away from family and like it?
tutorisland said:
Great, now i know what to expect at the interview
i didn't see nor speak with a recruiter, just reviewed and decided my best fit would be enter regular force and get training to become an EME officer

how long after a successful interview will it be b4 going to Que for basic

after successful basic, will I have much chance to work Vancouver Island or just be sent to Timbucktoo away from family and like it?

These questions have been asked and answered quite a few times. Being resourceful is a great quality in a young officer. Try to start cultivating it. I will suggest that you re-read the guidelines and try doing a little of your own work around here before asking so many of the same questions.

Milnet.ca Staff
tutorisland said:
i didn't see nor speak with a recruiter,
If you are seriously considering to join, besides utilizing "Search" function here, that's exactly what you should do - visit your local CFRC and talk to one of the recruiters. This is what they are for: to answer people's questions.  When I applied last February, I spent almost an hour talking with the recruiter asking him ton of questions.
And I came out enlightened. 

Good Luck!  :salute:
yes i should have spoken to someone after i passed aptitude for eme officer
i have a picture of how i hope things will go training/working
maybe need a reality check

at my interview i speak about everything on the interview sheet
at 50yo have a very good grasp of electronics [radar,two way radios, audio/TV/VCR] component level repairs
it is in my nature to share, and I believe that EME is my best venue to share my skills

on with my dream
i sign for regular force / officer / EME [maybe bonus 40k]
eventhou 260lbs 5-9" can't do a situp, nor run 2k4m
i sweat off 60#; pass basic 10wks

start as officer cadet / subordinate
go to training school wks/mos pass

join a regiment [maybe pick a base]
move family house close by
work in a shop all day
join fam at nite

i'll visit a recruit office again, last time went to small depot
saw ad in paper, went during the posted time; but onone was there
left my # but onone called

so i researched
came up with EME
sent app to Ont.
So let me get this straight.  You're 5'9', 260 lbs and 50 years old?  Can't do a sit-up or run 2.4 km?  Expect to "sweat off" 60 lbs?

Yep, a reality check may be in order.

You sent your application to Ont?  Aren't you in B.C.?

Also, please tell us that English is not your first language.

str8 up yes will lose wt.
i guess in 1500 hundred of yer posts u nev abbr.'d
if u haven't any info to offer
u have too much time on your hands
tutorisland said:
i sign for regular force / officer / EME [maybe bonus 40k]
eventhou 260lbs 5-9" can't do a situp, nor run 2k4m

Hey totorisland, I agree with PMedMoe. Maybe you should reevaluate your aspirations. And you got your work cut out for you, that's for sure. Physical fitness training is critical. The minimum requirements for your age group are 19 sit-ups and 19 push-ups and you have to run 2.4 km in under 14min 25 sec. The faster, the better.
Myself being 46, I have been getting ready for this all summer. Now I can push 35 push-ups and 33 sit-ups. I run 2.4km in 12 min flat ( still want to bring that down to around 11' 30'' or so). It took a lot of work!
tutorisland said:
str8 up yes will lose wt.
i guess in 1500 hundred of yer posts u nev abbr.'d
if u haven't any info to offer
u have too much time on your hands


I'll tell you now: NEXT post like this and I will start deleting all your posts that do not comply with the Site Guidelines.

I am very sorry Mr. Wallace; please forgive me for not reading the site guidelines. Rest assured that all future posts will be written in a professional manner.
I searched the site for recent information about this, but only found topics several months old.

I was contacted by the recruiting office concerning my interview, but was only told to dress appropriately. The recruiting center never mentioned the preparation guide (a copy of which I have found online) nor the need to bring to the interview.

Is the preparation guide still being utilized? I will complete it just to be better prepared, but is it still mandatory to bring it to the actual interview?

Thank you!
You should know the answers to the questions on the Interview Prep. form. It's kind of important. They also ask quite a few questions not related to that form, which explains why it is not longer mandatory to bring along. Neither I, nor anyone else I was at the CFRC with, had brought that form. In fact, the CFRC never mentioned it either. If they wanted you to bring it, they'd tell you.