Chira, the political consul at the Romanian Embassy in Tehran confirmed the incident, but provided few details.
"Some forces opened fire. That an incident has happened is true. We have no details or the reason yet," he said.
geo said:Karl...
There is no Romanian land / territory in the Persian gulf.
The Oil rig is in Iranian territorial waters based on contracts between two commercial partners.....
Guess you missed diplomacy 101 at school
Bo said:Why would they attack for no reason? Oh I forgot, cause everyone in Iran is a terrorist who should be nuked :![]()
Bo said:This is a military warship and they do have to follow rules of engagement. Why would they attack for no reason?
probum non poenitet said:Nobody knows the reasons for sure, but there are two things of which you can almost be certain:
1) This attack was carried out with the approval of the top levels of the Iranian government
2) The Iranian government is well aware of the diplomatic shockwaves it will send out, regardless of the attack being 'justified' or not
For reasons big or small, they are rocking a fragile boat.
The Iranians have been unpredictable recently, and unpredictable is a bad thing internationally.
GAP said:Not really. Like they are going to get invaded by Romania? No, it's attention getting, vaudeville, call it what you will, but essentially it will bring no harm to them, so they will get away with it.
Why do it? I still maintain that everything that Iran has done externally both physical and verbally, has had one aim. It stifles internal dissent. Everyone forgets that a year ago there were demonstrations in the streets in Tehran, how many do you see now. They are crazy like a fox.
probum non poenitet said:I agree ... they will probably get away with it, and I sincerely doubt they are trying to start World War III."
Bo said:Wow! CNN reports that an Iranian warship fired at a Romanian oil rig with absolutely no details as to WHY they fired, what the causes were, etc, and everyone loses their ability to actually think and just reacts.
Come on people, use some common sense. This is a military warship and they do have to follow rules of engagement. Why would they attack for no reason? Oh I forgot, cause everyone in Iran is a terrorist who should be nuked :![]()
Frederik G said:Iran occupied an oil rig operated by Romanian company GSP near Kish Island in the Persian Gulf on Aug. 22, a company spokesman said. The Iranians fired warning shots over the rig and then boarded it, after which GSP lost contact with its workers. An Iranian official claimed the seizure was due to contractual issues with the Romanian firm. GSP had recently begun moving three rigs it was operating in the area, while the Iranian oil company PetroIran protestd the move.
Popurhedoff said:The only question that remains in my opinion is...
"How thick do they want the glass?"